The Rise of Skywalker

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People really give the Jedi Order a bad rep. Sure they became overly bureaucratic and incompetent during their final years, but they did protect peace and stability for over a thousand generations.

Anyways, Episode 9 was a trash movie to end a dumpster fire of a trilogy. Thank god it's over and we can move on and pretend it never happened.
I thought the new trilogy was good overall despites bumps in the road. I'm not hardcore SW fan, so there is that. With that said, this is my final ride with Star Wars. I am done with it completely.
Two bad movies before it, and this one is as well. It deprived me of the willpower to explain why, I'll just say it sucks, despite being kind of entertaining to watch.

One of the only good things about this trilogy was giving visibility to a really good actor. You go, Adam.
Plinkett will probably explain why....
To be fair though, I think half of the problems this movie has are because of TLJ. It's still got plenty of its own but it could have turned out better if it didn't have such crappy material to build on.
To be fair though, I think half of the problems this movie has are because of TLJ. It's still got plenty of its own but it could have turned out better if it didn't have such crappy material to build on.
This is why I lay the ultimate blame at the feet of the head of Lucasfilm - Kathleen Kennedy. When you start making a trilogy of films for a multi-billion dollar franchise, how do you not make an outline* that each director has to follow so that they're at least on the same page? No, instead JJ and Rian start writing their respective films at the same time and only compare notes after they've both finished. :banghead:

(*I'm aware that George Lucas provided them with one which they tossed into the fire, but for the sake of argument let's say he didn't.)
This is why I lay the ultimate blame at the feet of the head of Lucasfilm - Kathleen Kennedy.

Oh yeah absolutely. This whole trilogy just suffered from poor management from the beginning. Abrams and Johnson's incompetence did the rest.

(*I'm aware that George Lucas provided them with one which they tossed into the fire, but for the sake of argument let's say he didn't.)

I mean, it's Lucas. I have no illusion that his story would have been any good either. Although admittedly, this trilogy makes the prequels look like Shakespeare.
Oh yeah absolutely. This whole trilogy just suffered from poor management from the beginning. Abrams and Johnson's incompetence did the rest.

I mean, it's Lucas. I have no illusion that his story would have been any good either. Although admittedly, this trilogy makes the prequels look like Shakespeare.

I somewhat disagree. Episode I is average , and Episode II I found so boring and forgettable. Episode III was legit good, despite the hick ups in writing and dialouge. At least the sequel trilogy never bored me. Plus, both Clone Wars cartoons showed Anakin's gradual fall to the dark side better than any of the prequels could.
I still don't find the prequels better after this.

But I will give them cred for not just being fan service and callbacks to the extent the new movies have been.

The problem both prequels and sequels have in common is the director-writers handling more than just directing, having too much creative control, in a sense. The same problem would have been suffered by the OT if George hadn't had competent editors and other people to rein him in and cut the films in a manner that was watchable and exciting. The OT would have had exactly the same issues if it wasn't "saved in editing" by Richard Chew and George's wife. We know that with the prequels George had too much power and nobody was willing to challenge him on his poor directing and story ideas. If given the choice, George would have written and shot a very boring soap opera series of Star Wars which is basically what happened to the prequels.

Fast forward to now and we have Disney handing the franchise over to people like JJ and Johnson with no clear through line established, and with these guys coming up with their own ideas and trying to "unwrite" each others' attempts at a story with each film. The end result being messy and kind of unsatisfying. Not least because neither of them were prepared to take any real "risks" with the Rey character to make her interesting. She was supposed to be the heroine, but because they wouldn't take risks, Kylo Ren outshines her.
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To be fair though, I think half of the problems this movie has are because of TLJ. It's still got plenty of its own but it could have turned out better if it didn't have such crappy material to build on.
TLJ was okay, not great, but not bad at all. The Rise of Skywalker, I said "What?" Many focking times. It made zero sense. I was open-minded with Rey's character, and I was actually looking forward to how Rey's story would have evolved with Skywalker alive (yes, he was alive at the end of TLJ!)

I'm not even a big fan of Star Wars, I'm more of a casual fan or watcher. But Rise of Skywalker was just a mess, made zero complete sense. The only saving grace was the middle part, where...

Skywalker battles Kylo on the broken deathstar ship.
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TLJ was okay, not great, but not bad at all.

I couldn't disagree more. TLJ sucked just as bad. Both movies made me go "Wait, what?" multiple times for all the wrong reasons. ROTS is the worthy, crappy sequel to an equally crappy movie. Each of them takes a royal dump on what was established before it making the whole trilogy a hot steaming pile of nonsense. I had hopes, however feeble, that this movie would manage to put some patches on the utter tripe that was in TLJ but it ended up pouring salt over those wounds instead.

I'm just glad it's all over now. Thank God there's The Mandalorian or SW would be a complete, utter joke right now.
I couldn't disagree more. TLJ sucked just as bad. Both movies made me go "Wait, what?" multiple times for all the wrong reasons. ROTS is the worthy, crappy sequel to an equally crappy movie. Each of them takes a royal dump on what was established before it making the whole trilogy a hot steaming pile of nonsense. I had hopes, however feeble, that this movie would manage to put some patches on the utter tripe that was in TLJ but it ended up pouring salt over those wounds instead.

I'm just glad it's all over now. Thank God there's The Mandalorian or SW would be a complete, utter joke right now.
That's what I was saying though, TLJ was average, like... I know it was almost as bad, but not this bad.

I saw the Mandalorian, and I was just thinking: "How is this good, when Rise of Skywalker was just trash?" I mean if they'd use the same writing formula, the same production/direction, we would be going like "take my money!" Than, "What the hell, Disney?"
I actually liked TLJ. And if they had kept up with the Snoke character I would have actually liked Episode 9 as well. But it was just god awful. The new trilogy was never any good, but come on that last movie to end it with was just terrible. I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan but I just sat there and I probably said “What” to whatever was happening on screen about 20 times throughout the movie.

And just trying to forget it or understand what a mess it was I’m just going to say;

They should have left Rey dead at the end having successfully ended the Palpatine’s and kept Kylo alive

Thank goodness I’m playing Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order right now to help redeem my enjoyment in the franchise.
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Trash movie, full of plot hole, and nonesensical event

Force awakens and last jedi were good mlvie but this is trash, thr whole plot came out of nowhere

I would like to write a whole post about this, but I'm really tyred of talking about this ****