The ranting thinking thread

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Meg;293676 said:
Because crappy people are willing to do whatever they have to to get to the top while nice people aren't.

Ain't that the truth... Makes me feel like I won't get anywhere in life that way, but I don't wanna start stepping on people either...
Storm Silves;293677 said:
Ain't that the truth... Makes me feel like I won't get anywhere in life that way, but I don't wanna start stepping on people either...

That's why you network.

CT: Arrgghghgh! :mad:
Don't worry Storm, I feel the same way. It's not in me to hurt peoples feelings, when I do it unintentionally I feel guilty. :\ It's a Dog eat Dog world out there...kill or be killed type thing as well.
Way to ruin a great character you little b*st*rds. Well fine. I won't let you hurt me anymore. I'll just mentally boycott your crap. Can't get upset if I don't care.
I'm so ****ing sick of being a third wheel to Mattie and her boy of the week. Making out with him right in front of me feels so ****ing awesome that my own boyfriend couldn't hang out with us today. Next time you ask if I want to hang out with you and your current boyfriend, I'm saying no. I hate being a Goddamned tag-along. :/
Could you stop bitching about every mistake I make, in real life and otherwise? It really brings me down. Oh, and by the way, you go on facebook, and I go on here. Not a big deal, m'kay? Can you get it through your thick skull yet? As Axel would say... Do you "got it memorized?" :dry:
Look, mom...I know you need to have your time to yourself but when I am trying to dedicate myself to something for once in my life, please...please just don't dump her on me if I need to clean my fish tank. I want my tanks to be in pristine condition, I want my fish to be healthy, and alive for a long time for my sister to see and love them when I get the chance to get them.
Why is it i always have some sort of paranoid feeling... either someone is out to destroy everything I've made (or steal it)... or I've said something wrong and someone hates me.
Oh man. I don't feel like doing anything. I feel sick and tired. I just can't stop crying. What the hell do I do?
Oh no what am I going to do now!? All those fun crazy times I am missing out on, oh wait it's still dead nmlol.

:lol: Not exactly hitting me where it hurts. If anything it put me in a better mood.
*bashes head into keyboard*


That kid needs to get his head out of his ass. I'm tired of his ignorance, his self-righteousness, and his annoying habit of doing stupid stupid things and then whining when he gets in trouble. Even more fun is him calling out people and making a stink about stuff that wasn't even a problem and then strutting around boasting how great he is and how terrible innocent people are to everyone else.

If he keeps this up he'll be fired and burned before long. At this point I don't even care anymore. I just want him away from me.

Gosh work sucks sometimes.
Just thinking about yesterday I HAD to rant.

I'm sick and tired of the girls I sit next to in English 9 being little douches. Stop getting in my business, stop trying to talk to me, and stop asking why I don't talk in that class. My sexual orientation is of no importance to you two ****tards, I don't want to listen OR talk about your problems that involve people I could care less about or don't know, and I don't talk to anyone in that class because everyone in it is a ****tard obsessed with their damn make-up and how their hair looks. Leave. Me. Alone!
You know Dad, I hate you right now. Mom and I made plans, and you even said you weren't working all ****ing day...but guess what, you did so anyways! WE had PLANS but YOU just HAD to royally **** THEM OVER! :mad: We could've been done a LONG time ago, but oh no, WORK WORK WORK.
Wait. You're gonna say all that trash and then dare to act like a martyr? Are you kidding me?

I'm sorry, but I have to;

PFFFFFFTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
F***ing relatives... I send you a card, but you can't send one back!
So much for being family. Next year you can kiss my arse. Selfish bunch of ***tards. I'm your f***ing neice, if you can't acknowledge me.. that's your f***ing problem...
25 days to send a friggin card! Not unless you've been in a drunken stupor for the past 23 days.. which, to be honest really wouldn't surprise me!
*sigh* I wanted time with my family and I have to go into fkn work. Honestly? ._. I think we close early tonight anyways, it shouldn't be that bad.
You insensitive, selfish, stupid ass. Thank you for ruining Christmas for the seventeenth time. ****.
Okay... Mom, dad, I know you aren't prone to stupid mistakes, but why the hell did you order my presents online two days before Christmas? They're not gonna make it here today because of the damn weather, so... What's the deal? Can't you have some foresight for once? Now I have to wait almost a week. Thanks a friggin' ton.