moseslmpg;277108 said:There are certain people whose cognitive dissonance is causing them to say that they never really like the real Dante and they are glad he is gone *cough*dread*cough*
No offense here, but quit being an unadulterated bigot. Everyone has an opinion, and they're entitled to it, no one has a right to dis that opinion simply because it contrasts and causes dissension to yours. There's no reason to willingly insult someone over something so diminutive as a "Change" in a video game. Don't get me wrong, I too sort of disagree with the new look, but there's no reason for this.
Serpant;278856 said:Hi there, it's my first post and I have decided to start here .
So for a while now I'm searching the web for some DmC Dante drawings in action , couldn't find any and took the courtesy to do one myself .
I'm not a pro so plz don't be to hard on me .
PS: The drawing is in it's earliest stages so take that in count, and the sword is what I could recognize from the teaser so it's pretty much looks like crap .
Nice picture dude, for someone starting out you have some serious talent in the work :lol: Keep it up, who knows where you'll be in the future.