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The Lust for Power

Satsui no Hado

Kayne:Forget this,time to test my new toy*Kaynes arm glows and then jabs Cloud in the face with it,the hit sent Cloud flying*
Asylum:That power...I don't remember that spell,but...it doesn't seem like a spell...

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
the fist hit the flat of my blade i grabbed something and started glowing ((limit break)) and was way more powerful i send a blast of energy that hits kayne into the wall

Satsui no Hado

*as the smoke from the energy blast clears up,Kayne doesn't have a single scratch on him*
Kayne:Fool,Your little magic tricks are pitiful.
*Nero fires a barrage of bullets at Kayne however Kayne dodges all of the bullets*
Sora:Nero,what are you doing?This is Cloud's fight.
Nero:I don't wan't Cloud to outshine me.
Kayne(to Nero):That arm of yours...would make an excellent secondary weapon...*runs to Nero at incredible speeds and grabs his yamato arm with his glowing arm.As the two hands collide,they cause an earthquake that shakes up the entire village*
*villagers scream in terror*
Nero:That arm?I recognize it.It belonged to my friend Gene(God Hand).*glares at Kayne*
Nero:What the hell do you think you are doing with the God Hand?
*Kayne doesn't answer the question and smiles,he then rips off Nero's arm*
*Nero screams in pain as he falls to the ground and faints from the pain*
*Kayne then puts on the arm like some kind of glove,the arm then merges with Kaynes normal arm*
Kayne:The power of God and Sparda are now mine!!!

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:Kayne....how could you?
Sora:You despicible peice of trash!!!*skins turns pitch black and eyes turn pure white with no pupils*(just in case if some of you don't know what that means,it means Sora is turning into his anti form.)
Kayne(to Sora):Interesting,now I have the pleasure of stealing your power.
*Anti form Sora snarls at Kayne*
Vantes:Cloud,you must understand that Kayne has just made it personal.None of us can let you fight him alone now...


Hope with Doubt
*Blasts Kanye with Demonic Fire*
Azuka(to Kanye): I can't just let ya walk around hurting my friends like that

Satsui no Hado

*Kayne blasts a massive beam of energy through the fire and heads for Azuka*
Kayne:Another Spellcaster huh?Hey Asylum,is this your girlfriend or something?
Asylum:Um.....well....its just that...
Kayne:Well whoever she is,shes about to die.


Hope with Doubt
*A smirk appears on face she disappears*
Azuka:Look above you*Blast Kanye with Demonic Ice power*
Take that *Breathes heavily*Man I can only use small acttacks now

Satsui no Hado

*Kayne bursts out of the ice with massive strength*
Kayne:Your spells are indeed strong,but not strong enough to beat me
*Kayne grabs Azukas face and smashes it against the wall*
*Anti Sora tackles Kayne and smashes him through the wall*
Kayne:*wipes of some blood on the side of his face*Such a being is unworthy of such power...*grabs anti sora with the yamato hand and starts pounding Soras face with the god hand until Sora turns back to normal*
Sora:...I'm gonna ki-*faints from the pain*


Hope with Doubt
*Azuka slowly gets up*You...*Pulls gun out and wipes blood from face*Now it's personal *Shoots x9 magic bullets*You..Die NOW!!!!!*Blast u with demonic Fire and Ice*Take that Damn it

Satsui no Hado

*Kayne punches the ground,then a huge wall of energy blocks the attacks*
Asylum:*looks the blood thats still on Azukas face*...How dare you.HOW DARE YOU HURT EVERYONE HERE LIKE THIS*
Kayne:...What does it matter to you,they'll eventually hate you anyway.You are not capable to help them and they will despise you for that.
*Asylum quickly fires a bolt of lightning into Kaynes chest*
Kayne:*coughs up blood*
Asylum:Azuka quickly!!!Fire at him with all you've got!!!

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
*i use limit break again glowing green with speed*

i cut off his arm with god hand while hes beat and he screamed in pain

((i cut off his arm the one he has god hand on))

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:The attack,did it work?
*Kayne comes out bloody*
Kayne: Damn...*coughs*you...
Vantes:Return what belongs to Nero *cuts off the yamato hand with his parasatic claws*
Vantes:We managed to win this time.By the morning,I'll have Nero's arm back on him.
Asylum:That was close...*walks to Azuka*Are you okay?
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