The Lust for Power

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*The robots looked around the room,confused and sad for some reason*
Edwin:Look at them,they don't seem like they could hurt a fly....
Dexter:They real human girls....
(Back in Asylum's head)
*Asylum continues trying to land a punch on his dark self but Dark Asylum continued to dodge all those attacks*
Dark Asylum:What makes you think that warlocks are evil?
Asylum:They cause only pain and suffering...
Dark Asylum:We only do that to change the world,world changing events do require sacrifices...
Asylum:And those sacrifices include killing others?!?
Dark Asylum:Like I said,world changing events require sacrifices.*grabs Asylum's face and smashes him on the ground*
Dark Asylum:*still has his hand on his face*What makes you think that you'll beat me?Oh,let me guess...."Justice always prevails"?
Asylum:Yes,it always has and always shall...*kicks Dark Asylum away*
Dylan looked at their melancholy expressions. How they looked on the outside is what he was feeling on the inside. Before he knew it, a tear rolled down his cheek and hit the floor, followed by another. He quickly put his hand to his eyes to regain himself before any of his friends noticed.
Dylan wiped off his tears and looked at the newspapers. "What do you suppose it means? Do you think someone was making replacements in case these people were killed?"
Edwin(to Dylan):I don't know but-
Dexter:Holy crap!!!
*Everyone looks at Nero*
William:What the hell are you screaming for?
Dexter:I just opened the closet....look at what is inside...
*They all look and in the closet,the closet contained corpses of little girls*
William:What in gods name...hey wait a mintute,they all look exactly like the girls in the ads and the robots...
Dylan's eyes widened. "I think there's some freak living here... I think this is a bad place to be right now. VERY bad. And Blake's still off doing who knows what..."
(Back to Asylum and Dark Asylum)
Dark Asylum:Why haven't you used your spells yet?
Asylum:I don't wan't to use a spell in risk of me damaging my head.
*Asylum runs to Dark Asylum trying to land a punch but Dark Asylum smashes away the fist and then headbutts Asylum*
Asylum:You know something,I'm tired of being the one thats losing in fights...*quickly sweeps Dark Asylum's feet which causes him to fall on the ground and then starts pounding his face in*
(back to the group)
*the door creeks open and out walks out Wesker and Vantes*
Dylan's eyes widened. "Hell no!" He stepped in front of the rest of the group, his arms spread. "If you do anything to them... I will tear your intestines out and strangle you with them!"
Vantes:I admire your bravery.What do you think about my work here?
*The robot girls back all hide behind the dragons trembling* are the one thats responsible for these girls.You kidnapped them and killed them?!?What are these robots then?!?
Vantes:I kidnapped them,and killed them.That much,you are correct.I ripped out the organs and the brains out of those little girls and put them in robot versions of themselves....that was just merely an experiment test.*Looks at the child the dragons found*So I see you found the failure creation...
Dylan gritted his teeth. "That's inhumane! Why would you do something like that?! Sick pleasure?! Cuz I'll be damned if it's research!" He summoned his sword. "I'm done talking." He said, his expression and his voice suddenly dark and calm. "How much longer are you gonna stand there? I'm right here."
Vantes:Actually,I think it was all for research after all.You see,knowledge is the only important thing for me.As for our fight...I overheard you saying something about wanting a break....I wan't my enemies to be full of energy when I fight them.So enjoy the time you have.*Him and Wesker leave through the doors*
Pink haired child:Father...why did you betray me
Pink Haired Boy:Allow me to introduce myself.I am Vatorai,the original one.The others you fought were Vatorais that were cloned from me.
Dylan's left eye shifted colors for a second, becoming red and then back to it's normal blue. He stumbled, but caught himself. "Wha... What happened...?"
Dylan shook his head and steadied himself. "I am twenty two... Why do you ask?" He sheathed Spellbinder and braced himself for any bad news.
Dylan nodded. "Yes, it's two days from now... What does this change entail?" He looked up at Edwin, curiosity and a bit of fear in his eyes. "I won't hurt anyone that I care about, will I?"
Dylan took a deep breath. "Alright. I'm just wondering how it'll affect a hybrid like me..." He looked at Vatorai. "Perhaps we can take him with. He seems to be more passive than the others. As for the robots..." He looked over to them. "See to it that they find nice homes. They are completely undeserving of what happened to them."
Edwin:Well,all that leaves is Blake...
William:...Hey look at the window...*points to the open window where a homing pidgeon just flew in*
Dexter:A homing pidgeon?*Takes away the letter tied to its leg*
William:Well,what does it say>
Dexter:Its from Blake.But why would he send a homing pidgeon?Hes only in the building...hes not far...
William:What does letter say?
Dexter:It says,"I am farther in the island in order to do some investigation,don't worry about me".
Edwin:So what?We go back to the castle?
Dylan nodded. "Yeah, I suppose that's our only course of action right now. But what about the girls, and that boy, Vatorai?"