*The robots looked around the room,confused and sad for some reason*
Edwin:Look at them,they don't seem like they could hurt a fly....
Dexter:They look...like real human girls....
(Back in Asylum's head)
*Asylum continues trying to land a punch on his dark self but Dark Asylum continued to dodge all those attacks*
Dark Asylum:What makes you think that warlocks are evil?
Asylum:They cause only pain and suffering...
Dark Asylum:We only do that to change the world,world changing events do require sacrifices...
Asylum:And those sacrifices include killing others?!?
Dark Asylum:Like I said,world changing events require sacrifices.*grabs Asylum's face and smashes him on the ground*
Dark Asylum:*still has his hand on his face*What makes you think that you'll beat me?Oh,let me guess...."Justice always prevails"?
Asylum:Yes,it always has and always shall...*kicks Dark Asylum away*
Edwin:Look at them,they don't seem like they could hurt a fly....
Dexter:They look...like real human girls....
(Back in Asylum's head)
*Asylum continues trying to land a punch on his dark self but Dark Asylum continued to dodge all those attacks*
Dark Asylum:What makes you think that warlocks are evil?
Asylum:They cause only pain and suffering...
Dark Asylum:We only do that to change the world,world changing events do require sacrifices...
Asylum:And those sacrifices include killing others?!?
Dark Asylum:Like I said,world changing events require sacrifices.*grabs Asylum's face and smashes him on the ground*
Dark Asylum:*still has his hand on his face*What makes you think that you'll beat me?Oh,let me guess...."Justice always prevails"?
Asylum:Yes,it always has and always shall...*kicks Dark Asylum away*