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The item he needs!!!!!!


that zzzombiekid
YES! It was so obvious! If you have seen the second DMC4 trailer (Which is now on IGN for downloading) Then, Kyrie will be holding a necklace in her hand. She looks at it suspiciously, I think that is what Dante wants from her!! Think about it, why else would they show it in the screen if it wasnt important in the game?
Flashback" Dantes break in.
D: Return it to me, and I'll let you go.
N: (Stands in front of Kyrie) Try this!
Also then rudely kicks Dante to the face. But, why else would he guard Kyrie like that?


He loves her !!! come on it´s obivious, he protecs her because he likes her, he doesn´t take her for a mother or a sister. i think that necklace was only a "love gift " from nero to kyrie.


Wesker's #1 fan!
DemonSlayer6;52108 said:
Also then rudely kicks Dante to the face.

...Why do people keep saying that Nero RUDELY kicks Dante in the face? Of course he does! Dante just killed one of his men. I would have done the same thing. All Nero knows is that Dante is attacking his town and people, kicking him in the face is the least he should do.

Dante was the rude one, just busting into the church and shootin the guy. XD Don't get me wrong, I still love Dante with a passion and would kick Nero to the curve for him any day, but come on.

Anyways, back on topic. You could be right, they did showed that item alot.


Aya Brea
I can't picture Kyrie loving Nero in a romantic way. She is looked upon as a mother/sister figure to him, but I do not deny that Nero takes a romantic liking to her. I think they'd look cute together as a couple, but I can't see them ending up 'together' in the end that way.

The necklace was probably given to Kyrie by Nero or maybe her mother. Either way it is of great importance to them and may be the key to some things in the game.

I always laugh at the scene where Nero face kicks Dante. "FACE!" But I'm sure Dante didn't feel a thing. He's probably had worse than a kick to the face.


that zzzombiekid
They cant fall in love! She is his freakin mother for damn sake!!!!!! The necklace, she must have just found it somewhere. Or Credo could possibly give it to her. But, why else would they put it in the trailer if it isnt important?


1# Trickster
DemonSlayer6;52239 said:
They cant fall in love! She is his freakin mother for damn sake!!!!!! The necklace, she must have just found it somewhere. Or Credo could possibly give it to her. But, why else would they put it in the trailer if it isnt important?

it's a keepsake with obviosly some other value also.. i think nero probabley had the necklace on him when he was found by the order and i keep getting the thought that it unlocks nero's devil trigger later in teh game.. just wht i think


Aya Brea
Conceicao;52238 said:
i am with you !

I 3rd that emotion. x3

To me, it's clear to see that Nero likes her and does alot for her. I don't think The Order would go as far as killing her, but knowing that Kyrie means alot to Nero it's a key to triggering his Devil Bringer and anger.


It was said that Nero and Kyrie are childhood friends.so him seeing her as a mother is wierd. i would say more like a sister


Wesker's #1 fan!
Yeah, that would be more acceptable. But if thats the case, then it wouldn't sound weird if he fell in love with her.

As a mother figure, I thought she was at least 10 years older then him.


that zzzombiekid
Yeah, possible. Though, they didnt mention anything of the sort that she is 10 years older than him or something. And, he could be her mother.

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Dante can just forget the necklace, the last thing we need is for the envy of many (Dante) to start cross-dressing!:lol:

he almost always falls in love with the heroine of the game, except for the scenario with Lady.


that zzzombiekid
Heh, the Lady thing is better than him falling in love with Kyrie. I dont like her at all. Neither did I like that part where Lady and Dante were talking at the end of stage 16. I was like, "Noooooooo!!!" On that part for quite some time.


trish and dante seems more fitting cus shes more mature and she is a demon but lady had some "good" times with dante in dmc3 so dante and lady has more of a connection.... no! wait dante cried cus he thought lady died wait lemme just stop off topic


Wesker's #1 fan!
Lady and Dante probably have more of a connection. They have a few things in common and they've been together for 18-19 years now.

Dante+Trish?...Come on man...would you date a chick that looked like your mom?
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