People who are either impressed by it, or who simply use it as points in a discussion concerning DmC's combat intricacies, I simply don't understand the fascination behind the technique to be honest. I would much rather perform combos which are designed to look impressive and stylish, as opposed to abusing 2 or 3 frames of glitchy bullsh*t, 50 bizzilion times.
But that's just Me.
Well thinking that JCing is stylish or not is based on opinions. Depending on how it can be used, or how you can setup for a combo with JCing, it can look really stylish when you are creating combos.
With how the animations work in DMC4 and DMC3, combos can look stylish even when you are cancelling out moves. Mainly because of the smoother transitions compared to DmC which are rough and ragged. Not to mention you actually need to hit the enemy to keep it in midair, which is more impressive since you have a timing factor involved.