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Supergirl TV show


Elite Hunter



LOL what the hell is this? Looks silly as hell!


Elite Hunter
Yes I get that. But still, DUDE I had such an abs workout watching this, I couldn't stop laughing!

I could watch the show just for that actually!


Elite Hunter
I was giggling until that music started playing at 5:34 and i was laughing out loud.

LOL reminded me of Raimi's Spiderman movies. I was like "she's gonna trip like Tobey Maguire, she's gonna trip, she's gonna trip".

Well, at least she didn't trip. Still facapalm though.


Well-known Member
I don't get why people think its bad. And these people haven't seen it yet.
I seriously don't know what they expect. I'm personally not too crazy about neither the concept of business girl in big city or Superman-style superheroes, but I can recognize a well done product when I see one.


Fake Geek Girl.
LOL reminded me of Raimi's Spiderman movies. I was like "she's gonna trip like Tobey Maguire, she's gonna trip, she's gonna trip".

Well, at least she didn't trip. Still facapalm though.
Even though I also enjoy the Amazing Spider-Man films being a huge Spidey nerd, Raimi's Spider-Man 1 and 2 are still good.


Elite Hunter
Even though I also enjoy the Amazing Spider-Man films being a huge Spidey nerd, Raimi's Spider-Man 1 and 2 are still good.

And who said otherwise? Just saying that that music reminded me of those scenes where Pete trips and does stupid stuff. At least she didn't do that.

@Viper I didn't expect anything. I didn't even know a Supergirl show was in production, and I don't care that much for the character. But the silliness of this, the tone, ughnn... makes me cringe.
Granted, the sole idea of "Supergirl" as a character is silly to me, and this doesn't help. I do hope the final product will be different, but given the target audience, yeah... I don't think so unfortunately.


Well-known Member
And who said otherwise? Just saying that that music reminded me of those scenes where Pete trips and does stupid stuff. At least she didn't do that.

@Viper I didn't expect anything. I didn't even know a Supergirl show was in production, and I don't care that much for the character. But the silliness of this, the tone, ughnn... makes me cringe.
Granted, the sole idea of "Supergirl" as a character is silly to me, and this doesn't help. I do hope the final product will be different, but given the target audience, yeah... I don't think so unfortunately.
Why you say unfortunately? Cause it won't cater to your preferences? Now that is silly to me, especially cause you say you don't even care for the character.
Go watch Avengers or something, this is not show for you. :p


Well-known Member
Can't wait to see Helen Slater (who played Supergirl in the movie that came out in 1984) and Dean Cain who portrayed Superman in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.


Elite Hunter
Why you say unfortunately? Cause it won't cater to your preferences?

Of course. I'm speaking for myself.

this is not show for you. :p

Well, duh. It's clear that I'm not the target audience. Doesn't mean I don't have to express my judgment. I say that it looks silly because... well... it clearly is. Then, it's up to the viewer's tastes, if he/she likes it that way, it's a pro, if he/she doesn't, it's a con.
"This is not for you" =/= "You can't judge it".

Although I also think this kind of products doesn't help superhero media (or comics in general) to be taken even slightly seriously as pieces of work/art by the general audience, who just consider them "stuff for kids or dorky teenagers".


Well-known Member
Is this taking place in the same universe as Arrow and Flash? Crossovers!

Well according to IMDb

In late 2014, various reports suggested that this project, planned for CBS, could tie into the shared universe of two other hit superhero shows, Arrow (2012) and The Flash (2014), which air on The CW, but are also co-owned by CBS.

So yeah there is a possibility that She will team up with them.


Well-known Member
Of course. I'm speaking for myself.

Well, duh. It's clear that I'm not the target audience. Doesn't mean I don't have to express my judgment. I say that it looks silly because... well... it clearly is. Then, it's up to the viewer's tastes, if he/she likes it that way, it's a pro, if he/she doesn't, it's a con.
"This is not for you" =/= "You can't judge it".

Although I also think this kind of products doesn't help superhero media (or comics in general) to be taken even slightly seriously as pieces of work/art by the general audience, who just consider them "stuff for kids or dorky teenagers".
You're not judging it, you're mocking it. Judging it would be saying in respective way that it does not make you interested, so you will opt to not watch it, not "lolol, look how stoopid it is" over and over, cause you are basically trampling on emotions of people who do like it.
This is in no way different than shows like Hercules, Xena, Smallville, Buffy, Angel, etc., and people love those shows. Adults of today are those who grew up watching these shows, so why would it be taken less serious than for example video games, which for longest time were stuff for kids and losers living in their parents' basement?
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