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Super nero


$mok!n $!ck $tyle!
hello folks

since i saw the achievements of the game I wondered what the hell is "SUPER NERO" and how can i play with him.

is there anyone can tell me how can i play with him. i completed the human mode - devil hunter - son of sparda and heaven or hell.

and i have another question . how can i unlock hell and hell mode


Shall we dance?
It's called a Super Costume that can be used with Dante or Nero given that you beat the game once through on Dante Must Die difficulty with both.
Hell and Hell mode is unlocked through doing Dante Must Die mode.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Go complete DanteMustDie and you'll get it, but be warned running around with infinate devil trigger isn't as fun as you think.

p.s Your health doesn't regenerate. It's a trade off for damage resistence and boosted attack power.


^^ totally agree with the comment on DT all the way through. At first I thought it's real nice - DT anytime you want - but with no health regeneration and penalty, it really doesn't worth it. :(


$mok!n $!ck $tyle!
Thanks guys . now I'm playing Dante must die and I'm stuck in mission 19 it's so so so so so HARD actually it's harder than hard


^^ I am replaying mission 19 DMD now every night - just getting myself prepared for HAH. HAH mode, gosh, I used countless continues just to get pass mission 6 Agnus :mad:


$mok!n $!ck $tyle!
at last . . . I completed DMD mode it was as hell . i tried to play HAH mode.
i've played mission 1 against dante and he killed me with just one hit and when i hit him he just damaged . iam wondering how can i complete this mode . it's impossible i can't even clear mission one.

I have a question about this mode for the people who played it.

are the demons strong as DMD mode or human mode??????? if they as human mode it'll be easier than i thought and i believe i can finish it but mission 19 i don't think so even if i play it 200 time.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
MR.DEVIL;115114 said:
Thanks guys . now I'm playing Dante must die and I'm stuck in mission 19 it's so so so so so HARD actually it's harder than hard
Now go through mission 19 and use no items like I do!:lol: I'm was really disapointed with DMD; it barely offered any challenge to me.

Koemi;115181 said:
^^ I am replaying mission 19 DMD now every night - just getting myself prepared for HAH. HAH mode, gosh, I used countless continues just to get pass mission 6 Agnus :mad:
Dante two got me like 5 times, but I did the entire mode only dieing alittle over ten times. I mean come on the they let you continue three times! That defeated the purpose of the difficulty.


MR.DEVIL;115201 said:
are the demons strong as DMD mode or human mode??????? if they as human mode it'll be easier than i thought and i believe i can finish it but mission 19 i don't think so even if i play it 200 time.

heard it's about SoS level. :\


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
I think once they added the three gold orbs they just should've took the mode out because it defeated the purpose.


^ well, no, coz for me it's still impossible. You and other DMC veterans are good, no doubt about that, but you gotta have pity on those that's just started ;) I am working my way up to the DMC 3 standard :D


SSSlayer of demons
Koemi;115471 said:
^ well, no, coz for me it's still impossible. You and other DMC veterans are good, no doubt about that, but you gotta have pity on those that's just started ;) I am working my way up to the DMC 3 standard :D

Yeah like he's saying. Let alone the king of the game. Maybe you and someone else whose playing since the 1st game came out. But someone like me and Koemi, we are playing since last year. Just compare the beginners with the veterans.


Well-known Member
well im having trouble finishing mission one in DMD mode, so i think it will be a long time before i think about HAH mode.

Blue Rose

The Demon Hunter
i mhaveing trouble getting past the damned dice game on mission 6. I do just fine till I land on a red and it sends me to Dagon.:mad: not only that, but every time i rolled, i kept getting 1! wat kinda bull**** is that!?!? but anyways, its gonna be awile for me also. this DMD is bull****.:dry:


Well-known Member
You can cheat at the Die.
If you Buster the dice when the number you want is at the top of the Die it will land on that number. Makes it a hellava lot easier than 'risking' it.
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