This guy looks like him but the way he talks is nothing like Vergil we know. Most fans In China don't like him at all. Personally I doubt if he's the real one. He's not arogant enough to be Vergil. He looks too kind and soft and talks way too much. I suggest that he maybe made by Mundus like Trish with fake memories. Mundus use him to get to Dante and he knows nothing about it. The real Vergil could be somewhere else or maybe captured by Mundus already. In the end of the game, he could find out the truth and die for something, or even killed by the angry real Vergil (that's more like what Vergil would do). Or NT wants something to happen to him and make him the way he is in DMC3? It is possible but not realy good. BTW, some of my friends think he looks like Chris in Biohazard 5.