So there is no lock on button? WTH What kind of rubbish H&S does not have a lock on button? WTH NT?
The best hack and slash needs no lock on. Ninja Gaiden and bayonetta have none.
well, the game looks awesome, but I'm not sure how this can work without lock-on. He obviously does moves like high rise, that needed you to push lock-on, back and sword, but how will this one go? How do you alternate between different moves tied to one button?
well, sure, but what then?i think NT should make this auto lock on thingy disable-able if you know what i mean.
Well then we have both so according to a certain internet meme we have a mexican fiestawell, sure, but what then?
mhm, im pretty sure dt will remain LB or L1 because unlike the 4chan guy's control scheme in the demo footage they only showed RB as evade.L3+R3 is the Devil Trigger? Isn't that the same for GoW's Spartan Mode?
really? can you provide the source?A guy at IGN posted the same R3+L3 from a different source, it might be true.
i agree, people don't have to like the new dante if they don't want to, also the guy writing the article is wrong on some things. for example jump canceling has not been ditched, it's in the game and we've seen it in the latest demo footage."Why you'll love new dante,whether you want to or not"
This statement is disturbing in some levels.Especially for fanboys and fangirls.