I did a "So Naruto sucks", thought i will follow it up with a Bleach one as well.
Anime stories are no different than stories that are in western or different style of animation. Even video games.
So i want to talk about one particular story from Bleach. This story evolves aroundKyrieInoue Orohime:
It is the job of a shinigami (soul reaper) to come and send these souls to Soul Society (heaven) through a soul burial (kinda ritual thing).
But sometimes when a soul stays to long in human world for whatever reason, grudge or to look after a loved one, it leds to their chain of fate degrading, and this leds to the soul being turned into a hollow. Noteable feature when a soul has turned into a hollow is a hole where their heart is supposed to be.
Hollows existence is one where they devour souls and humans (rare), and they often obsess over people in their former life.
After death Sora continued to look out for Inoue, always watching her while listening to her prayers and other talk. Inoue began to meet friends and was happy in her life.
When Sora heard this he was saddened, and he felt into despair. Sora had been in soul form for a very long time, and he became a hollow.
Then he decides to come for Inoue, to devour her soul.
Long story short: Sora thought Inoue had forgotten about him when she talked about her new friends. This made him sad. But Inoue explained that she had not forgotten about him and expressed how upset she was that she did not talk to him before he left to work.
Sora was not entirely convinced of what was being said, but Ichigo was was there (fighting and defending) Inoue (his job as a soul reaper really), pointed out "Look at her hairpins, Inoue has told me alot about you".
Sora looked at Inoue, and his eyes saw the pins that he had given to her. Inoue had worn the hair pins and only removed them when she went to sleep.
Sora then took the zanpaktou (soulcutter, a sword) of Ichigo and stabbed himself while he had some controll of his hollow instincts.
And that is one of the nice story from Bleach. It dwells into how we may feel if our soul really is split apart from our body, and we humans can dwell in world of the living as souls.
Bleach isn't the greatest manga/comic, but it's fair. Just like any other story.
It's story depth has nothing to do with it's art style (anime).
Anime stories are no different than stories that are in western or different style of animation. Even video games.
So i want to talk about one particular story from Bleach. This story evolves around

Inoue Orohime
A Hollow
Before i go into the story i must explain a concept, the concept of a "Hollow". A Hollow is very much what the word implies. After a human's death in Bleach, their soul is split apart from their body. And a "chain of fate" is attatched to their body.It is the job of a shinigami (soul reaper) to come and send these souls to Soul Society (heaven) through a soul burial (kinda ritual thing).
But sometimes when a soul stays to long in human world for whatever reason, grudge or to look after a loved one, it leds to their chain of fate degrading, and this leds to the soul being turned into a hollow. Noteable feature when a soul has turned into a hollow is a hole where their heart is supposed to be.
Hollows existence is one where they devour souls and humans (rare), and they often obsess over people in their former life.
Inoue's life

Inoue's drawing of her future. Behind her cheerful personality lies a dark past.
Inoue lived with her parents and his bigger brother. Her father was a drunk, and her mother a prostitute. They were both violent and because of this her brother, Sora, ran away from home with Inoue when she was just a baby. His fear was that they would end up killing her.
Sora took care of Inoue and did everything to protect her from harsness. One day the two had an argument over hairpins that Sora had bought for Inoue. Next morning when Sora left for work the two did not talk to eachother, and that day Sora was involved in a car accident resulting in him dying.
After death Sora continued to look out for Inoue, always watching her while listening to her prayers and other talk. Inoue began to meet friends and was happy in her life.
When Sora heard this he was saddened, and he felt into despair. Sora had been in soul form for a very long time, and he became a hollow.
Then he decides to come for Inoue, to devour her soul.

Inoue refusing to talk to Sora
Long story short: Sora thought Inoue had forgotten about him when she talked about her new friends. This made him sad. But Inoue explained that she had not forgotten about him and expressed how upset she was that she did not talk to him before he left to work.
Sora was not entirely convinced of what was being said, but Ichigo was was there (fighting and defending) Inoue (his job as a soul reaper really), pointed out "Look at her hairpins, Inoue has told me alot about you".

Sora looked at Inoue, and his eyes saw the pins that he had given to her. Inoue had worn the hair pins and only removed them when she went to sleep.
Sora then took the zanpaktou (soulcutter, a sword) of Ichigo and stabbed himself while he had some controll of his hollow instincts.
And that is one of the nice story from Bleach. It dwells into how we may feel if our soul really is split apart from our body, and we humans can dwell in world of the living as souls.
Bleach isn't the greatest manga/comic, but it's fair. Just like any other story.
It's story depth has nothing to do with it's art style (anime).