i could, if you would like?http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2...geviews___rain_silves_by_vinvagia-d3gr93f.jpg
May I ask someone to make a sig outta this? I'd like it to say: "Rain Silves: The Golden-Eyed Devil, part-time prophecy wrecker"
i could, if you would like?![]()
i will make you proud! hopefullyGo right ahead. Do her justice, though.![]()
i will make you proud! hopefullyi'll probably start on it tonight
i'll probably have it up for you tomorrowAwesome. When do you think it'll be finished?
i'll probably have it up for you tomorrowi'll post it in this thread so be looking out for it
i'll do bothAlright. Or you could give me the link on my profile. lol
i'll do both![]()
LOL! 0_o Its so pretty and full of Reaver-ness... <3 LuffsIt's a pity you can't like a post more than once
Tatty bye