You know, while back I posted a ‘leaked’ screen shot from a phone where the V in devil was used for the Roman numeral. That thing was just as flimsy a piece of evidence as this is but, as I say when I posts possibly fake leaks, why not? Not like it’s taking up valuable forum space and it's been considerably quiet around here, anyway, so it adds a bit more activity here. What I’m saying is, yeah, here we are again, with the rumors and expectation, and it’s not a bad thing so, come on, stop rolling your eyes and try to enjoy yourselves. Besides, better to have a bunch of probably fake rumors posted than not posting something that down the line ended up being true but no one posted because it sounded fake. Part of the fun is the rumors and theories we see and come up with. There is only 2 ½ weeks left to see if it's all a load of bull where everyone trolling with fake pics and info has agreed to use V for 5 or it's all true.
Also, I’m pretty sure that whole Black Ops ‘IIII’ thing? I’m 90% sure that is how they’re stylizing the title. I saw that on other sources so that part is actually legit.