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RP: The Revenge Of The Traitors

HQQR - Solid

"So you doubt this devil's power do you?" Solid said sounding insulted, and disgusted. "Mundus made my kind nearly extinct, ripped us of our pride and above all killed the one demon who I know could have defeated Sparda. My father, who served the demon king to his death nearly defeated Sparda in battle. Then... the obvious happened."

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
"I was tortured directly by Mundus, i escaped thanks to a portal, thought they are created when i Mundus servant falls, so we maybe have to kill a hight ranking demon, i think that Sparda had sons, maybe they are the perfect allies". He sayed all that in low tone so Resa didnt found what they were talking about. "Also do yuo have a human form? so you look normal with the crow".


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Fristil's skin turned cold for a brief moment. "What the hell...?" He turned, only to be surrounded by three other Frosts. One was one that he recognized... "Zenus. Long time no see. How've you been?" The one he'd called Zenus stepped forward. "Aching to perforate your body, traitor." Fristil put a look of false shock on his face. "Traitor? Me? No, couldn't have been. I'm definitely not the one who was ordered to kill his own father." He unsheathed his weapons. "You guys take his lackeys. Zenus is mine."

HQQR - Solid

"Fight these miscreants? No thanks." Solid looked over the frost and laughed. "Do they think they have the ability... to defeat me?" he yelled drawing his sword, and making hand motions so fast that it looked as though he had just re-sheathed the blade. When in fact he had sliced one of them to pieces.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
"Finally these stupid wraps have itching to do something". He unsheted his katana, and did some moves, he went doward and cut one frost hand, he went upward cut the other arm, he jumped in the air and slashed doward, cuting it by his half, to great finale he cancelled part of his human body to reveal his advanced blade arm, he used the flamethower, and maked the frost just water. "I thinked that you were send to kill the genocider".

HQQR - Solid

Solid widened his eyes in amusement, then sighed. "So much for a fun opponent." he said sounding slightly disappointed. "I was sincerely hoping for a bit of a challenge. I guess my luck isn't so great after all." Solid said with another deep sigh, followed by a yawn. "How boring..."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Fristil was locked in bitter combat with Zenus, ice clashing on metal sounded throughout the area. Zenus nearly got the upper hand, knocking Fristil to the ground and pointing a claw at his throat, but Fristil twisted away and put his own claws into Zenus' frozen heart. Zenus stepped back, bleeding a river of water from his chest. He kneeled, screamed, and fell over, alive no more.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
"This was more easy that easy". He maked his special arm return to human state, the wraps tooked hold of the entire arm, they became a part of Bladus shirt, at the end the human hand of Bladus come out of the shirt. "This always cheers me up".

HQQR - Solid

Solid took smirked as he watched the frost, take out the other. "I thought like demons stuck together, hmph guess I was wrong eh?" the young wolf cooed, changing himself to a completely human form, his distinctive wolf eyes being no more. Replaced with icy blue hues, that resembled the frosts themselves.

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
"Thats better, now we can continue searching for recluits, eventually any demon, human or whatever wants, to kill Mundus will surely be searhed from demons". He put his right hand in his pocket, with the other hand he put his Katana inside the space between his arm and chess.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
"Most demon's deicied to stick together, some don't." Resa replied. "I'm Resa, by the way." she replied to Soild.

HQQR - Solid

"Resa? Nice name I guess..." he said trying to give a compliment. He wasn't very good at giving them obviously. "So where to gang?! I'm in a hurry so lets get moving, I still have to find what i've lost."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Fristil turned to Solid, still in his human form. "Alright, but..." He turned to Resa. "Resa, I have a confession to make." He let his human form melt away and revealed a Frost. "I've been kind of... Lying to you for a while. I thought that if you saw me for what I really am, you'd be scared, but you fight demons all the time, so why would you be?" He turned back to Solid. "What did you lose? We'll find it, no matter what."

HQQR - Solid

"That you must not worry about, I just need to find it before anyone else does. If i don't then there will be hell to pay." he said sounding a little aggitated. "Now lets get moving, humans cannot get ahold of it. They won't know what to do with themselves." he exclaimed.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
"Alright, ALRIGHT. Mr. "natural leader". Where do we go to get this thing? And is it that FRIGGING important? I say, let the humans do what they want. I'm not moving until you tell me what it is. And if you kill me, I really don't care." He stood and crossed his arms, knowing full well the potential consequences of what he'd just done.

OOC: Please don't kill him. I didn't make Fristil just so he could get killed off this early.

HQQR - Solid

"Just c'mon! You sound like my brother, the both of you are defiant unessesarily." he said as he jumped to the rooftops. "Besides, for now I need you. It would do me no good to kill you just yet." he called jokingly, motioning for him to follow.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Fristil rolled his eyes, but the effect was lost because his eyes were hidden in his Frost form. He jumped up to a higher rooftop than the one Solid was on and looked down. It was a natural instinct of the Frost to be on higher ground than those you disliked. The chances of Solid knowing that was rather slim, unless he'd been around the underworld a couple times. "So, where to?" He said impatiently.

HQQR - Solid

Solid without a word began to run from one roof-top to another. He ran as fast as he could, wondering if the forst could keep up. Though this wasn't his main concern. He had to get his possesion before any other demons or a human could find it. It was too dangerous to be floating around, too dangerous to have been lost in the first place.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Fristil saw Solid getting smaller and smaller as he ran away. Suddenly his brain caught up with his eyes and he started leaping forward, following Solid's movements exactly. They called him "Fristilikus the Mimic" for a reason. He called over his shoulder, "Bladus, Resa, if you don't hurry, you'll be left behind!"

The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.
"Well Resa i am a demon but you are part one i guess". Bladus grab his chain and the mask image in his hand returned to his chain, Bladus clothes started to become only wraps, his skin become scales, his face became the tortured blade without mask, his arm were beind holded only by the wraps, his back jointed legs were almost broken, good for him that the wounds of his torture were healing. He put his katana in some wraps.

"This is my real form a blade with his body almost destroyed". He jumped to the roof, following Fristil he sayed. "Hey i know your, natural instinct, of beind highter, after all our species are like cousins".
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