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Raptor News Forum Channel


The great pretender.
You went on saying that anyone who gets laid on a semi-regular basis know's that saying DmC Dante not being hygienic is a cheap shot at his character. This was your counter point to Donte's about DmC Dante not being hygienic. A valid point.

Then you go away from what you are discussing with Donte (hygiene), and talk about someone with skulls mounted on his walls won't get laid.

But stay in denial if you want to :)
I just find it funny you speak of cheap shot when you took one at DMC 1 Dante.
I was taking a purposeful shot to prove that the shot was invalid. You tottally missed the piont. Besides, it was done playfully. That's why I linked to a comedic video.


Well-known Member
So yeah... how about that Raptor News Forum Channel?
But that's not what the topic is about at all isn't it? Were all to busy talking about which Dante gets laid more and has more showers. How about, we get back on topic, and we never speak of this ever again. I really don't want a picture of either Dante taking a shower in my head, and I don't you guys do either. Or do you? :troll:


Well-known Member
Breaking News (again)!

The Order has just placed a thread here in Raptor's very own DMC. org Network Base. We are currently conducting research as to this mysterious man named Leza and his partner Rai La Zel. For commentary, Bob Barbas has once again joined me on this report. Bob?

"These is guys are pretty cocky. Coming right here on our turf!"

Amazing ain't it? And this is supposed to be the only place where we thought we can establish a private community.

"Yeah, how did they know about this? You don't have anything to do with this, do you?"

No, why would you think so?

"Rai La Zel's name is pretty similar to your's..."

And? You'd think I'd be stupid enough to put my own name out in a public message for a terrorist group?

"Well, it's obvious you haven't been working for our best interest."

What best interest? We're a news network! I sware to goodness you get more ridiculous with every report.

"Ridiculous? You'll see how ridiculous I can get when I-"

Anyway, considering this a covert organization, it'll be tough to get any new information, but you can trust us to be the first to keep you up to date.

This has been Rail Azel giving you another piece of breaking news.


Well-known Member
Hello, Limbo City! I am your local news anchor, Rail Azel, giving you another piece of great news.

In the world of Politics, Ron Rubenstein, our democratic candidate for presidency, has been interviewed by our political team on some hot button issues. The interview revealed that he wants to improve on health care as well as the enviroment. He even went as far as to start riding his bike to lower his carbon footprint. Funny guy.

Economically, Silver Sacks seems to be on the top of their game as the investment of choice in the stock market. Oddly enough, the only successful investors reported were of the already wealthy. Not much to say about the middle and lower classes.

And the food market has taken a swing of its own. Seemingly lab- grown foods are healthier than naturally- grown foods, according to our reports that is. However, other reports say that lab- grown foods are the products of chemical workings and enhancements, and are no different than eating... "super tofu." Doctors still recommend eating natural foods.

For his political opinion, Bob Barbas has joined me in discussion.

Bob, how are you?

"You're fired, Rail."

Wait, what?

"We thought you were the best for us, but you're far too liberal. We're cutting you off."

Ah, I knew it.

"Knew what?"

You guys are just brainwashing people! You've been spitting lies for your little experiments. I knew this from the get- go, so I've been trying to give unbiased broadcasts and I knew that, by firing me, you would be confirming my theory.

People of Limbo City, don't believe a word this man or anyone from this network says! They are trying to brainwash you! Making you eat garbage from a lab, putting your investments in corrupt companies, and trying to sway you from succesful decisions.

"Okay, kid, you're out of here!"

The masked guy was right! This city is-!

*End Broadcast*

"Hello, I'm Bob Barbas. Sorry for the uproar from earlier. We seemingly have hired a lunatic from a liberal network. Don't worry, he's gone and we'll make sure he'll never pop up again. This is Bob Barbas, just doing God's work.

(Yes, this is the last one. Raptor News updates are too far in- between and other threads will catch wind of them before I do. Besides, there's no point in bumping this thread over and over again. But I did have fun planning these updates though. You know, I kind of wish NT did an in- game version of this.)


Well-known Member
Looks like he was either part of the order, or a reporter with suspicions.

That depends on your interpretation of the clues I've given you. In fact, I made a "The Order" topic just for this. If you can answer these questions, you'll figure out the mystery of whether Rail was a member of the Order or not:

-How did the Order know about Raptor News' DMC.org base? (Hint: Answering the other questions could help answer this one.)
-Is Rai La Zel's name a variation of Rail Azel's? Or is it just a coincidence? (Hint: It depends on their pronunciation.)
-How did Rail Azel know that Raptor News was telling lies? (Hint: Rail is a normal person who listened to Raptor News' earlier broadcasts. He shouldn't be anymore enlightened that the average person.)
-What network did Rail Azel work for before? (Hint: Raptor News hired Rail Azel for his oral skills, but he was never an anchor. However, he did work for a public network.)
-Rail gets his info from resources other than Raptor's, what are these resources? (Hint: Raptor wouldn't allow any resource other than their's (considering that they have a reputation as being an "ubiased" network)).
-What was Rail about to say about the city? (Hint: It doesn't include demons, yet he agreed with the Masked Man's broadcast.)

As you can see, I put some thought into this.
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