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Raptor News Forum Channel


Well-known Member
Hello, my name is Rail Azel, Raptor News' new correspondant here at our new DMC.org HQ.

Recent studies have suggested that rapid action in public networks promotes higher brain activity. Networks with fast cuts, intense dialogue, and vibrant colors seem to heighten attention and focus. However, further research states that over- exposure to vibrant colors could cause psychiatric problems in the long- run, and intense dialogue could lead to aggressive behavior.

Another study, lead by the Probe Health Group, dealing with the beverage industry shows that organic drinks may be the cause of sexual impotency. It is suggested that inorganics drinks, like Virility, will lead to higher performance. Though further studying also suggests that inorganic drinks can cause future health problems and that impotency are the result of many factors other than just your diet. In fact, organic food and beverages are recommended for healthy growth in any area.

In the political world, a new gun law threatens the right to arms possession. A bill was proposed in legislation that could ban the owning of high- powered firearms. In defense of this, our very own Bob Barbas has brought to attention his favorite subject, terrorists. Two incidents have been captured on CCTV cameras where destruction is seemingly caused by an unidentifiable organization whose only two known members are a couple of teens, a young man named Dante, whose known for his many "excapades," and a girl named Kat- a suspect vandal. There are suspicions of a third member whose identity is yet to be verified. The incidents captured on camera are of the destruction of the local amusement park and a witnessing of both Dante and Kat. However, investigation of the incidents leaves one in awe as most of the events are inexplicable and almost random. Furthermore, no one is ever harmed in these incidents. So while the group in question may be destructive culturally, it's hard to say whether their aim is total terror and destruction.

A final piece of news, economical studies have shown that 90% of adults are still employed, defeating the hyperbole of the cry of unemployment. However, research states that unemployment has dramatically increased and so has poverty. Lynch Institue CEO, Noel Devim, advises total dedication towards your boss in order to keep your job. Though, over- dedication towards any job can lead to increased stress, which can dramatically affect one's daily life.

That's it for today. Again, this Rail Azel from the DMC.org HQ, giving you the best, unbiased news from the best news network.


Well-known Member
Breaking news!

An encounter with Dante, the suspected terrorist, has been submitted by a citizen whose name we currently can't disclose. He says that he was walking casually down a sidewalk until he saw Dante and Kat. At first, he didn't pay much attention to them, due to not recognizing them, until Dante knocked his drink out of his hand saying that it'll kill him. He recognized Dante afterwards when Kat had whispered to him to not attract attention. That was when he thought they were suspicious and soon came to the realization that the man he had passed was Dante.

From this account, we can assume that Dante is in the streets hiding among the masses. It is advised that if you come in contact with Dante, do not engage him, just simply pass him by and alert the authorities. A special warning is given about any form of weapon engagement. Dante has been known to carry weapons and is an expert at using them as he has been able to cause property damage without hurting anyone. We would like to keep it that way, especially with the gun ban being proposed in legislation.

I shall now turn to our Bob Barbas for his opinion on the matter. Bob? How you doin' today?

"Much better than you will be soon, Rail"


"Oh nothing, nothing. Well, Rail, I would say that the quicker we get rid of Dante, the better."

Well, it will be nice to get rid of at least one of our worries.

"Oh yes, definitely, especially when they work among us, right?"

You're surely right.

"I would suggest to the audience that who ever encounters Dante must kill him. He's a vandal, he's disgusting, putrid, and utterly vile. He needs to be eliminated, he needs to be destroyed. Dante is a menance and must be gotten rid of. He's a terrorist after all."

He's a suspected terrorist, Bob. We don't know what his intentions are yet and, so far, his actions don't hint at wanting to strike fear. In fact, he's more of a rebel than a terrorist.

"Are you disagreeing with what's been dictated, Rail?"

No, I'm just stating the facts.

"We don't pay you to state facts, we pay you to report what is told to you. Do you understand?"

I'll make sure to note that.

"Well, that concludes our report. This is Bob Barbas..."

and Rail Azel

"Just doin' God's work."


First of the Dead
Breaking news!

An encounter with Dante, the suspected terrorist, has been submitted by a citizen whose name we currently can't disclose. He says that he was walking casually down a sidewalk until he saw Dante and Kat. At first, he didn't pay much attention to them, due to not recognizing them, until Dante knocked his drink out of his hand saying that it'll kill him. He recognized Dante afterwards when Kat had whispered to him to not attract attention. That was when he thought they were suspicious and soon came to the realization that the man he had passed was Dante.

From this account, we can assume that Dante is in the streets hiding among the masses. It is advised that if you come in contact with Dante, do not engage him, just simply pass him by and alert the authorities. A special warning is given about any form of weapon engagement. Dante has been known to carry weapons and is an expert at using them as he has been able to cause property damage without hurting anyone. We would like to keep it that way, especially with the gun ban being proposed in legislation.

I shall now turn to our Bob Barbas for his opinion on the matter. Bob? How you doin' today?

"Much better than you will be soon, Rail"


"Oh nothing, nothing. Well, Rail, I would say that the quicker we get rid of Dante, the better."

Well, it will be nice to get rid of at least one of our worries.

"Oh yes, definitely, especially when they work among us, right?"

You're surely right.

"I would suggest to the audience that who ever encounters Dante must kill him. He's a vandal, he's disgusting, putrid, and utterly vile. He needs to be eliminated, he needs to be destroyed. Dante is a menance and must be gotten rid of. He's a terrorist after all."

He's a suspected terrorist, Bob. We don't know what his intentions are yet and, so far, his actions don't hint at wanting to strike fear. In fact, he's more of a rebel than a terrorist.

"Are you disagreeing with what's been dictated, Rail?"

No, I'm just stating the facts.

"We don't pay you to state facts, we pay you to report what is told to you. Do you understand?"

I'll make sure to note that.

"Well, that concludes our report. This is Bob Barbas..."

and Rail Azel

"Just doin' God's work."
did you make that up yourself?


Well-known Member
and if you did, why?
(Kudos, nice fanfic, if that's what it is)

did you make that up yourself?

Most of it is made- up, especially the part with Bob Barbas in it. Basically, since there's no topic for Raptor News, I decided to make one and I made up my own News Reporter as a sort of representive for the network. Obviously, there's a difference between the way I'm reporting the news and how news is reported in the actual Raptor News site, with me being less one- sided and biased. As an extra note, I might not be able to do this for long since I don't know how much news will be added to the Raptor website.

In the meantime, this will be pretty much be the major thread for Raptor News. So far, from what I understand, Bob Barbas is one of three reporters, though I can't seem to find a way to get their names. Oddly enough, despite giving you freedom to voice your opinion, they'll insult you for what you say.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
It's funny how Dante's a "terrorist" yet he walks the streets like it's nothing.


Well-known Member
It's funny how Dante's a "terrorist" yet he walks the streets like it's nothing.

It's all about public awareness. Dante hasn't done much yet outside of the incident in the amusment park and the factory. Both of which aren't extreme enough to cause too much worry to the public. That's why Bob throws the word "terrorist" around, so that people can get scared.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
It's all about public awareness. Dante hasn't done much yet outside of the incident in the amusment park and the factory. Both of which aren't extreme enough to cause too much worry to the public. That's why Bob throws the word "terrorist" around, so that people can get scared.

Like O' Riley?


First of the Dead
Most of it is made- up, especially the part with Bob Barbas in it. Basically, since there's no topic for Raptor News, I decided to make one and I made up my own News Reporter as a sort of representive for the network. Obviously, there's a difference between the way I'm reporting the news and how news is reported in the actual Raptor News site, with me being less one- sided and biased. As an extra note, I might not be able to do this for long since I don't know how much news will be added to the Raptor website.

In the meantime, this will be pretty much be the major thread for Raptor News. So far, from what I understand, Bob Barbas is one of three reporters, though I can't seem to find a way to get their names. Oddly enough, despite giving you freedom to voice your opinion, they'll insult you for what you say.
well it's really cool and i like it, you should keep it going as long as you can. :)


Taking Back Lordran One Boss At a Time

Why does everyone point at Bill O'Reilly? I have a feeling this guy over here left Fox for Raptor....


I'm just some guy who really like Devil May Cry
this is pretty cool, you gonna keep it going ooor can anyone chip in their own stuff for lolz


Well-known Member
Breaking News!!

Reports tell us that the assumed terrorist, Dante, has just attacked a night club. Eyewitnesses say that Dante had mercilessly attacked the people in the club, even killing a young woman while she was praying. There were 18 people killed and 72 injured, making a total of 90 casualties. To comment on this event, Bob Barbas has joined me on this reportl

What's up, Bob?

"How you doin', Rail?"

Absolutely fine. So 90 casualties? This is much different from other incidents including our favorite accused terrorist.

"Well, it only means he's showing his true colors."

But do we really know that?

"What are you trying to say?"

Well, we had only one eyewitness testimony and we didn't provide CCTV footage.

"But we know what happened from the footage and clearly showed Dante as an attacker."

It looked more like self- defense to me. If anything this is just one huge accident.

"Are you disagreeing with your own network?"

I'm just trying to provide an objective viewpoint.

"We don't pay you for objective viewpoints. We pay to report what we want you to report."

Excuse me? The last time I checked you guys hired me because I'm good at what I do. I'm not just some resource for you to exploit. If you don't like what I do then fire me. I could easily find other networks to work for, so don't push it.

"Keeping talking like that and we'll end you. You won't be able to go to any other network."

Try me. Anyway, the footage we are not allowed to provide, due to the gruesomeness of its content, shows the clubbers recognizing Dante as public enemy no. 1 and trying to subdue him. Naturally, this placed him in a position of self- defense.

Because of this I must state with great emphasis not to approach Dante in a hostile manner. Just pretend he's not there. He's a very dangerous man, obviously armed and well- trained, who can easily takedown his opponents. Again, just stay away from him and notify authorities ASAP.

This has been Rail Azel

"And Bob Barbas."

On Raptor News

"Doing God's work..."

And giving the best news in the biz.


First of the Dead
Thank you. Though I wish they were more frequent in their reporting.
me too! i love when they actually put stories on the website, they are so fun to read. it puts a whole new perspective on how the public view dante. i was thinking about doing a thread similar to this, but i don't wanna copy your idea. :)


Well-known Member
me too! i love when they actually put stories on the website, they are so fun to read. it puts a whole new perspective on how the public view dante. i was thinking about doing a thread similar to this, but i don't wanna copy your idea. :)

If you got anything to add, just put it on here. I could use an extra reporter ;D.

But now I'm a little confused. So the demons Dante faces are real people? That means the demons are actually using us to fight for them. What cheap b*stards!

Oh, by the way, I looked up the definition of the word "dalliance," and it means "a casual romantic or sexual relationship."

The 4chan guy said that Mundus was doing umm.... "intercourse" with a woman named Lilith. It could be that she owns the nightclub.
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