The most fun about this video is, how painfully obvious he makes his own disability to tolerate NT on any level. Not only those "insults", but also the fact, that he thinks a company as small as the Brits could crap out games on a monthly basis like Ubisoft for example (around 3:20).
He also says, that the general first impression of the trailer (don't exactly get which one he means) was rather positive. He seems to be upset about that and blames the NT-community for it. What is the point of that? Comparing fanbases? Where does that lead in any kind of discussion? Nowhere. Because it's painfully irrelevant who has the bigger community.
Next nice thing is his obvious talent of precognition: How the hell does he know this game will be **** (4:30)? Yes, NT set their bar high by saying this game will get 90-ish scores, but he flatout says, that's impossible to achieve (tell that to the developers of Darksiders.).
Then he's talking something about expectations, which is even worse bullshit. The statement was "we don't want to show anything yet". -> Huge backlash. So NT hurries and presents the first E3-trailer. People don't like it. Well, what in the flying **** did you expect, genius? That a rushed stage-trailer will be the perfect dream of an action game? This **** takes time, if you're as inexperienced as the Brits!
5:27 is my favoruite part. His devious chuckle. What a jackass. Talking about framerate-drops in the E3-trailer? Bullshit, those are "impact-lags", not drops. That's an artificial brake, MADE to counteract framedrops. If you slow down the engine at certain points, it has more time to calculate and process the next move. That's why the game will have (I predict that, you heard it here first) those "lags" or "drops". That's intentional to save up processing power. Nice gaming journalism there, if you don't have any clue about the tech. This is pretty obvious at the point where he ust randomly throws in some "facts" about UE3.
That is a joke, the graphics where quite okay for WIP back then.
Next: ****ing brilliant of him to mention Naughty Dog. Well the actual statement was: "overwinded" as in "inefficiently time-consuming". Nice canonfodder and he jumped it like a dog jumped the bone. Antoniades of course has to save face, everything he says can and is being used against him, even if he didn't like ND. This point is also pretty stupid, since it's irrelevant to the max.
7:40: NT is copying Bayonetta. Hahaha, oh wow.
8:06: Can't stop laughing at this point. "A cross between 4 games". Name one game that didn't assimiliate any traits from any other game. Might as well argue about the fact, that Dante jumps like Crash Bandicoot. I don't get why he is riding on that copy-thing so hard. NT had some decent ideas in HS and Enslaved, why would they try to do something completely new, instead of building on a solid basis (
yes, HS is a solid basis).
8:33: Mimicking DMC, not being DMC. What the hell is that about, elaborate. Don't just throw it generalities like that. No one should be impressed by rhethorics without meaning. With this he sure tried to. Back to critizising a WIP after that. Pointless rant.
Can't have a "original game when you're stealing from [random sources]. Tell that to the Avatar-guy. The movie was great, original and fascinating in it's own merit, yet it was basically Pocahontas with aliens. Generalization just doesn't work anymore. Everything has been done sometime before.
12:10-ish: "Excuses" to the fanbase. "Yeah, maybe we made fun of you...". Obvious sign of psycho. He's demanding an apology, so he could give this game a chance. Classy grown-up stuff there. This is what his whole rant comes down to: He's a sissy who felt that NT took a **** on his leg by stating some of those gutwrenchingly horrifying mother-desecrating family-defiling INSULTS.
And you guys choose to take EventStatus seriously!
13:20: Disabled the comment-function. Why is he getting fed up over this? "Damage Control". He's right on that point, I just don't see why he would blame NT/Capcom for it. Isn't that the most natural thing to do? "They can't take any criticism" -> Yeah? Why did they change Dante's design, like, five times? Why would they throw out trailers and interview by the dozens instead os simply stating "**** this ****, we're out", handing the project back to Capcom and doing their own thing? Because they are adapting. They are taking criticism (even the one, that is made with the wits of a three-year-old).
I'll skip the next few minutes about DMC HD, since he was basing his facts on rumours, that have been proven to be true. The DmC release is nowhere in sight yet.
15:50: "Trashing the fanbase". Still riding on the hate-train. And that thing has no brakes, as it seems. No substance in there, at all. Insulting the fans or NT, couldn't really understand whom he meant at this point, but the "Asshole" had a nice touch. Again: What a classy guy this Eventstatus is. Having a generally positive opinion of this game is called "Empowering them to treat fans like ****". Then his thing with social structure and where NT is in comparison. Pointless.
"It's not just about you". Oh wait, I have to be of the same opinion as him? Or any of you guys who read this? Well, then there is nothing really left to do, but to wait for the dam singularity.
The rest of his talk after that seems completely irrelevant to me (believe me, I'd comment on it, if I cared) and I was highly disturbed by the fan-video in the end. Then again, it pretty much shows to whom this nut caters.
So please, people, listen to what he says, analyze it and draw your own damn picture. This guy has no substance. No essence. He's just angry, bored and highly intimidating.
That's all there is to it.
I'd like to be excused for cursing and using rude language, but I'm trying to get a point across here.