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PrivateRP: Hammer of the Gods: Worlds at War


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Acheron gave a low whistle. "Interseting. Well, Resa, looks as though someone will keep you on your toes."

Resa smiled. "Looks like it. So, Nic, may I call you that? Anything esle I need to know?"

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
Well, this is not my only form.*Tranforms to LOW in a burst of fire* In this form, I am at my most powerful. *transforms to Jak in a blast of black lightning* And in this form, I am know as Jak the Reaper. With this scythe*summons Lucifer's scythe* I can reap the souls of anyone, including gods.*becomes Nic again.* That is it, really.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Acheron and Resa looked towards one another, both smiling.

"Good. We need a power person." Resa smiled. "It'll be alot easier on me."


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
"I'm looking for him at the moment... But I'm not picking up any clues to where he is." Resa's hands went to her hips.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*nods, his features hardening as he started to get more serious* Let's see if we can find him then and stop him*starts heading for a still standing skyscraper*We may have a better chance observing the city from above.*he called over his shoulder*


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa followed. "Its better then standing around. Do you plan on flying up there?" She asked.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*luaghs lightly* Unfortuantely, I do not fly, but I can transport.*as the two catch up to him, he places his hands on their shoulders and transports to the obsevation deck, bringing them with him*


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
"OOH! Nice!" Resa was abit amazed. She looked over the deck, peering across the city. Everything looked empty and dead. Because of this, she shivered. "It bugs me..." She started to say, but stopped herself.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
"Its about how the Gods act..." She sighed, running her fingers through her pearl white hair. "It... It just makes me wonder..." She turned to Nicodemus.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
"Sometimes I wonder if the choices they make about us down here on Earth are the right ones.." She said softly. "Now Mars is out there..."

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
It is because they do not understand what it is to be mortal.*looks over at the city, observing it, and sighs* The immortal life is a blessing to some, and a curse to others.


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Acheron nodded n agreement. "Some go mad with Power. I take it thats what happened to Mars."

Resa sighed. "And what about you, Nic? How does immortially work out with you?"

Before Nicodemus could answer, the ground shook. And some explosions could be heard.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*as the earth shook, the building started to crumble. Nic grabbed the other two and transported into the street, out of harms way, and directed his attention to the source of the quake.* It would be a safe bet that Mars is that way.*starts running down the street toward the source, a dust cloud growing in the distance as the ground shook more*


*DJ Blow My Speakers Up*
Resa and Acheron followed. Both of them pulling out their weapons at the same time. Resa's blade, Dragonloid, a long thin blade, trailed behind her. Acheron yanked out his glock guns, and spun them around his finger.

"Geez, he's fast." Acheron replied.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
*while he is running, Nic holds out his hands and his weapons appear. The mega-pain blade(black blade with runes carved into hilt-has the power to curse someone with unending, exruciating, pain that never diminishes, and you cannot get used to) appears in a blast of lightning in his left hand, and the peace blade(white blade with runes carved into the blade-counters the mega-pain's curse) appears with a flash of light in his right hand.*
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