This is the fifth or whatever time you say i haven't played DmC. And for some reason people think your word is the truth.
I have played the game.
So do not say that i haven't played the game again, because i have tolerated your bs accusation far more than i should have.
Now as for dmc5, i dont think i or anyone else should look at DmC to improve dmc5.
Time for another segment of;
DmC rebooted a loved character, alienated fanbase and on top of that it failed to deliver sales and expectations wise. And what's worse? It even attempted to replace original serie, a indication of this is Playstation AllStar replacement and the DLC skins.
And because of this nothing of DmC will be in a possible DMC5? First o fall, that kind of thought process is fickle because DMC has used a few mechanics from DMC2 to make DMC3 a good game as it is despite the fact DMC2 is a game Capcom is willing to ignore forever. That's what the DMC franchise does; they use past games to improve their next game.
So you'll have to excuse me if it's to much to ask, to keep reboot away from original.
I don't want DmC to be a influence of the sequel.
So just becuase you say so, I can't have a DmC2? How pretentious of you.
The fans shall be the influence, and so far fans suggest good story and gameplay. And many of fans will have suggestions as how to improve the gameplay from dmc4.
This is just another of those threads that was created with intent to make the reboot look good by putting the original serie in a position where "it should learn from reboot".
Oh here we go. Now here comes that inner annoyance once again. Seriously, you gotta stop this because its always gonna end in a fight.
No...original serie should improve based on loyal fans input.
And if there's a game that's better than reboot that dmc4 could learn from it is Bayonetta.
But i don't see anyone making such threads now do i?
Then go make a thread and stop whining about it here.
As for bias chancey, you seem to think your so righteous? Tell me, do you realize that YOU and Unknown are two of the most biased people on this forum?
You included.
If i make a comment that has a slight negative tone towards reboot, both of you usually reply to me to defend the honor of the reboot.
Every time there's a thread that talks positive about DmC, you attack it and start another fight with some pretentious way of typing your words.
So either your blind or your consciously aware this thread made by Unknown is a thread made to make reboot look good.
So before you lecture me about bias, you better sit down yourself.
And you sit right along with him, because you have no right to talk.
Even when i am discussing or arguing with someone other than you or Unknown, you two read the conversation and have left a comment like "Dont bother with this person, she wont listen".
Decency and objective scope, are you so big of a fool that you think people don't realize your full of bias?
Don't misunderstand me, and i really mean what i just said...
i am not saying i am not biased or dispusting you.
Oh really now?
I am simply telling "Your biased as f'**'''', so what makes you so much better than me?".
But whatever, keep on playing this game of "Be grateful for reboot" and "How can dmc5 that was supposed to be released but reboot replaced it, learn from the reboot?".
I think there are good things in the reboot. But if you zoom out to get the whole picture you will realize:
Reboot is a inferior version of past games with a new paint job.
Its obvious you hate reboots simply because of this game and a few movies, bu there's some helpful advice to get you through that; Live in the past. Reboots happen, and sometimes we can either check it out or ignore it.
And better yet, there have been good reboots.
And just for records...the story is pretentious as ****.