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Please do not post any smutty images on this site

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
This was because I had that pic of Batman, Robin, and Godzilla teaming up to battle crime wasn't it?! I knew! Curse you Google! Why can't you accept such a awesome cross over? Why? Why?!
Back in reality
Wow this sucks, I'll do my beat to help. I don't post lewd material but I got a lot of regular pics I need to filter so now is the best time.


I Saw the Devil
The bigger google gets the more totalitarian they become. The fanart sections might get a big scrub over of content.

There are more and more restrictions everytime I hear the word google. I'll just assume, and so should you, ladies, male nudity also applies.


Oldschool DMC fan
Is there an alternative to AdSense? Using them means kowtowing to a form of censorship I guess. It also means a whole lot of stuff is going to be potentially a problem on here because I don't even know exactly what their idea of "provocative" is, it's so vague. If they think an image from a SFW catalogue of lingerie is offensive, then I suppose a screenshot of a character like Quiet is too. I also heard that AS flags the use of words and has a whole list of words that it will flag your site for even including words like "war" and "death". If this is true then it might be hard to have conversations about anything without it being a problem, words like that are not offensive but in general use. Not sure what the people who post their fiction here can do about that, there might be a whole lot of words they are not "allowed" to use by AS (not only do they flag sites where anyone posts gore content but even typing about it is enough to set it off)

If there is no alternative I understand but I'm bothered about this, won't hide the fact. (I blame Google and certain other organization picking and choosing which spot of moral high ground they want to stand on. Smut pics? Nope, can't have those. Help China censor their own people online? Sure thing, we can do that, etc. I think at one point Google was advocating freedom/of speech, not anymore apparently)

Wonder which image was flagged that set it off. Was it mine?
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Supporter 2014
Why do I get the impression that these are more of preventing "alternative media messages", "taking the little guy down", and "copyright" issues than it is about actual smut?

Sorry. Me and my conspiracy theories again.

Still, now that I've seen this, I'm not going to talk about the economy, the expanding police state, or the Federal Reserve anymore.


:whistle: *Nonchalantly walks away.*
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Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
Why do I get the impression that these are more of preventing "alternative media messages", "taking the little guy down", and "copyright" issues than it is about actual smut?

Sorry. Me and my conspiracy theories again.

Still, now that I've seen this, I'm not going to talk about the economy, the expanding police state, or the Federal Reserve anymore.


:whistle: *Nonchalantly walks away.*
Can we talk about the lizard alien masterminds behind 9/11?

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Steve last I heard was still awaiting the result of the appeal to get his privileges reinstated. He pays for everything to run all of our forums out of his own pocket and puts most the cash he generates on these boards (and others) back into the forums to fund hosting/server costs etc and pay the bills. Its a big deal having Adsense privileges revoked as its his main source of income and helps keep forums running.

He never asks for anything back from the community except to follow the rules/guidelines we set out to keep the boards in order. He would never ask for any money, however if anyone feels the need to thank him with more than words & help out you can donate to help keep forums going here (every little helps). In turn im sure we can find a way to thank any members who have helped with any sort of donation too. At the end of the day the more he makes the more we can offer you and benefits the forums & its community in the long run.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I've been meaning to help out financially for a long time now. Need to try figure out jow to use my paypal.
Wel...access it first, I mean.

I'll just assume, and so should you, ladies, male nudity also applies.
Dante doesnt own a shirt. That's the only thing dmc3 Dante had going for him. Google shouldn't discriminate against the poor!


Oldschool DMC fan
If AdSense do reinstate privileges, what will be the restrictions on us besides the images, and how far will that definition of "smut" extend...? I guess it would be safer for me not to post any of my works up again if their definition is too vague. Would people be allowed to link to their DA profile or website on the site or in their signatures where there might be questionable content according to AdSense?
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Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
If AdSense do reinstate privileges, what will be the restrictions on us besides the images, and how far will that definition of "smut" extend...? I guess it would be safer for me not to post any of my works up again if their definition is too vague. Would people be allowed to link to their DA profile or website on the site or in their signatures where there might be questionable content according to AdSense?

Im sure when Steve returns with the results of the appeal etc he will be happy to share more detail on what is/isnt acceptable etc.


Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
The worst part about this to me, is that not only does that completely override this forum being 13+

But that it pretty much overrides a lot of the fun we tend to have on here. A lot of us on this forum, male and female, make innuendos and such willy-nilly, posting hilarious pictures that sound like they would fall under the unwanted stuff.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
The worst part about this to me, is that not only does that completely override this forum being 13+

But that it pretty much overrides a lot of the fun we tend to have on here. A lot of us on this forum, male and female, make innuendos and such willy-nilly, posting hilarious pictures that sound like they would fall under the unwanted stuff.

Innuendos & most pics would be fine I would imagine, it's not a total removal of all "adult" orientated material. However things like Hentai etc wouldn't be allowed of course under those rules.

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
Anything with a boob shot, butt shot, or crotch shot should be deleted.

Ha! I don't remember posting anything of the sort. You sick bunch of beautifully ruined redeemable souls used to do it for me.


This forum is now rated


Darn even the rated G sign isn't appropriate.​


Oldschool DMC fan
This is one of the tamest gaming forums with regular activity on it that I've seen - there's even a profanity filter which isn't the norm on most I've been to or go to. I don't think I've ever seen a hentai image posted on here. It's so light that when I've seen a signature or a reaction gif with the word "****" in it posted here I've wondered if it wasn't gonna seriously offend someone because there's a profanity filter in place... people even say "fudge and fudging" on here which I've only ever seen on websites where your grandma might hang out.

...which is a little strange considering all the "**** yous" and sex connotations in DmC and DMC. It's definitely not a game series for young kids. What is the age recommendation on this website? Sound like it's much lower than the games are intended for, although most of my copies of the series appear to be unrated but suggested 16.

I just find that gap between the subject matter/origin and the forum content a bit bizarre. I would always think of Devil May Cry as a mature series, since if it was a movie it would be rated high for violence and potentially offensive religious themes. And later in the series for provocative imagery and actual sex scenes.

the main reason I stick around here is that I've always posted my art and I've made friends through it and through talking about it. so this is of concern to me if nobody else. I've never posted anything more provocative that isn't already in the games. but if I can't post equal to what is in the games, there might be a problem with me sticking around, on the basis of how crazy that is (and also how likely it would be to unintentionally reoffend AsSense by posting DMC art. would an image of Trish have to cover her corset top? Would Gloria be permitted? there's a lot of grey area here, and if you can't draw DMC characters on a DMC site... =/). Nobody has yet let me know if Nevan was too provocative or responsible for any of this so I'll voice my thoughts, but, obviously I wouldn't want to post something that would get everything flagged and pulled again, and the thing that worries me is how tenuous the line might be for AdSense with some DMC characters. (Nevan, Trish, Gloria, Echidna, even topless Dante, and so on, or maybe even an image with some blood would trip the flagger, yet it's all regular subject matter for the series).
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Fearfully and wonderfully made
Had a quick skim through the thread, will attempt to have a more thorough read through this evening. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to globally restore image posting privileges ASAP; which will hopefully be today or tomorrow.

Love you guys. <3
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