ok we all know that both companies are hard at work making their games that are on the way
ninja theorie's DmC
and PLATINUM GAMES Metalgear rising
so both games look really great but both share almost similar criticism.Many devil may cry fans complain that DmC dosent look like a DMC game and so do all the metal gear fans that rising is not like a metal gear game and hope for it to fail but thats not what im here to talk about.
seeing Rising reminds me of Devil may cry and as far as ive seen looks alot badass than DmC.
so my question is that who should do future DMC games NT or PG?
ninja theorie's DmC
and PLATINUM GAMES Metalgear rising
so both games look really great but both share almost similar criticism.Many devil may cry fans complain that DmC dosent look like a DMC game and so do all the metal gear fans that rising is not like a metal gear game and hope for it to fail but thats not what im here to talk about.
seeing Rising reminds me of Devil may cry and as far as ive seen looks alot badass than DmC.
so my question is that who should do future DMC games NT or PG?