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Pick any quotes from games and such!


All hail The King
"Once The Darkness gets a hold of you,you start to lose control.You start to wonder what the **** you're doin' .Time slips away from you.And then,all of a sudden,it's like you're sittin' in a theater,watchin' a movie of your own life.And you're up there on the big screen.Big as life.You're a ****in' movie star.And you're killin' all the bad guys-tearing them limb from limb.And you feel good.You look good.****,you ARE good.And then you realize somethin' .Everyone else in the theater-they're screamin', 'cuz they're watchin' a horror movie.And you're not the hero...You're the monster..."

-Jackie Estacado,The Darkness 2


Well-known Member
"Foolishness Dante... Foolishness" Vergil
"Our guest is Sighing.
What is sigh?" don't remember there names
"Happy birthday dear WHOAREYOU, happy birthday to you" creepy voice on phone Silent Hill 3


All hail The King
"Listen up! In honor of you guys,we're calling this new army,"Ironheade". With an "E" on the end,so people know we're not messin' around."
"Oh,man.Don't tell me I've been slayin' hot girls this whole time."
-Eddie Riggs,Brutal Legend


Welcome to my world....
"I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with liiiiight"
This is officially a forum meme now, yes?
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