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Philosophy ( yes this is a serious thread)

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
^Isn't the Chaos theory summarized by the phrase : "Life isn't set in stone"?The whole endless possibilities that happened,didn't happen,could happen and such?Or am I remembering something else...?

PS : aka,the whole Chaos theory is this : When a massive cr4phole kills a nice and beatifull lady,you should bring together 10 guys/girls/mixed that don't know about each other,have them team up and beat the cr4p out of him.Yes,it's Chaos from D*ss*d*a!


Don't trust people
But Chaos in Dissidia doesn't have any genitals, he got a friggin' face instead. That kind of scares me...


Well-known Member
aka958;232845 said:
As Angel wrote.

It stalls you, maybe you were in a hurry, maybe you got delayed. It could affect in lots of ways, maybe someone saw you stumble on that particular rock and ran to help you, then suddenly you got a new friend.
Everything affect us, haven't you heard of the Chaos theory?

Yes I've heard of the chaos theory. I'm still with the idea that some things effect you down the road and others don't. that rock thing was just an example. it doesn't have to be a little thing. big things could happen for no real reason. for instance, one of my pieces was accepted into a big art show. big deal. gonna effect me in a way other than just WHHHOOOOTTTT! Who's to say?


Devil Bane;232699 said:
PS : @Tonks : errr...no.That's not excactly the moral of the story.It's more complex.Maybe I should say it's not just that.

Well I know that's not exactly the moral of the story, but that's how I took it for that given situation.

The real moral really is too complicated to go into....>.>

And I know I'm really late. So sorry >_<

And I also think everything happens for a reason. Maybe not one we like, maybe not one that's blatantly obvious, but still.


Well-known Member
Tonks;232882 said:
Well I know that's not exactly the moral of the story, but that's how I took it for that given situation.

The real moral really is too complicated to go into....>.>

And I know I'm really late. So sorry >_<

And I also think everything happens for a reason. Maybe not one we like, maybe not one that's blatantly obvious, but still.

We should make a thread for discussions of classics. ;) That actually isn't such a bad idea. Hmmm...


Enma Katana no Kami
there is a cause behind everything but that is not the same as a reason. nothing has any deep reason behind it. it is all just cause and effect. to be more precise. infitite causes with infinite effects. everything affects everything else. nothing is random. what is decideds what will be. the only moment that was random was the first one. that decides everything. and i am not talking about the usual view of fate. some people beleve that some things are set in stone no matter what you do. in truth the slightest difference whould have massive effects but that difference will not happen. there is only one thing you whould do in a given situation. there are impossible to detect details that make things seem random. but those details are decided just like everything else.

there may be alternate universes were the laws that decide what things do are different.

and who knows some dreams may connect to those universes. but not always. for the most part dreams are just random thoughts from your subconcious entering your concious while you sleep. however your subconcious is more sensitive then your concious. so if your mind ever connected to alternate worlds or you gained insight into the future then you whould probably become aware of those things in dreams.

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
New philisophical theory. All people are crazy in some way. That is becouse everyone is different. If two people where exactly the same, then they would not seem the least bit crazy to each other.


Is not rat, is hamster
What would be the definition of crazy in this case then? Is it down to personal perception of another's personality/actions/speech? Or is there a recognised, world-over determining factor that applies?

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
I have come to realize that life does not simply fall into your lap for you. You only get out of it what you put in and if you want something you have to get up and make it happen.

As for religion I do not believe strongly in any one system of belief but am open minded enough to believe that anything is possible.


Don't trust people
Nicodemus Zamoran;233038 said:
New philisophical theory. All people are crazy in some way. That is becouse everyone is different. If two people where exactly the same, then they would not seem the least bit crazy to each other.

Everyone has a side different to others. If all were crazy then no one would, if no one would be crazy then crazy doesn't exist.

I think crazy means that your doing something that makes no sense to you nor the people around you.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
^That's what it means.

And aka...you don't want to know what's behind that face...

As for the cause of crazy and chaotic in this world,here's a philosophical view from my country...words...just...cannot express this :

!WARNING! : The following is derived from a theory from my country and should be viewed with the utmost caution.Whoever sees this may suffer from unbelievably bad luck for the rest of his life,nightmares and many,many more far worse things that anyone could possibly imagine.




(Yes this Dracula from Castlevania,but don't be fooled...Bram Stroker copy pasted him and just changed his name from M..... to Dracula)




Don't trust people

I think that we humans are lucky, lucky to get the mind that we do have. No other animal or creature have the mind like we do in the whole earth. Nothing else to share our intelligence to but ourselves.
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