It does reek of not wanting to upset existing fans. At least that can show some people that Capcom does care somewhat about what we think. I don't know, personally for me I don't see the point in them dancing around a decision as to what the game should be classed as. For me, alternate Universe just doesn't do it. I was hoping for real Dante, non canon. Where's the harm in that if it's not canon? It doesn't upset anyone. What we're saying is okay in terms of games now is not only remakes/reboots of games or whatever, but the choice of being able to make a game almost similar to a game that already exists, yet pass it off as a new game altogether. It sort of lacks originality and creativity to a certain extent, if you already have things you can work with or work on. When DmC is released, we'll have those who have either never played DMC or those who just prefer DmC more, saying how they prefer it more and why. Personally in my opinion, that would just cause more arguments that aren't really needed. But whatever, alternate Universe is okay enough with me. At least the original story-line and time-line hasn't been damaged (Although it technically already is damaged) and it'd be nice if Capcom started working on it to fix things.