No New Protagonists For DMC5 Please

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Supporter 2014
Feb 9, 2013
Guys, I think it's safe to say that we all want this saga to end properly.

In DMC5, we'll have to give equal treatment to all three protagonists so far. Dante, Nero, and Vergil.

Considering the fan demand for him, Vergil is a both a must and a given. Dante will also be in demand. Nero might be given some love, but I would've preferred to see 10 missions for Dante, then 10 for Vergil.

That's just a personal opinion though. Instead, Capcom will most likely have to divvy up the missions according to fandom now that there's an odd number to deal with.

Unless they up the ante and give us 30 missions. Although, I don't think even Capcom would want to do that. But we'll see.

I'm guessing that they'll give us six for Dante, six for Vergil, six for Nero (keeping up with the satanic references in the series) and then, at mission 19 it'll go back to Vergil, fighting against both Dante and Nero at the same time (because he found some sort of ancient, evil power that will allow him to take them both on).

Or, it'll depend on a dialogue choice. Vergil will fight against who the player chooses, slightly changing the outcome of the final boss battle.

Then, Dante or Nero will fight depending on who Vergil fights against to begin with.

If Vergil fights Nero, then Nero will be exhausted and Dante will have to take over, and vice-versa.

It won't change the final ending, but it might have an effect on the secret ending that's become a tradition in the classic series.

If Nero fights against Vergil, then his Red Queen (or whatever weapon he's using in DMC5) will become infected by the eventual DMC6 villain, teasing the next game.

If it's Dante, then Rebellion will be the one that's revealed to be possessed.

Yes, it's reusing the same plot point in DMC4, but reusing plot points is something the classic series has done for quite a while now.

The twist will probably end up being that both Rebellion and Red Queen will end up being possessed by Mundus, Argosax, or whatever ancient evil that's decided to take over hell from Mundus himself.


It doesn't have to be their swords that are possessed, it could very well just be their souls instead.

In any case, I don't see any other way the series could continue onto 6 for the real, final showdown, allowing Nero to be the protagonist and cast the Source of All Evil to hell once and for all.


Right, I forgot to mention -- while DMC5 will most likely have to share missions between the three protagonists, DMC6 will most likely have Nero only, seeing as how that was the original intent in the first place.


If DMC6 wants to make Nero fight his "inner evil" (we all know JYB can do evil, so this won't be an issue), then that would work just fine with me.


You know what I would really like? For Vergil to win in DMC5 and then have Nero stop him in DMC6 because Vergil somehow managed to kill his twin once and for all.

It would give Nero a perfect reason to exact vengeance and give us a hardened, bitter portrayal of his demon hunter persona instead of... well, you know. >_>
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Eh, killing Dante off after seeing how this fandom can act is not such a good idea, even if done by Vergil. Unless they somehow bring him back in the same game. They will have to bring him back eventually if they decide to acknowledge DMC2.

Nero can still become hardened and bitter, he was a teen in 4, he simply grows up, sees some nasty things during hunting, realizes he is son of a villain that once nearly destroyed humanity cause he wanted to fight demons, maybe Vergil will put pressure on him, Kyrie gets possessed and tries to kill him, or Vergil will try to get Yamato and kill Kyrie in process, etc.

As far as possession goes... Rebellion I don't think can really get possessed, it was forged by Sparda specifically for Dante, doubt a demon can just worm its way in. Red Queen is a more logical choice, but how much trouble would a possessed sword pose for seasoned hunters?

Now on the other hand, possession through Nero's arm would have been a good choice. Then they can even do a strained partnership between Dante and Vergil to get the kid back to normal.

Or he would find Vergil's idea of conquering demon world real good, cause best way to protect Kyrie is to eliminate danger once and for all, so he would cross to his side. Then Dante can try to bring him back to good side and if Capcom pulls it off right it would be a really good story of fighting inner demons and having trust.
Honestly if it wasn't for the part of my mind that actually wants to know where the heck Nero came from, I'd say drop him (I don't dislike Nero, but I prefer Dante and Vergil, either or, over him) and just focus on the twins.
I do like the idea of both brothers being playable. Maybe give them both a campaign? (Like Nero and Dante were SUPPOSE to have in DMC4) that go along with each other (As long as they don't do it like DMC2 with Dante and Lucia, it should be okay)
Honestly if it wasn't for the part of my mind that actually wants to know where the heck Nero came from, I'd say drop him and just focus on the twins.
I would prefer this over everything else. Unfortunately, life doesn't always give us what we want.
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Eh, killing Dante off after seeing how this fandom can act is not such a good idea, even if done by Vergil. Unless they somehow bring him back in the same game. They will have to bring him back eventually if they decide to acknowledge DMC2.

Nero can still become hardened and bitter, he was a teen in 4, he simply grows up, sees some nasty things during hunting, realizes he is son of a villain that once nearly destroyed humanity cause he wanted to fight demons, maybe Vergil will put pressure on him, Kyrie gets possessed and tries to kill him, or Vergil will try to get Yamato and kill Kyrie in process, etc.

As far as possession goes... Rebellion I don't think can really get possessed, it was forged by Sparda specifically for Dante, doubt a demon can just worm its way in. Red Queen is a more logical choice, but how much trouble would a possessed sword pose for seasoned hunters?

Now on the other hand, possession through Nero's arm would have been a good choice. Then they can even do a strained partnership between Dante and Vergil to get the kid back to normal.

Or he would find Vergil's idea of conquering demon world real good, cause best way to protect Kyrie is to eliminate danger once and for all, so he would cross to his side. Then Dante can try to bring him back to good side and if Capcom pulls it off right it would be a really good story of fighting inner demons and having trust.

Vergil could brutally wound Dante but not kill him, which in addition of Vergil gaining the source of the power he has been searching for, could explain Dante's personality in DMC2. I like the idea of possession through the Devil Bringer. Maybe one of the higher ranked demons during their conquer of hell possesses Nero's arm instead of dying? Or the weakened form of Mundus possesses it?
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Im actually a bit worried for DMC5. Capcom will probably just play it safe after what happened with DmC and just bring in a brand new villain and keep Dante as the protagonist just because they know everyone loves him. I really hope they dont ignore having an interesting story and try to win people over by making it "cool" and "funny". Not like that would be a thing(thats how the series is as a whole anyway) but i really want them to go deep into Nero's origin and keep him as the main character. Which theres no way theyl do now.
To me, I honestly think that if CAPCOM ever make DMC5, I don't want them to put a full stop there and end the storyline entirely because come to think about it again, the legendary Dark Knight Sparda, too, deserves a decent spotlight as well! He really deserves to have his own game for the next-gen consoles! If I were in charge of DMC franchise, I would have name it like 'Devil May Cry 0: The Tale of Sparda' or just simply 'Devil May Cry 0'.

Moreover, if they make a Sparda game, I think the storyline would go about his life as the legendary Dark Knight Sparda until he decided to rebel against his former Master, Mundus, until his death. All the bosses from the previous DMC games (1,2,3 and 4) whom Sparda had fought once before, would also made their returns in the game in HD. Some of the ideas that just got through my mind are how Sparda betrayed his former Lord Mundus, how does he fall in love with the beautiful creatures known as "Humanity", how Sparda met Baul & Modeus for the first time, how Sparda got his two guns of "Luce & Ombra", how he received "Yamato" sword in the first place, how Sparda met his lover, Eva, as well as many other questions and answers could be revealed in the game. I can imagine the music in the game would be more similar to Bloodborne's kind of music which would be freaking epic! We can literally feel the dark, gothic, satanic, devilish and a-tale-of-a-legend vibes in it.

Here is the picture I just found on deviantArt. An awesome picture of the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda.
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If Kamiya were still in charge, we'd only have Dante for DMC1 since he said if he did make a sequel, it would feature new characters.
I'd also wager that even if Dante did stay he'd have a different weapon set, just like how Bayonetta does in 2 so no more E&I. Seeing how he was in VJ he'd probably be playable in this hypothetical Kamiya DMC sequel.
Meh I think Vergil's done. Yes he's a fan favorite but come one guys he's long since dead at this point and DMC3 was his game! His inclusion in the DMC4: SD is likely just fan service or a flashback. If they're going to continue the storyline in DMC5, I don't see how they could possibly have Vergil in it without some convoluted BS attached. I would personally want DMC5 to move on. Tie up some loose ends in the past games of course (Lucia, Nero, Sparda's fate... the works) but all the same let Dante's anti thesis be something we haven't seen before.

If they want to add Vergil as DLC or something I'm all for it! (god help them if they don't have a Nelo skin though) but if they're going to make this experience something to remember, then they need to start thinking outside of the box a bit. I loved both DMC1 and DMC3's stories respectively and neither of them requires you play one to understand the other.

Just my opinion
I just want them to bring Lucia back, really, is that too much to ask. she doesnt even have to be playable, just ... gosh i just want her to be interacting with the rest of the DMC cast. Acknowledge her existence within DMC lore Capcom, please, have her appear on screen and talking with the others. I would be fine with that.
not gonna ever happen but I've always wanted a merge between Castlevania and Devil May Cry. Imagine the Belmonts vs. Dante ...or Darkstalkers

and back to topic
While I think that Dante should be the protagonist for DMC5, I think they should introduce some new characters that could take over as the main protagonists for later games. Otherwise I feel that the series hasn't anywhere else to go storywise since its always revolved around the Sparda family.