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Mundus' head was being repeatedly slammed against the wall and floor.
"See, how do you like it?!"

Mundus groaned as he tried to move. Nero smacked his head onto the floor again.

Nite picked up her weapons and looked at the newcomer, "I didn't ask you to come."
"Hey Kid," Dante said with a sarcastic smile.
Nero nodded his head in reply.
Vergil eyed the child before him.
Nero walked up to Nite and replied, "I heard you."
"Well, I never sent for you."
"You didn't have to" Nero replied tapping his forehead.
"What is the meaning of this interruption?" Vergil growled.
Nite looked in amazement at Nero.
"How long have you known?"
"Known what?", Dante asked
Nero ignored him and replied,"Ever since I gave Yamato back to you. "
"Hey, Kid what do you know?" Dante asked again
Nite laughed, "We made a deal... for me to help you... when you knew who I was?"
"I had to learn to trust you." Nero replied.

"Who is this...child?" Vergil asked
Nero eyeballed Vergil and walked up to him. He also circled the Son of Sparda a few times as if to 'size him up'.
"You know what, I don't know what you see in him."
Vergil growled and Dante laughed.
"I demand to know who you are!" Vergil shouted.
Nero was about to use his Devil Bringer when Nite grabbed onto it and stopped the fight that was brewing.
No one had ever stopped it before. Nite shook her head, "Not here. Not now."

Nero looked down to the floor and drew Blue Rose from its holster and began to shoot.
Nite did the same with her gun.
Their gun technique was very similar.

Mundus had risen from the floor and was about to attack when the barrage of bullets hit him.
Nite and Nero were blasting holes through his chest until he was knock to the floor again.

"WOW... I've never seen you pistol whip like that before kid..." Dante said, "Where did you..."
"My mother taught me" Nero interrupted whilst looking at Nite.

The twins found themselves dumbstruck... "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" Dante whispered, "Nite's your mom?"
Nero nodded.
Nite didn't care about what Dante thought... she was more worried about Vergil's reaction.
He didn't speak, he just stood there.
"Who's his dad?" Dante asked.
Nite kept looking at Vergil
The silence said everything....

Until it was broken with a demonic scream.

Mundus was now in bad shape... "So, it's a family reunion" he said

Nite walked over to Vergil and put her hand on his shoulder, "I know this is one hell of a shock for you. But, I would've told you, just... not here."
He was still looking at the floor.
"Vergil. I can't defeat him unless you're with me... I need you, I always have and I always will."
Vergil unsheathed Yamato, took a deep breath and gave Nite a look that said 'you're right'.
"It's time to finish this" Nite shouted

Mundus restored a little of his psychic power and lunged at Nero.
Nero grabbed Mundus' head and launched himself into the air, he turned around mid-air, punched the Emperor in the nose and ripped off his left arm with Red Queen.
As Nero was landing, Mundus grabbed him, threw him to the floor and kicked him.
Dante ran into Mundus with Ebony and Ivory to try and stop his volley of kicks.
"Leave my Nephew alone you bastard." Dante shot Mundus in the side on his face revealing a grotesque multiple eyed monster with maggots falling onto the floor.
In the end, like Nero, Dante ended up being taken down.

Vergil looked at Nite, then charged toward the melee... he didn't see that Nite was changing
Nite felt the waves of darkness in her mind again, but this time she couldn't shake them.
Her eyes started to glow red and he skin started to transform into a type of armour.
It was black and sleek with white veins running through it.
She was the famale equivalent of Nelo.
Mundus looked at his daughter, "Excellent" he laughed as he fended off Vergil's attack with one arm.
Vergil stood and looked at the image that replaced Nite.
"Beautiful! Just beautiful..." Mundus howled with excitement.
"Do you not see scum of Sparda, what happens when you hurt someone so much you bring out the worst in them... or in this case, the best!"
"Nite?" Vergil asked
"NO," Mundus replied laughing.

"Despair for I am Angelo Notte"
Angelo Notte's demonic wings unfolded.
"Corrupt with hatred." she whispered.
She still wielded Gilver, but it was also black and had Veins flowing through it..

Notte flew up into the air, then straight at Mundus, landing behind him and slitting his throat. She continued to stab and slice at him.
As Vergil watched, he could tell that Angelo Notte was enjoying this attack.
One last stab and Mundus fell to the floor.

Notte turned to look at Vergil, her eyes still full of hatred... "pathetic sport" she hissed.

Vergil walked towards her, "I know you're in there Nite, this isn't you"
Notte leaned her head to the side.
"Nite, come back to me."
Nite's face appeared and she yelled in pain. Her mind was spilt in two.
Vergil pulled Notte to her feet and wrapped his arms around her.
"Do you remember being sat on Mallet Island and you said, that there was no white knight on a stallion to rescue the damsel in distress."
The fog in Nite's mind was lifting as she remembered.
"Well, I don't know of any white knights, but I know of a Black Knight who still cares for you."
"Nelo?... No...Vergil?"
Nite's skin has transformed back from the Dark Angelo armour.
"I'm Nelo if you want me to be..."
Nite smiled hazily, “I'm happywith you being you.”

Dante and Nero had started to get up from the floor. Vergil left Nite and was about to walk over to the other two, when he saw Mundus charge at Nite one last time.
Vergil tackled Nite out of the way which left Mundus to crash into the wall and free fall several thousand feet down the side of the Temen-ni-gru.
Nite got up and ran over to the hole, "This is my last chance."
Nite turned around to face Dante, Nero and Vergil.
She nodded to Dante and her son, blew a kiss to Vergil, and then 'fell' backwards....

Vergil would've followed Nite, but he found himself being held back by his brother... and his son.
He pulled himself away from their grip and stared at Nero.
Hatred between each other seemed to emanate from the both of them.
"You're my father then?"
Vergil looked at Nero.
"Nite never told you?" Dante asked hs brother
“Obviously not”
All of a sudden, Their ears we're attacked by a loud scream that seemed to ring out for miles.

The castle started to shake, "We better get out of here." Dante shouted.
Vergil looked towards the wall where Nite had fallen.
"Vergil!" Dante walked over to his brother and grabbed his arm, "She's gone, there is nothing you can do."
He pulled Vergil away. A portal opened ensuring the trio's safe escape from the Underworld.



Wowsa! I never saw that coming! So when was the little fella concieved? lol :D
First off, just lemme say... I love your work VB. You know I do.
So don't mind me. I'm just spreading the Nero 'love' ;)

Mundus groaned as he tried to move. Nero smacked his head onto the floor again.
Nero walked up to Nite and replied, "I heard you."
I think we have now established that Nero's ears aren't just ornaments but that they function as well.
"You didn't have to" Nero replied tapping his forehead.
I don't understand why he's tapping his head. There's nothing in there!
"Hey, Kid what do you know?" Dante asked again
HEY KID, do not to ignore the Dante!!! :verymad:
"You know what, I don't know what you see in him."
Vergil growled and Dante laughed.
:wub: Dante :wub:
He didn't speak, he just stood there.
Ah good ol' Vergil.
As Nero was landing, Mundus grabbed him, threw him to the floor and kicked him.
XDDDDDDD I've wanted to do that soooo many times...I think I'm rooting for Mundus now O_o
In the end, like Nero, Dante ended up being taken down.
Nuuuuuuuuuuu!!!! T_T
"Well, I don't know of any white knights, but I know of a Black Knight who still cares for you."
LOL... that actually made me 'dawwwwww' outloud.
"Nite never told you?" Dante asked hs brother
Um..duh? Hello? Have you not been following what's going on or what? :dry: Dimwit Dante, tch!

Anyway! Very well done, VB. It's got action and romance and the Whoa factor - all nicely layed out in one chapter. Very, very, VERY good job! Not a lot of writers can balance it out as nicely as you did (and that includes me).

I'm also liking the idea that Nero and Vergil don't get on. Everyone else (who likes the idea of them being father and son, I mean) seems bent on them having a happy happy good relationship.
Master Vergil: You Ninja'd me.
Thanks for that compliment, really means alot coming from a great writer like yourself. Seriously.

Don't count on Nero and Vergil getting on at all...It ain't gonna happen.
It's my idea, plus, he's too much of a goody two shoes. AND just for the record, he isn't my son!

Actually, just to point out, Nero has a little psychic link with Nite... i forgot to write that in

EDIT: Crazy Demon Ninja'd me too. I must be slow.
Minutes seemed like hours, hours seemed like days and days turned into an eternity.
Nite's departure left a void.
Vergil had changed back into the person he was when he tried to obtain Sparda's power.
He was quiet, distant and didn't care.
He sat in a armchair looking at the book on demonology, only reading about Lunar Demons.
Dante burst in through the door with several bags of shopping, "Geez, you still punishing yourself?!"
Dante dropped some of the bags that he was carrying, "Help me here bro!
Vergil slammed the book down onto the table beside him and snatched the bags from Dante's hands
"HEY!" Dante yelled.
Vergil started to unpack the shopping and 'threw' it into the cupboard.
Dante fiddled around in tiny cupboard where he kept his booze, he pulled out two glasses and a bottle of Jack Daniels.
"I went to mom's grave...." Dante started to say when Vergil walked in and sat back down, "... There was another black rose on her grave. Strange thing is, there's always one there every year."
Vergil looked up, "You want to lay off the drink Dante."
"Seriously Vergil"
"Pure Black roses only grow in one place... The Underworld." Vergil sighed.
Dante poured JD into the two glasses, "Come on Bro, let's toast the... bravery and great ass that was Nite-Runner"
Vergil wanted to slap the hell out of Dante for what he just said, but he knew his brother was right, it was time to let go.
He got up and and walked up to where Dante was standing.
He nodded his head , and picked up the glass.
As Vergil put the glass to his lips he was stopped in his tracks by a voice, "VERGIL, SON OF SPARDA! Put down that glass RIGHT NOW!"
Dante spat his mouthful of drink across the room.
The chair behind Dante's desk turned around.
"Nite!" Dante gasped.
She smiled and simply replied, "Hello boys"
Vergil couldn't believe his eyes.
Nite looked at Vergil, "It's me. I am really here."

Dante walked over to Nite and looked at her closely, "Yup, it really is you."
She stood up, walked over to Vergil and put out her hand.
He wanted to touch it, but... it was as if he was afraid to.
They just looked at each other...
Nite looked down to the floor and cleared her throat, "Excuse me Dante, could I please use your bathroom."
"Sure, Its in the back..."
"Watch out, that could become your saying" Nite said jokingly
Dante waited until Nite was out of earshot until he 'let rip', "Dammit Vergie, what is your problem?!"
"You wouldn't understand"
"Try me"
Vergil chuckled to himself.
"I see it this way Bro, You've spent the past few months believing she was dead right?"
Vergil closed his eyes, as if to tell Dante that he didn't want to listen.
"You've done it to me on more than one occasion, so count yourself lucky! Mom dies, you join the Underworld. We meet up again, then its another year before I see you."
"I get it Dante", Vergil interrupted.
However Dante continued, "You 'fall' from a cliff which made me believe that you were dead, again. You killed lots of people as a bandaged- mummy-guy named Gilver. I thought I killed you when we fought, THEN you show up on Mallet Island as a Puppet of the Demon Lord. So you really don't have the moral high ground here."
Vergil's heart sank because Dante spoke the truth.
"She is back for some reason,Vergil. I think that we both know that."
Vergil picked up Yamato and headed for the roof.
"Asshole" Dante whispered.

Nite walked back into the room, "I didn't expect him to take it this badly. I thought being alive was a good thing."
"It is. I'm very pleased to see you." Dante said with a cheeky smile.
"I was hoping Vergil would be too." Nite replied sadly
"Ignore that jackass."
Nite sighed.
"Anyway, what happened after you 'fell' from the tower?"
Nite took a deep breath and began to explain.

'Lead Weight She thought to herself'
Nite turned away from the tower as she curled herself up into a ball to catch up with Mundus.
As Nite got closer, Mundus turned to face her.
She unsheathed Gilver and Mundus drew his sword. Sparks dissipated into the air as they continued to plummet.
Nite found an inner strength, breaking the deadlock.
She plunged Gilver into Mundus' chest, "That's for Nevan"
She stabbed again, "For Sparda". And Again, "For Eva" and the last plunge hit his demon heart, "FOR NELO!" She shouted with tears in her eyes.
Mundus lost grip on his sword... "I... will NOT... be beaten"
Nite stabbed Gilver into her father's head and pulled out the physical form of his third eye.
She grabbed hold of Mundus' body and braced herself for impact "Guess what Daddy, You're my trampoline".
A lava pool was fast approaching. Mundus screamed as they hit it.

Lava burnt Nite's flesh.
As Mundus started to sink his evil laugh turned into a deafening scream.
Nite covered her ears as she tried to ignore the pain created by the lava and started to run.
Cool and hardened bits of lava were difficult to find.
Nite's body started to glow black and she transformed into Angelo Notte. Her wings carried her across the pool.
When she got to the edge, she screamed with pain and turned back into herself. Magical black smoke was still emanating from her.


"So, Do I assume that Mundus is dead?" Dante asked.
"You can assume what you want." Nite replied. "All you need to know, is that a new dawn has risen in the Underworld"
"That's... poetic..." Dante replied "You've been hanging around with Vergil for too long".
Nite chuckled a little, "I have a favor to ask."
Dante looked a little worried, "I don't have to go back to the Underworld, do i?"
"No." Nite Replied, "I need you to look after this."
She pulled a small jar out of her pocket. It was filled with an orange liquid with something floating in it.
"Call it a present, or a trophy. Either way, I need you to look after it... guard it... whatever"
Dante took the jar, "Eyeball..." he mumbled.
"Yes, It's... pop's.... third eye. If anyone tries to ressurect him, they'll need this. It harbours his power."
"Better keep it away from Vergil then." Dante laughed
"Don't insult, It was Sparda's power he wanted." Nite scowled "So, will you?"
Dante looked at the 'trinket', he turned his nose up, "Anything for the Queen of Hell." He smiled.
Nite laughed "Me? Queen?! What gave you that idea?!"
"You defeated Mundus, I assumed you would be."
"Well I'm not... " Nite replied "If you'll excuse me, I need to talk to your brother. And, Thank you."
"Was it you who left the black rose on Mom's grave?"
"Same time, every year... what Mundus did was unnacceptable"
Nite turned and left Dante eyeballing the eyeball.

Vergil stood with his eyes shut behind the 'Devil May Cry' sign.
He heard the rooftop door open then close and then the sound of footsteps approaching.
"No matter where you hide Vergie, I will find you." Nite said as she moved closer to where he was.
"I wasn't hiding."
"No? You could've fooled me", Nite replied laughing a little.
Another of those silences fell upon them.
"Dante says I've been hanging around with you for too long... something to do with a 'poetic' reply."
Vergil stayed in the the same place, still with his eyes closed.
Nite found the silence very awkward.
"What is the matter with you?" She asked, "You of all people should know I'm not psychic..."
Vergil opened his eyes and looked at Nite, "Yes, you are... with me"
Nite Scoffed and folded her arms and changed the subject, "If I didn't care, would I be asking?"
"I thought you were dead...", Vergil replied with a sigh.
Nite poked herself several times"...Nope..." she walked closer to him, "...Still here... you of all people should know how difficult it is to get rid of me." She said smiling.
Nite's demonic scent wafted into Vergil's nostrils.
Nite looked toward the afternoon sun and rummaged around in her pocket. She pulled out a pair of black sunglasses and put them on, and looked at the floor, "2 months... I had everything figured out... what I was going to say... "
"The child?" Vergil asked
Nite sat on the floor, sighed and started to stroke the black knight shard, "Remember that night in Fortuna? You saved me from a.... horny demon"
Vergil sat down beside her, "Quite literally."
Nite chuckled, "You were planning on raising the Temen-ni-gru. "
Vergil looked at Nite, "You left without saying a word... there was no goodbye.. nothing"
"At least i worked out why you didn't kill me when we first met." Nite replied
"Why didn't you raise the child?" Vergil asked
"Mundus would've killed him... I had to protect him and leaving him in the human world was the only way to do that."
Vergil knew that Nite was right about that, Mundus would never accept a child from a bloodline that had betrayed him.
Nite shuffled herself over so that she was face to face to Vergil and she made him look her in the face, through the sunglasses.
"Look, you don't have to love him or even pretend to like him, but he does exist... plus, I'm not keen on becoming a Granny. He doesn't even call me mom or mother. And we're both fine by that. But deep down, we know who we are."
Vergil took Nite's hand, which made her smile. With the other hand Nite took off her sunglasses.
"I'm sorry i left that night the way that I did. But, regardless, Nelo or Vergil I... love you... and I can't stop... you are the only reason why I am still alive, why I fought Mundus, and why I came back."
Vergil smiled a little, 'From the moment I met you, I had feelings for you...' he said to Nite through his mind.
Although he didn't say it out loud, it still meant alot to her.
Vergil stood up and helped Nite up from the floor too and then they embraced each other.
After a while they looked at each other, and a tear trickled down Nite's cheek, which Vergil wiped away with his thumb.
"No more tears." Vergil said.
Nite nodded her head and took a deep breath, "I have something that I want to ask you."
Still with his arms around her he waited for her question.
"I don't want us to be a apart, so this is going to be tough... I want you to come back to the Underworld with me."
Vergil released Nite as what she had just asked him sunk in, "Why?"
"The Underworld needs a ruler."
"I thought you would... "
Nite cut Vergil off, "I'm not. My place is on the battlefield... I could think of no one better than Sparda's Oldest son."
"I will become Nelo... I will want power."
"You will not. And, I can give you the power you crave."
"Not Mundus' power"
"No... mine..."
Vergil looked at Nite with a confused expression.
"Notte is too powerful for me to control, my strength has increased... alot. I want to share my power with you. It's my power, I guarantee that you will never become Nelo again."
Vergil looked out upon the City.
"You need to think. I can give you a week... no more." Nite said quietly, "Your time will run out at 6pm on Friday... when the sun sets into the sea, the portal to the demonic realm will close. The portal can be found below the cliffs on the edge of Fortuna."
A gust of wind blew Nite's scent at Vergil. He turned to find that she was gone.

Friday eventually came.
It was a long week for Vergil. He wanted to be with Nite... and the thought of power was very tempting.
"Come on Bro, you've never given a damn about me... go." Dante was pretending to be hurt, as usual, "Aren't you supposed to be dead anyway."
Vergil smirked.
"Let's go to there, and if you change your mind.... more fool you."
Dante and Vergil took the car and drove all the way to the cliff tops at Fortuna where Nite said to go.

The sun was just about to set, Vergil stood at the edge of the cliff looking down on the portal.
Dante finally piped up saying, "What would you do for her?"
"I would fight the Angel in heaven and the demons in hell, just to be with her."
"Urgh, romance... just go you idiot. You'll never have this chance again... go to her"
Vergil turned to face Dante and put out his hand, "Take care of yourself brother."
Dante shook Vergil's hand, "You too.... " Then pushed Vergil off the cliff top.
Vergil stuck his middle finger up and turned to face the portal and fell through it....
"He's not coming" Nite said to herself.
She closed her eyes and started to speak the incantation that closed the portals to the human world.
Then she heard a thud just infront of her. She opened her eyes to see a spiky haired figure standing there.
Vergil walked up to her and finished the incantation.
The portal flashed, swirled and eventually closed.
"You came," she said.
"I just have one request." Vergil said.
"I'll rule, If you stand and rule beside me... be my Queen."
"I can't..."
"What's stopping you?"
"I told you, my place is on the battlefield."
"I'd rather your place was beside me."
Nite, looked at the floor, "I didn't think you would want me to... "
Vergil took Nite's hand, "It would be an honor, and I really don't want to lose you either."
Nite looked at Vergil and smiled. They also shared a kiss
When their lips parted, Nite cleared her throat and said, "Well, your Majesty, would you like to follow me so we can begin the... ceremony?" Vergil's scent messed with her mind a little.
Vergil nodded his head slightly and followed Nite back to the castle.

For the next few days Nite and Vergil were both in a type of 'induced coma' while spellcasters performed rituals to exchange Nite's power into Vergil's body.
Nite's body was always replacing the power that was lost.
For a demon, she was stronger than she looked.
Vergil was just as strong, and his inner demon was also growing stronger...
Three days later Vergil was observing his kingdom from the main balcony. There was no obvious physical change, but he felt a more prominent inner strength. His eyes were coloured red unlike the blue that they usually were. He was dressed in a sharp suit.
The leader that performed the ritual told Vergil that the power would eventually settle, but because he was a half demon, there would probably be a bit of conflict between the two types of power, after all inside it was MundusvSparda. The Sparda power would obviously prevail. Vergil could feel it.
An old haggered man walked onto the balcony, "Your Lordship, Lady Nite still has not awoken from her slumber."
"She will wake up eventually?"
"Of course your Lordship. The giver always takes longer to recover than the receiver. She could wake up today, she might wake up next week... who knows. Rumour has it that her Ladyship was always a heavy sleeper."
Vergil nodded his head and the Leader walked away.
He watched a phoenix-like bird fly across the sulphur skyline and went back inside.
Lord Vergil walked back towards the room where Nite was sleeping. He walked in and shut the door quietly, he then made his way over to the bed where Nite was sleeping and sat down on the chair next to her.
He watched her eyelids flicker and twitch. He listened to her snuffles and sighs and he watched her chest move up and down as she breathed in and out.
Vergil opened his link into Nite's mind and said, 'Wake up Nite.'

Another few hours and Vergil was looking out of the window.
"Vergil?" Nite was finally awake.
He turned to face her and held her hand. "How do you feel?" he asked
"Like Dante after several beers... I think" She said chuckling.
Nite looked into Vergil's eyes and touched his face with her hand, "You look handsome."
Vergil's eyes returned to normal. Nite's touch seem to soothe the power fighting inside him.
They looked at each other for a while, until Nite got up from the bed and stated, "I believe we are late for a long, overdue Coronation ceremony"

...The End...

Apologies if you were expecting a huuuge finish but, it thought, 'thats all i can write' and it didn't need anymore.

Thank you for reading N-R.
There is a picture to go with this, but i still haven't done it yet. So expect it soon along with a prequel story called 'The Child'
Minutes seemed like hours, hours seemed like days and days turned into an eternity.
Nite's departure left a void.
:( That's very good description there.

He sat in a armchair looking at the book on demonology
I want that book!!!

Dante burst in through the door with several bags of shopping, "Geez, you still punishing yourself?!"
.... <.< >.>

Vergil looked up, "You want to lay off the drink Dante."

So you really don't have the moral high ground here."
Damn straight!

"That's... poetic..." Dante replied "You've been hanging around with Vergil for too long".
:wub: He's so cool, isn't he? XD

Nite sat on the floor, sighedcand started to stroke the black knight shard, "Remember that night in Fortuna? You saved me from a.... horny demon"
Vergil sat down beside her, "Quite literally."
Nite chuckled, "You were planning on raising the Temen-ni-gru. "
lol...I don't really want to say it due to minors being around but...that last line cracked me up so so much... I know I'm taking it out of context but it's um...well...raising a tower when he just saved her from a horny demon...4play much? XDDDDD

Dante shook Vergil's hand, "You too.... " Then pushed Vergil off the cliff top.
Vergil stuck his middle finger up and turned to face the portal and fell through it....

I like the ending, job well done VB! :)
I didn't realize i had used a bit of innuendo in there...*blushes* XD

"That's... poetic..." Dante replied "You've been hanging around with Vergil for too long".
That's my fave line.

Thanks Master Vergil :D
A very nice ending. I think your writing skills got better and better as you wrote this - you are really good at describing things. Well done! :D

I've really enjoyed this story.

Okies, so I haven't really had time to do much creativity (ie drawing). But i put a few minutes aside to make these on Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny on PSP.

The King and Queen of the Underworld. (Thats my Soul Calibur Version of Vergil, sorry it's not very clear)

And Angelo Notte. This is the closest i could get to her description.

She may look cute, but she's really evil (actually, she's meant to look a bit like Nelo >_< )

Will post the 'The Child' after Xmas