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I'm now catering for eveyone's tastes :lol:

The next bit I've gotta have checked out to see if it is okay to put on here.
Oooooh sounds ominous! If you can't you can always just sent it to the people who are interested.

*Ebony stands at the front of the queue*

Later that night, Vergil and Nite were in bed. They were facing away from each other and there was a gap between the two of them. They were both awake.

Nite had said said nothing all evening. Vergil knew that Nite would talk when she was good and ready, he also knew that the lash marks on her back had also been from the punishments that she had mentioned before.

Nite was sick of listening to the thoughts flying around in her head, the quiet of the night made them seem louder... deafening even.
'Sod this, I need to do something', she thought.

Nite got up and krept out of the room. As she passed Dante's room, she could hear him snoring. As walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.
She picked up a trin of cola and a slice of cold pizza from earlier that day, then plonked herself down on a chair at the table.

A few minutes after, Vergil walked into the room. He fumbled in the cupboard for a fork and his jar of olives. Then got a glass and filled it with water.
He then sat opposite to Nite and fished an olive out of the jar with his fork.
They sat in silence until...
"I'm sorry..."
"What for?" Vergil asked
"I kind of ruined the day... didn't I?" Nite croaked. Her voice was hoarse from crying.
"I thought it was quite good... until..."
Nite nodded as she nibbled the pizza, "Although... I'd like to do it again though"
Vergil chomped on an olive, "So would I"

Something was bothering Nite about Vergil... "when did you change?"
"What do you mean?" he replied.
"You came into hell as a cold bastard... no offence... but, around or at least towards me your not... It was exactly the same when you were Nelo Angelo"
"No offence taken" Vergil said. Vergil didn't need telling about how he behaved or acted. Then he looked uninspired at the jar of pickles and said "I don't remember much about being Nelo."

Nite smiled,"I can remember when I first met you... I heard this yelling... you were running towards Mundus' palace."
"I was going to fight him" Vergil replied with hatred in his voice.

In the courtyard of Mundus' palace, black roses entwine around pillars. Lean against one of the pillars is Nite pulling petals off of one of the roses.
"Yuk! Phantom baby!" Nite said as she squished it with her boot.
Vergil is approaching the castle doors.

"Is that a wise idea?" Nite asked
"Pardon?" Vergil said angrily.
"You are weakened from fighting with your brother"
"How do you know?"
"I saw it... And so did Mundus, he will know how to defeat you"
"He won't get the chance" Vergil said as he walked off
"Good Luck Son of Sparda" Nite shouted.

"I remember that" Vergil said
Nite went quiet again.
"You were there after the fight too... weren't you?" Vergil asked
"Mundus was stripping your soul from your body... you were still alive.. I could hear you screaming. I had never seen him do that before. I swear he got some perversed pleasure from it. I hated what he was doing. I hated his laughter. I wanted to shout at him... stop him."
"He wouldn't have, you do know that." Vergil replied
"Yeah... I know that all too well. Just like the punishments... it felt like they never stopped."
A tear ran down Nite's face again.
"What did he do?"
"It wasn't Mundus, Vergil... It was Arkham..."
"WHAT?!" Vergil shouted in disbelief.
"After Lady killed Arkham, Mudus got his soul. He wanted to reward him for double-crossing the seed of Sparda... He is the Torturer in the Underworld."
Vergil was lost for words.
"Vergie... This is why I didn't want to tell you."
"What does..." Vergil was stunned that Arkham's soul was still in existence."What has he done to you?"
"I can't say..."
"Yes, you can tell me"
"It's too..."
"Come on Nite..." Vergil found himself pleading.

Nite took a deep breath.
"I've been Whipped, stabbed, beaten, hit, slapped, poked, prodded, pinched, punched, kicked, pushed, pulled..." The Nite suddenly stopped.
"And?.. Nite... what else?"
Nite broke down crying.
"Nite, tell me"
"I CAN'T!" She yelled through her tears

Vergil then realized... "Nite, he hasn't raped you.... has he?"
Nite's sobbing got louder... then she said...
"Mundus told Arkham that, because I was an adult, I should receive Adult punishments..." Nite broke down again.

Vergil found himself disgusted that Mundus would have someone do that to his daughter. Vergil got up and walked around the table to where Nite was sitting and tugged on her arm so that she would stand. Something started to stir inside of him. Nite wrapped her arms around Vergil. He wasn't sure but something inside of him wanted to comfort her... make everything better.
"I'm going to help you Nite... together... we will defeat Mundus"
Ooooh just as I was browsing this forum you post this.

I honestly didn't see that coming. I thought there was going to be some Yaoi - :P

I bloody hate Arkham and this makes me hate him even more!
I must admit, i didn't feel comfortable posting it.
I thought the content may have been a bit strong.
(Plus i couldn't write a good Yaoi story if anyone paid me.)
Cool.I duuno why, but I imagined her with long red hair. It's good to know what she's meant to look like now tho :)
After the chaos of earlier that morning... Dante, Nite and Vergil had eventually gone back to sleep.
Vergil was on the couch. He told Nite to have his bed.
When Vergil woke up, it was 11am. He wondered what today held... Did it include anymore surprises?

"Morning Bro..." Dante said as he walked down the stairs "Man, what a night"
Vergil laid on the sofa playing with his amulet.
"What are your plans for today?" Dante asked Vergil
Vergil thought for a bit... "If she's up to it, I'll see if Nite wants to go shopping. Ever since she been here, those are the only clothes she has worn."
"Can't say I've really noticed."
"Can I borrow your car Dante?"
"Yeah, knock yourself out"
Vergil had a shower then walked into his bedroom.
"Nite, how about I take you..." Vergil was in an empty room. Nite was nowhere to be found.
The window was open wide enough for a gentle breeze to blow through.
Vergil walked over to the bedside table. Leaning against the lamp was a note:

I am really sorry for any trouble that I have caused either of you.
I cannot pull you into my problems, it's just not fair.
As I was picking up the shards of glass that I pulled out of your hand, I caught your reflection,
I cannot risk you becoming Corrupt again.
I'm gone Vergie, please dont try to find me.
Take Care

P.S. I have left money in Dante's desk as rent for staying here for the past few days

"NO!" Vergil growled. He turned on his heels and ran down the stairs.
"Hey, check this out, there's money in my desk... Vergil... Where's Nite?
"I don't know" He growled again.
"Whadda we do?"
Vergil thought for a moment. He knew that Nite would be p***ed if he found her, but he promised that he would help her...
"Get hold of Enzo. Ask him to get hold of his contacts, get him to give them a description of Nite. Get them to contact Enzo or you if anyone has seen her."
"What about you?" Dante asked as he was reaching for the phone.
"I'm taking the car, I'll go and look myself"
"Vergil, she could be anywhere"
"I know" Vergil Replied.
"Why do you care about what happens to her?" Dante asked.
Vergil paused... "I'll see you soon"

"BLOODY HILLS!" Nite thought to herself, as she was walking and pulling off her cloak.
When she reached the top, she was greeted with the view of a setting sun beaming down onto the sea.
As she looked around, down at the base of the cliffs below was a little port City...
"O FORTUNA!" She said to herself.

Nite ran towrads the sheer drop of the cliff face opened out her arms and dived off. As she neared the ground, Nite somersaulted. Whereas the fall would've killed any normal human, Nite could land safely.
Nite walked around until she found a little bar called 'Fortuna Inn'. She opened up the door and walked in.
The bar wasn't exactly bustling, however, she did spot a familiar face, so she walked over to him. As she reached that person and was about to speak, the bartender interrupted her, "So what'll it be?"
"Um... a cola for me and a glass of orange juice for my friend here..." She said.
"Thanks Lady, but i can afford my own drinks..." The guy then turned to face her "...Nite?"
"Hi Nero" Nite said smiling "How have you been?"
"Not too bad" he replied.
"How is everything?"
"Rebuilding the City is a snitch," Nero said scratching his nose "but, it's still gonna take a little longer."
"I see..."
"So... why are you here then?" Nero asked.
"Running away from my problems"
"The daughter of the Demon Emperor Mundus running away from her problems... That doesn't sound honorable..." Nero scoffed "What about Yamato?"
"All right, shut it..." Nite joked "And Yamato is Back with its master."

The barman put the drinks down on the bar and Nite handed over the money.

Nite looked around, "So, where's the little lady to?"
"Kyrie?, she's not so little anymore" Nero smirked
"NERO! That's rude!!" Nite said hitting Nero around the head.
"Seriously, she's pregnant!"
"S***..." Nite was caught off guard, "Hehe, Congratulations Nero."

"Nero, Kyrie is coming down, I think she maybe a little worried about where you are." The bartender told them
A figure slumped down the stairs.
"Nero. Are you coming to bed soon?" Kyrie asked
"Hello Kyrie" Nite said.
Kyrie was shocked "... you're back!"
Nite walked over to meet Kyrie "It's so good to see you... wow, look at you. You're huge!"
Kyrie giggled.
"How far gone are you?"
"Seven months" she replied.
"I'm so pleased for you... for the both of you" Nite said smiling.
Kyrie yawned.
"Nero I think your lady would like you to follow her" Nite gestured.
"I'll be up in a minute." Nero said
"Night Nite" Kyrie said, then she walked off up the stairs.
"Night Kyrie"

As Nero walked past Nite, he turned to her.
"Do something for me. Go back to him. Face your... demons... together. That's what you and I both agreed when I gave Yamato to you. See ya around Nite"
"Night Nero"

"Closing time" The bartender said to Nite.
Nite fiddled around in her pocket. "Here's $200 IF I can sleep on the couch down here."
The bartender's eyes gleamed. "Good night..." He chimed as he left the bar "Sleep well".

Nite walked around the back of the bar and grabbed several bottles of cola.
She plonked herself down on the sofa in and started to think.

Nite left the next morning at 6am. She did the right thing and left cash for the bottles of cola that she had slugged down.
Nite was walking away from the Inn, when the faint sound of moaning caught her ear... "Hello there boys..."
It was a gang of ten Abyss.
"I'm surprised Mundus hasn't scrapped you for a newer breed" She said.
Nite touched the Black Knight shard on her neck and summoned her katana. "LETS GO!"
The blade made effortless work of the Abyss. She could tell that she was landing hits, because they were too afraid to move just incase any part of there body parts fell off.

Nite held out the Katana and it's scabbard infront of her. Slotted the katana back in and as it clicked shut, the Abyss fell into pieces.

As she was walking away, she heard this high-pitched scream...
"Ooh... Vanguard" She thought to herself. "I'm surprised you're still working for Mundus too!"

But the Vanguard was standing in the middle of the road, and was hit from behind by a car.... Dante's car...
Vergil jumped out of the driver's seat, Yamato in hand.
He unsheathed Yamato and sliced the demon from its back to the front of its stomach.
Nite Sliced the demon up the middle, through it's head.
The pair then both stood side-by-side. Vergil caught a glimpse of Nite's Katana.
At the same time, Nite and Vergil slotted their swords back into the scabbards and clicked them shut... the Vanguard fell to the floor in four pieces...

Nite turned to Vergil. "I shouldn't have ran away, I know that now"
"You were scared." Vergil replied
"I feel so alone here..."
"You're not... You've got me"
"What about Nelo?"
"Nelo wants me to protect you..."
Nite smiled. "Can I show you something? We'll have to take the car though."
After the chaos of earlier that morning... Dante, Nite and Vergil had eventually gone back to sleep.
Vergil was on the couch. He told Nite to have his bed.
When Vergil woke up, it was 11am. He wondered what today held... Did it include anymore surprises?

"Morning Bro..." Dante said as he walked down the stairs "Man, what a night"
Vergil laid on the sofa playing with his amulet.
"What are your plans for today?" Dante asked Vergil
Vergil thought for a bit... "If she's up to it, I'll see if Nite wants to go shopping. Ever since she been here, those are the only clothes she has worn."
"Can't say I've really noticed."
"Can I borrow your car Dante?"
"Yeah, knock yourself out"
Vergil had a shower then walked into his bedroom.
"Nite, how about I take you..." Vergil was in an empty room. Nite was nowhere to be found.
The window was open wide enough for a gentle breeze to blow through.
Vergil walked over to the bedside table. Leaning against the lamp was a note:

I am really sorry for any trouble that I have caused either of you.
I cannot pull you into my problems, it's just not fair.
As I was picking up the shards of glass that I pulled out of your hand, I caught your reflection,
I cannot risk you becoming Corrupt again.
I'm gone Vergie, please dont try to find me.
Take Care

P.S. I have left money in Dante's desk as rent for staying here for the past few days

"NO!" Vergil growled. He turned on his heels and ran down the stairs.
"Hey, check this out, there's money in my desk... Vergil... Where's Nite?
"I don't know" He growled again.
"Whadda we do?"
Vergil thought for a moment. He knew that Nite would be p***ed if he found her, but he promised that he would help her...
"Get hold of Enzo. Ask him to get hold of his contacts, get him to give them a description of Nite. Get them to contact Enzo or you if anyone has seen her."
"What about you?" Dante asked as he was reaching for the phone.
"I'm taking the car, I'll go and look myself"
"Vergil, she could be anywhere"
"I know" Vergil Replied.
"Why do you care about what happens to her?" Dante asked.
Vergil paused... "I'll see you soon"

"BLOODY HILLS!" Nite thought to herself, as she was walking and pulling off her cloak.
When she reached the top, she was greeted with the view of a setting sun beaming down onto the sea.
As she looked around, down at the base of the cliffs below was a little port City...
"O FORTUNA!" She said to herself.

Nite ran towrads the sheer drop of the cliff face opened out her arms and dived off. As she neared the ground, Nite somersaulted. Whereas the fall would've killed any normal human, Nite could land safely.
Nite walked around until she found a little bar called 'Fortuna Inn'. She opened up the door and walked in.
The bar wasn't exactly bustling, however, she did spot a familiar face, so she walked over to him. As she reached that person and was about to speak, the bartender interrupted her, "So what'll it be?"
"Um... a cola for me and a glass of orange juice for my friend here..." She said.
"Thanks Lady, but i can afford my own drinks..." The guy then turned to face her "...Nite?"
"Hi Nero" Nite said smiling "How have you been?"
"Not too bad" he replied.
"How is everything?"
"Rebuilding the City is a snitch," Nero said scratching his nose "but, it's still gonna take a little longer."
"I see..."
"So... why are you here then?" Nero asked.
"Running away from my problems"
"The daughter of the Demon Emperor Mundus running away from her problems... That doesn't sound honorable..." Nero scoffed "What about Yamato?"
"All right, shut it..." Nite joked "And Yamato is Back with its master."

The barman put the drinks down on the bar and Nite handed over the money.

Nite looked around, "So, where's the little lady to?"
"Kyrie?, she's not so little anymore" Nero smirked
"NERO! That's rude!!" Nite said hitting Nero around the head.
"Seriously, she's pregnant!"
"S***..." Nite was caught off guard, "Hehe, Congratulations Nero."

"Nero, Kyrie is coming down, I think she maybe a little worried about where you are." The bartender told them
A figure slumped down the stairs.
"Nero. Are you coming to bed soon?" Kyrie asked
"Hello Kyrie" Nite said.
Kyrie was shocked "... you're back!"
Nite walked over to meet Kyrie "It's so good to see you... wow, look at you. You're huge!"
Kyrie giggled.
"How far gone are you?"
"Seven months" she replied.
"I'm so pleased for you... for the both of you" Nite said smiling.
Kyrie yawned.
"Nero I think your lady would like you to follow her" Nite gestured.
"I'll be up in a minute." Nero said
"Night Nite" Kyrie said, then she walked off up the stairs.
"Night Kyrie"

As Nero walked past Nite, he turned to her.
"Do something for me. Go back to him. Face your... demons... together. That's what you and I both agreed when I gave Yamato to you. See ya around Nite"
"Night Nero"

"Closing time" The bartender said to Nite.
Nite fiddled around in her pocket. "Here's $200 IF I can sleep on the couch down here."
The bartender's eyes gleamed. "Good night..." He chimed as he left the bar "Sleep well".

Nite walked around the back of the bar and grabbed several bottles of cola.
She plonked herself down on the sofa in and started to think.

Nite left the next morning at 6am. She did the right thing and left cash for the bottles of cola that she had slugged down.
Nite was walking away from the Inn, when the faint sound of moaning caught her ear... "Hello there boys..."
It was a gang of ten Abyss.
"I'm surprised Mundus hasn't scrapped you for a newer breed" She said.
Nite touched the Black Knight shard on her neck and summoned her katana. "LETS GO!"
The blade made effortless work of the Abyss. She could tell that she was landing hits, because they were too afraid to move just incase any part of there body parts fell off.

Nite held out the Katana and it's scabbard infront of her. Slotted the katana back in and as it clicked shut, the Abyss fell into pieces.

As she was walking away, she heard this high-pitched scream...
"Ooh... Vanguard" She thought to herself. "I'm surprised you're still working for Mundus too!"

But the Vanguard was standing in the middle of the road, and was hit from behind by a car.... Dante's car...
Vergil jumped out of the driver's seat, Yamato in hand.
He unsheathed Yamato and sliced the demon from its back to the front of its stomach.
Nite Sliced the demon up the middle, through it's head.
The pair then both stood side-by-side. Vergil caught a glimpse of Nite's Katana.
At the same time, Nite and Vergil slotted their swords back into the scabbards and clicked them shut... the Vanguard fell to the floor in four pieces...

Nite turned to Vergil. "I shouldn't have ran away, I know that now"
"You were scared." Vergil replied
"I feel so alone here..."
"You're not... You've got me"
"What about Nelo?"
"Nelo wants me to protect you..."
Nite smiled. "Can I show you something? We'll have to take the car though."
"If she's up to it, I'll see if Nite wants to go shopping. Ever since she been here, those are the only clothes she has worn."

Shopping is always good - whenever I read fanfic Dante and Vergil, or whoever never change their clothes either - you'd think those trench coats would be filthy, lol!

I'm still likig the story, keep it up ^_^
About a fifteen minute drive around a section of steep cliffs, Nite and Vergil came across a gateway built into the side of the rockface.
"So Nite, where are we?" Vergil asked.
"A tomb? Burial site? No.. those aren't the words I'm looking for... Go with tomb... but not as morbid..." Nite said
"What are you jibbering about?"
"Nite walked up to the black double gate and grabbed hold of the padlock, then turned to Vergil, "It's a... MEMORIAL... YES that's it!"
"To what?"
"Help me with the padlock, and I'll show you."
They both grabbed hold of the padlock and effortlessly pulled it apart. "Can't beat the strength of two demons," Nite said with a wink.

As they entered the black tunnel that was carved out of the rockface, something started to overwhelm Vergil, "I've been here before..."
"Yes, you have" Nite replied in a matter-of-fact tone, "Both as a human and as Nelo Angelo"
Vergil pulled on Nite's arm to make her face him, "What do you mean?"
Nite sighed, "Look... I'll explain it to you when we get there"

After a bit of a walk, the pair came to a chamber.
It was dimly lit by the dying candles.
"Now, where was that device to?" Nite said to herself. She started to feel around the walls of the chamber.
"What are you doing?" Vergil frowned
"Finding a light switch... ah ha!" Nite's body began to glow. It seemed to be taking her life to power the lighting in the chamber.
After it had taken most of her strength, Nite fell to her knees... "Damn those Haywire Neo Generators!"
Vergil looked in awe at the chamber.
The floor, walls and ceiling was made out of Pure white marble.
There were three alcoves carved out of the wall. The alcoves had some sort of sarcophagus in each of them. There were letters carved into each of the coffins. Vergil then looked to the floor. Before the step that lead up to the coffins, there were three gold circles on the floor. Vine plants ran across areas of some of the walls.
Vergil walked up to the main sarcophagus and crouched down beside it. He ran his slender fingers along the lettering... "SPARDA". Then he walked over to the coffin to the left side of Sparda's coffin. This one read "DANTE". He didn't need to know who the third one was for...
"Is this some kind of joke? Why have you brought me here?"
"I was hoping that It would jog your memory." Nite said still recovering on the floor.
"How?" Vergil said mocking Nite.
Nite got up, "Because you, as Nelo, accompanied me with ...your body to come here and lay you to rest!" She took in a deep... "We had just come out of a portal from the Underworld, and we were standing outside those gates."
Its a cold and starry night, the moon is shining onto the tomb of Sparda.
"It's a pretty night, don't you think?" Nite asked her companion.
He didn't answer.
"Nelo, you can speak now that you are away from the influence of Mundus..."
Still he didn't answer.
Nite walked over to the padlock of the gate, she grabbed hold of it and pulled. "Urrgh! ahhh... it won't budge!"
Nelo put his hand over Nite's and they both pulled the padlock together, it effortlessly breaks.
Walking through the darkness, Nite turns to Nelo and says, "I'll take your body from here on in, you wait here."
Nelo handed over his human body. At the same time wondering why Nite was helping him....
After she had been a while, Nelo headed down to the chamber. Nite was then turning Yamato in a gold lock on the floor. She knew that Nelo was behind her, "I would've said rest in peace... but I'd only be taking the p***"
She then handed over Yamato and Vergil's gold amulet. These are yours, keep them close... no matter what.
It was after Nelo had glimpsed the Amluet, the Armor fell away, revealing a body that looked just like the one Nite had sealed away.
"What trickery is this?" he said in a deep demonic tone.
"The armor must be your Devil Trigger...Mundus is calling for us, we have to go back..."

Fragments of lost memories were starting to form in Vergil's head... it hurt.
"Vergil, are you okay?" Nite asked, panicked to see pain rushing through his face.
"Vergil put his hand up... "I'm fine...I'm starting to remember"
He got up and walked over to Nite, who was still on the floor.
"You okay?" She asked
"I'm fine" He replied, holding out his hand... Nite took it and got up from the floor.
Vergil looked towards Sparda's coffin,"Is he in there?"
Nite walked over to the central lock on the floor, and lifted up the gold ring... "Who knows?" There was no locking mechanism underneath...
She picked up the rings on the floor for Dante and Vergil's coffins, both had locks in them.
Vergil's lock was the shape of Yamato's blade, Dante's was the shape of Rebellion's Blade and Sparda's was the shape of Force Edge.
"Does anyone know if Sparda is in there?" Vergil asked
"I don't know, but I can't feel his presence" Nite sighed
"You wouldn't, not if he is dead"
"Not necessarily, even a strong demon's presence remains centuries after his or her death."
There was a silence as the demons both looked around the tomb...
"Why did you bring me back?" Vergil asked bluntly.
"I needed your help... I kind of needed you..."
Vergil didn't understand the emotion that Nite was showing.
"I wasn't there when Dante defeated Mundus. He sent me to Dumary Island... to keep an eye on some bloke called Arius... what a waste of time."
"I remember that." Vergil replied
"So imagine my fury when i found out that you were dead AGAIN, and blondie had p***ed off with your brother."
"I see, so you came here..."
"Yes, Mundus let your soul wander around the Human world. I summoned you to me... here, then reunited your soul with your body... which was somehow presevered by the locking system in the chamber."
"But, that Brat Nero had Yamato had it... how did you get it back?" Vergil asked intrigued by Nite's story.
"I helped him defeat a few demons... cleaned up a bit of Fortuna, made friends with his lady friend. I told her about you. She nagged Nero... and hey presto... here you are"
Vergil eyed Nite...
She sighed, "Plus I told them that I was the daughter of Mundus, and that i wanted to end his reign... and then Nero said that he would do anything that he could to help."
"That's more like it" Vergil scoffed
"Can we go now, I'm starting to feel morbid" Nite pleaded with Vergil.
Vergil walked in front whilst Nite walked behind him, leaving the Tomb of Sparda in silence and any demons to rest in peace.
As Nite and Vergil got back to the car, the sky darkened and rain started to fall. Whilst Vergil started up the car, Nite fumbled with the button on the dashboard to close the roof.
When they eventually headed off, Nite curled up in the passenger seat next to Vergil and watched the rain run down the winscreen.
"Where do you want to go?" Vergil asked Nite, who was in a trance, which was made by the windscreen wipers going back and forth.
"Go?" She replied, "I thought that you might have wanted to get back to the office to give me a good telling off."
"You had your reasons."
Nite laughed, "I had my reasons... Vergil, I ran away from my problems, when I should've faced up to them. Even you know that that isn't honorable."
"Who said anything about honor" Vergil replied.
Nite thought for a second... "I'm the daughter of the Demon Emperor... and I can't face up to my problems"
"Don't remind me... Why don't you have a Devil form?" Vergil asked bluntly.
"Geez Vergie... gimme a chance! I don't know why I don't have A devil trigger... It would actually be nice to know if I was a full demon..."
Vergil slammed on the brakes...
"WHAT THE HELL!" Nite shouted.
"You don't know if you're a full demon?" Vergil said with mouth gaping.
"Is that why you slammed on the brakes? I told you, I don't know who my mother is...there was no need to stop the car."
Vergil sighed and got the car started again.
There was long silence in the car... Nite closed her eyes and listened to the rain.
"Where did you get your katana from?" Vergil asked.
"Ah, do you remember the time you came back to the human world. You were under the influence of Mundus, but you still kinda had your own mind. You were wrapped in bandages and carried a katana... not Yamato."
"Kind of..." Vergil replied suspiciously.
"Well, you went by the Name of GILVER."
"Very original..." he said sarcastically.
"Well that is your... I mean Gilver's katana... that's why Gilver is engraved on the blade near to the handle"
"But it never returned to the demon world..."
"I saw Dante/Tony defeat you, the katana crumbled into dust. When Dante left the bar where you both fought, I put the Black Knight shard over the area where the dust of the katana was and... resurrected it."
"Where was Yamato?"
"You left it behind in the Demon world..."
"Wrapping you in those bandages took bloody ages too!" Nite thought. She could hear Vergil scoff again.
Another wave of silence filled the car.
"Had you not left, I was going to ask you If I could take you shopping..." Vergil said breaking the silnece.
"I didn't think that was your sort of thing," Nite scoffed.
"It's not, I just thought that while you were here in the Human world, you might want a change of clothes..."
"I hate clothes shopping..." Nite grumbled "but I can't go back to the demon world... so .. okay"
"Your a girl, and you don't like clothes shopping!" Vergil thought to himself
"Yeah, that's right I hate it..." Nite turned and smiled at a confused looking Vergil. "Don't you remember... We have a telepathic link."
"Dante was right. You are full of surprises." Vergil scoffed.
Nite grinned, "That's why I don't think kinky thoughts when you're around."
Vergil blushed.
"I have never seen you do that before!" Nite gushed. "Anyway, I 've got to find a way to open portals to the Demon world."
"But, you closed the one in the clearing a few days ago."
"Yeah, by using up my energy. I used to do it with demonic power, that's probably why I don't have a Devil Trigger."
"Isn't there anyway you could get that power back?" Vergil asked with interest.
"I could kill a demon and see what happens I suppose," Nite chuckled ,"Hang on... what about the demons in the Temen-ni-gru?"
"What about them?"
"Well, didn't you get gauntlets from Beowulf's soul?"
"Yes... I can see where you are going with this... I think"
"Here's the plan, Mundus has a little snitch here in the Human world... he powers his house on demonic power... even the animals that live around his mansion are mutated with corruption, the power is that strong."
"I or we head there, kill the bastard, I split his power between the two of us, I open a portal... screw Mundus out of his power an throne..."
"You'd share power with me?" Vergil asked in disbelief.
"Of course, then hopefully I can start thinking kinky thoughts again without you hearing and everything is dandy" Nite said with a wink. "In fact, the little bugger holds a party for hallowe'en. And guess what tomorrow is..."
Interesting keeping me guessing.....I was thinking 'urg! Eva's her mother!!!!! - she did it with mundus too....then I thought....actually I'm gonna stop there 'cuz my guesses are really stupid. lol

Hates clothes shopping!!?? Vergil can take me clothes shopping instead :P
Where's Dante? *Eb goess to the shop to see Dante*
Dante's back at the shop. (I think...)
Eva definitely isn't Nite's mom... good guess though...It's gonna be a surprise, I hope :lol:
Hey, just so you know I'm still at the shop with Dante waiting for the next part....:)

We've had a pizza and now he's fallen asleep again :mad:

Later that day Vergil found himself regretting ever asking Nite to go clothes shopping.
The amount of trousers, boots, belts, blouses and vests that she bought, he was now carrying around. She even bought a few coats.
Vergil also thought it weird how the only color clothing Nite bought was either blue or black.
"Crikey Vergil. You're a Son of Sparda... stop moaning!" Nite said in he thoughts "I can still hear you... If it's any better, you can go and take the bags back to the car."
Vergil tried counting the bags when he put them into the boot... there must've been something like 25 or 30.
Vergil breathed a sigh of relief whilst walking back to Nite.
"Better now...Good"
"You don't do this often then?" Vergil asked
"No, Nanny normally tailors my clothes for me."
Vergil chuckled "Is she still alive?"
"What do you mean STILL?" Nite said smiling " I'm surprised that you remember her"
"You coould never forget someon like that. As I recall, she swore every minute of the day... apart from when she was around you"
Nite chuckled "She would get mad if I swore"
Vergil put an italian twang into is voice,"How can such a pretty mouth spill such filth... or something like that"
"You really are remembering."
"You can't forget someone like that..." Vergil said
"Really?" Nite chuckled "You forgot me..."
There was a bit of a pause...
"So where next?" Vergil asked
"Costume shop" Nite chimed
"Remember the plan that we... I came up with this morning? It's Hallowe'en tomorrow. Party at the little Snitches place..."
"Do we have to dress up?" Vergil pleaded
"Yes..." Nite said "We should look inconspicuous"
Vergil stopped and stared at Nite "SERIOUSLY?"
"Let's see, you could be, Frankenstein...a mummy. Oh wait, you did that as Gilver" Nite said with a wink.
"Very funny" Vergil said dryly.
They reached the costume shop...
"After you..." Nite said smiling...
The next day......
"What is she making you go as?" Dante asked
"Apparently, It's a surprise..." Vergil replied
"Ha! you hate surprises" Dante sniggered
"I know... did you ring Enzo?"
"Yeah, he managed to get you an invitation, he said he'll drop it around later."
"I knew he would..." Nite said walking down the stairs into the offfice.
"So... am I on the list too?"
"Nope" Nite replied
"It's too-high brow for you brother" Vergil continued.
"Fine, who wanted to go to a stinkin' party with you anyway..." Dante said in a sulk.
Nite and Vergil looked at each other...
"What?" Dante snapped
"Well, to make it up to you, how does 5 bottles of JD and all the pizza you could stuff sound?" Nite said
"I can't order pizza, the pizza parlor said I can't order anything else until my tab is settled" Dante replied
"Nite paid it off" Vergil mumbled
"Yup, and there's money behind the counter for you to order all the pizza you can stuff yourself stupid with ." Nite continued.
"Nite... he already is stupid" Vergil said
"Shut up Verge"
The door of the Office opened. "Morning Dante, Morning Vergil"
"Hey Enzo..." Dante replied. Vergil Nodded
Enzo caught a glimpse of Nite "So... you're the daughter of Mundus" he said eyeing her up and down. "You're not as scary as i thought you'd be..."
Nite walked up to Enzo... "Not scary eh? do you wanna see my trick?"
"Go on..."
Nite found a shadow in the corner of the office, her eyes started to shine a bright red as she disappeared. The shadow then started to move toward Enzo. A mass emerged from within. the mass grew claws and took a swipe at Enzo.."Argh!"
The shadow drained like water back to where it came from. "How do you like them apples?" Nite said
Enzo was curled up in the foetal position.
Dante laughed...
"In future Enzo, don't judge a book by its cover..." Vergil said.
Enzo's nerves were gone... here's the invitation... I'm off...
"Should i apologize?" Nite asked.
"Enzo shouldn't have said that... you taught him a lesson... of sorts"
Nite opened the envelope and sat next to Vergil.
It was a piece of car decorated in silver and gold, it read.
Master V. Redgrave & Partner
You are cordially invited to an all Hallow's Eve Ball at the Marble Masion
Your host:
Duke. G. Apollo
Nite laughed...
"What is it?" Vergil asked
"Duke G Apollo. Is that what he calls himself!"
Vergil looked a Nite "Do you know him"
"Sort of... he was a tramp... he got killed, Mundus sent him back as a snitch... 'Grovelling' Gary Apollo is what I call him"
Vergil looked over the invitation... "Redgrave?"
"Yeah... I couldn't exactly say Sparda could I? I figured you'd be going in undercover" Dante said
"He does care about you Vergie" Nite said smiling
The twins exchanged glances...
"I suppose so... but he's still stupid!" Vergil retorted.
"And you can still shut up!"
I wanna go clothes shopping with Vergil!

So where did nite get all the money from? Rob a bank? Smash open a cash machine, or something legit? lol.

Eb :)