I am just going to restate that I love all platforms of gaming and that I am not biassed towards PSP's or DS'.
TO DS HATERS IN GENERAL... ESURA MOSTLY...(your still meh dog):
1.) I happen to love Mario and Kirby...LOVE, however in the same aspect i love nothing more than slitting an enemy's throat or chainsawing them in half. So if your saying that DS is "childish" then your obviously too "adult" and shouldnt even be playing video games, go do stocks or what ever. =]
2.) HOW? (I'm assuming you've been to school right? because they tell you that you shouldn't put things in parenthesis, or however you spell that, because it is saying that that text is unimportant)
3.) I've dropped a DS from a second story window onto concrete and it was, and still is fine, your just trying to make up stuff to rag on at this point in your rant.
4.) I beg to differ, I play two different games at the same time on two different TV's, and I find that fun. If I could play IDK..."Battlefield: Bad Company" and have one tv be the game and have the other screen be the in-game map, id love that because i wouldn't have to pause the game, during multiplayer so i can't move but everyone else still can, to see what my people are doing on the other side of the map.
1.) I have had the pleasure of having a PSP and a DS in the same room, although they weren't mine, and PSP's are not "bulky" where the hell did you come up with that? they are barely bigger than a DS, the ooriginals anyways. Unless you buy the big ass protection case which doubles its size, and on top of that your pants are so tight you can barely fit 50 cents in your pocket, the psp is by no means "bulky".
2.) If you feel like the screen is "too small" and you need to "squint your eyes" to play them, then handhelds in general just aren't for you, get your eyes checked and don't sit to close to the TV k?
3.) Also the PSP is not hard to handle you must have the hands, and maybe mind, of a 3 year old if your finding playing a PSP "difficult"
All this is just another great example of how when ever people do this VS crap there is never really a "GOOD" keyword there "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" reason that any one thing is better than the other, one says the DS having two screens isn't fun, that is because you don't have the mental capability to take on two screens, WHICH IS 100% FINE!!! And those of you that hate on PSP's, you just probably couldn't afford one, WHICH IS FINE!!! JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE OR LIKE THE SYSTEM DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO "HATE" ON THE OTHER!!!
Eddie Murphy said in one of his stand up routines that, "the moon walk is stupid" he then later said "it's because i can't do the F'ing thing". i just wanted this in here because its what i think about when ever VS discussions occur