Ninja Theory inviting top DMC players to test DmC

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In DmC gameplay trailers, I didn't see anything like jump cancel. Does it mean it's gonna be absent & staying in the air will be much much easier o_O ?!
In DmC gameplay trailers, I didn't see anything like jump cancel. Does it mean it's gonna be absent & staying in the air will be much much easier :confused: ?!

From the stage Demo gameplay at the TGS2011, whoever was playing the demo could hardly swing the Ax correctly. If by jump cancel you are reffering to the enemy step, i haven't seen it at all in any of the trailers. And it does make staying in the air easier but there's no telling what can be done while your in the air. Jump Canceling, to me, was too much work to accomplish the same goal. Although i do respect someone for taking the time to figure out the rhythm of the jump cancel, i couldn't be bothered with it.
It is as it was always. Some have time to practice, some don't. If you ask me, Jump Cancel (Enemy Step) is the most fantastic part of DMC. It gives player a challenge. It's my opinion, ofcourse.
It is as it was always. Some have time to practice, some don't. If you ask me, Jump Cancel (Enemy Step) is the most fantastic part of DMC. It gives player a challenge. It's my opinion, ofcourse.

i never have time to practice so i make time thats why i get so many homework detentions XD
was there a jump cancel in Bayonetta? I know you could still enemy step but i never tried it before
Don't know about Bayonetta.. Never played it !!
I watched a couple of gameplay vids though, but it didn't interest me much. Moreover, it wasn't ported to PC right ??

@ Demon Genral:-
You, for sure, are a master in Time Management ;)
There very much was a jump cancel on Boyonetta however when ever she steps on an enemy she also shoots them with her feet causing damage every time you jump cancel.

Bayonetta is not available for the PC.

If you are a DMC fan the you owe it to yourself to play Bayonetta, if you don't you are missing out, and right now you can get it pretty cheap.
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Don't know about Bayonetta.. Never played it !!
I watched a couple of gameplay vids though, but it didn't interest me much. Moreover, it wasn't ported to PC right ??

@ Demon Genral:-
You, for sure, are a master in Time Management ;)

yes i am:D luckily i get away with most homework:cool:
Hold up. Is there a reliable source that says the game will definitely be at 30fps? Because if that's true, holy pancakes that sucks. I am excited for top players to have the chance to play test the game - this is a fantastic idea (if they respond and follow the advice of these players). However, 30fps, you may as well not bother.

EDIT: I found a quote, and it really is at 30 fps. What don't they understand! Seriously, they have no idea what they are doing at this point. Tameem saying that it will "feel like 60 fps" no it won't, do you know why? Because it's 30fps
You won't know how the game will feel like at 30fps before you have played it, so please, stop pre-judging it.
Alot of games go with 30fps and they play just fine.
Sheesh, sometimes it really does seem like you people are just looking for something to complain about...
It's not complicated but at the same time it kinda is. If a game is gonna run at 30 frame per second and they want to make feel and look like twice that much than they'll start by making the animations faster and program the game to be alot more responcive so that the reactions are more immidiate. Not sure that's how it's going to work though because it's not an exact science; Let's say that Dante swinging the sword takes 16 frames, to make this animation feel like 60 you wouldn't cut that in half, that would just look cartoony, in fact if it takes 16 frames at 30fps then at 60 it would be an animation that lasts 32 frames now, wouldn't it? At 60fps that animation would just look a lot smoother. But then again that might be what you want and now what at 30 frame would be 16 now is done in 8. But because of the fast pace of the game the nano seconds count and now that they are no longer we'll have to wait and see if what they say is true that they came up with solutions for it.

Now for a moment of science.
The human Eye percives light at what has been messured to aproximitly 200 to 400 'frames' per second. However at aproximitly 24 fps the human eye can no longer percive individual frames, this is why so many things start with that as a bases. Animation ran, if I remember right, at 24 fps, film and television at 29.39 fps for reasons that I forget. Limited animation like the Flindstones and Yogui Bear only ran at 12 fps and alot of television animation these days run at both. So even if the human eye can percive large amounts of optical information per second it isn't necessery to enjoy a movie, 30 fps is often enough. However video games have proven that a smoother, faster, frame rate is prefrable do to the interactive nature of gaming.
You need it to be 60 fps for fundamental aspects such as smooth input, number of frames of animation in enemy attack animations, frames on which enemy audio cues begin... it all becomes half as accurate when it is 30 fps. Someone explain to me how you can have the feel of a 60 fps game when it's 30 fps - it is not possible and is a nonsense statement.

There are games that run at 30 fps, but an extreme action title like DMC needs to be 60, this isn't tetris, you need as many frames of animation as possible to keep it slick in terms of control and reaction

Not to mention that it is a downgrade from previous titles, and each title should improve on the last, not get worse

Honestly, this is a huge deal, I'm happy to explain further - this is my new number 1 problem with the game because it affects gameplay dramatically
You won't know how the game will feel like at 30fps before you have played it, so please, stop pre-judging it.
Alot of games go with 30fps and they play just fine.
Sheesh, sometimes it really does seem like you people are just looking for something to complain about...

I hope that "you" wasn't meant for me and if it was, then I've had enough from you. You are too smart for me and I'm too dumb for you. So no matter how dumb I play here, please don't reply my comments and I shall do the same. I've seen enough, so would like to end it in a mature way.
Sorry if I sound rather rude, I'm literally at the peak of my anger.
I think we guys should all chillax a little. :cool:
I personally think that 30fps should be fine. Yeah, Tam and Alex sound a little arrogant, but maybe that's because they're also confident that the game will run smoothly enough to convince most of us here.
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DeadLegend, I wasn't complainin' that it runs @30FPS. I was just asking what he (TA) actually meant when he said the game will give us a feeling of 60FPS. Plain and simple question. No complaining, on whining about the game running at 30FPS. Now c'mon.. don't tell me now that even you thought I was complaining.

EDIT: Please look how Berto replied. He interpreted in a right way and tried to explain.
DeadLegend, I wasn't complainin' that it runs @30FPS. I was just asking what he (TA) actually meant when he said the game will give us a feeling of 60FPS. Plain and simple question. No complaining, on whining about the game running at 30FPS. Now c'mon.. don't tell me now that even you thought I was complaining.

EDIT: Please look how Berto replied. He interpreted in a right way and tried to explain.

No way. To me, neither of you are complaining. You both have your own personal opinions, which is fine. This is what forums are for.
I'm complaining about 30 fps. I'm chilled, I've put forward the reasoning, I've not heard the other side which defends 30 fps. It's clearly inferior. Per second you'll have half as many opportunities for input. Animation suffers, attack cues have less frames and projectiles have less frames through the air, and so on...your reactions to them and your inputs to avoid them are made less accurate.

To those who find it hard to understand what I'm saying, each frame of animation is a time for input from the player to be registered. By running it at 30 fps, it means it's half as accurate, you have less opportunites per second. There are several problems associated with it. If there's a defense, let's hear it

imagine if the game ran at 1 frame per second. An extreme example I know, but easier to follow. The game would jerk along, and you would have to wait to be able to do anything. You'd see a slide show - when a fireball comes at you, you'd just see it hang in mid air between you and the enemy and you'd have to jump then, or get hit in the next frame because there's nothing inbetween. 60 frames per second is smooth, and gives you more control because everything is broken down into smaller frames of time, allowing you a better comprehension of what is going on - 30 is not acceptable in comparison

Another example, again for those not sure what the difference is. Say a fireball takes 1 second to reach you from the enemy. In 60 frames per second, you would have 60 opportunities to dodge successfully, so up to the very last moment you can still dodge. In 30 frames per second, you would have only 30 opporunities, within the same time of that fireball hitting you. This means that once it has passed 29 frames, whatever distance is left between you and that fireball, you have to dodge then. So say the distance is (for ease of mathematics) 60 feet that it travels. At 60 fps, it means that you can still dodge when it is only 1 foot away. At 30 fps, you can dodge only at 2 feet away - you cannot dodge at the last moment anymore, because next frame means you are hit. It is less accurate.
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