Devil Hunter 95 Supreme Trickster Apr 23, 2008 848 2 1,475 You'll never know May 2, 2008 #1,641 later LoD Omenminator: likes cock and balls. lol
AzureNight13 Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter Premium Apr 11, 2008 2,401 383 8,180 35 Insanity Twitter AzureNight13 May 3, 2008 #1,642 Nero Nakey!Ewwwwwww *kicks Nero into the pIt of death* Everyone in the forum: is no longer blind and is cured by cookies
Nero Nakey!Ewwwwwww *kicks Nero into the pIt of death* Everyone in the forum: is no longer blind and is cured by cookies
aka958 Don't trust people Feb 9, 2008 4,686 216 150 30 May 3, 2008 #1,643 im out of nicknames >_< but you all continue like as you do... have a nice day everyone
Vauxchen The devoted Premium Oct 6, 2007 2,838 16 8,805 May 3, 2008 #1,644 this topic seems way off topic, and it seems to me that people arent even sayin nicknames anymore
Sparda™ New Member Feb 15, 2008 5,742 8 0 35 May 3, 2008 #1,645 ^ Just a thread where you can say basically anything and get rep for that...LOL..not even stickied to the topic...:lol:
^ Just a thread where you can say basically anything and get rep for that...LOL..not even stickied to the topic...:lol:
-B.(o).C-® 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団 Mar 13, 2008 1,936 4 4,445 In a room with Gantz waiting to be sent off to kic May 3, 2008 #1,646 Dante Aseroth- The sculpter of masterpieces
AzureNight13 Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter Premium Apr 11, 2008 2,401 383 8,180 35 Insanity Twitter AzureNight13 May 3, 2008 #1,647 ....... We still nickname people, wheither it's funny or kickass. We're just having fun at the same time And It's been awihle Bringerofchaos *gives Boc a cookie* AzureNight13: Is now officailly known as the cookie lady ^_^
....... We still nickname people, wheither it's funny or kickass. We're just having fun at the same time And It's been awihle Bringerofchaos *gives Boc a cookie* AzureNight13: Is now officailly known as the cookie lady ^_^
-B.(o).C-® 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団 Mar 13, 2008 1,936 4 4,445 In a room with Gantz waiting to be sent off to kic May 4, 2008 #1,648 Azure knight- Cookie lady [edit]200th post!
EmotionsUntold Unloved Someone Oct 14, 2007 683 0 1,400 33 In the Dark May 4, 2008 #1,649 BringerOfChaos- Announcer of Post Counts :lol:
Vauxchen The devoted Premium Oct 6, 2007 2,838 16 8,805 May 4, 2008 #1,650 EmotionsUntold - Skittles EmotionsUntold - The awsome artist
Crimson Red Knight master of the blade Feb 15, 2008 1,132 23 0 the realm of darkness from wich the souls of the w May 4, 2008 #1,651 Vauxchen: the fabled knight of helpfullness and great and vast knowllege and pointless facts
EmotionsUntold Unloved Someone Oct 14, 2007 683 0 1,400 33 In the Dark May 4, 2008 #1,652 BringerOfChaos- Pajamas :lol: Vauxchan- Ham Crimson Red Knight- Tatooey
Damien Anti - Little D Premium Apr 15, 2008 1,463 24 3,905 33 A island May 4, 2008 #1,653 gta 4 is amazing
Devil Hunter 95 Supreme Trickster Apr 23, 2008 848 2 1,475 You'll never know May 4, 2008 #1,654 omen: the cock and balls lover. lol AzureNight13: Queen of Azure with beuaty and grace, also a great cookie suplier. P.S. not sure if i spelled beuaty right
omen: the cock and balls lover. lol AzureNight13: Queen of Azure with beuaty and grace, also a great cookie suplier. P.S. not sure if i spelled beuaty right
AzureNight13 Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter Premium Apr 11, 2008 2,401 383 8,180 35 Insanity Twitter AzureNight13 May 5, 2008 #1,655 Cookies cookies everywhere but not a crumb to eat! (does anyone get it?) Everyone on Forum : Were hit with cookies by the cookie army (since when did they get here?)
Cookies cookies everywhere but not a crumb to eat! (does anyone get it?) Everyone on Forum : Were hit with cookies by the cookie army (since when did they get here?)
Devil Hunter 95 Supreme Trickster Apr 23, 2008 848 2 1,475 You'll never know May 5, 2008 #1,656 look out cookie bombs! AzureNight13: needs to call off the army cause war is hell.
AzureNight13 Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter Premium Apr 11, 2008 2,401 383 8,180 35 Insanity Twitter AzureNight13 May 5, 2008 #1,657 Devil hunter 95: The one who really sent the cookie army
Devil Hunter 95 Supreme Trickster Apr 23, 2008 848 2 1,475 You'll never know May 5, 2008 #1,658 no i didnt. AzureNight13:still queen of Azure with beauty and grace, but needs to call off the cookie army.
no i didnt. AzureNight13:still queen of Azure with beauty and grace, but needs to call off the cookie army.
AzureNight13 Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter Premium Apr 11, 2008 2,401 383 8,180 35 Insanity Twitter AzureNight13 May 6, 2008 #1,659 But I didn't send the cookie army! They came on their own! *kicks army into the pit of death* Devil Hunter 95: King of Randomness
But I didn't send the cookie army! They came on their own! *kicks army into the pit of death* Devil Hunter 95: King of Randomness
Devil Hunter 95 Supreme Trickster Apr 23, 2008 848 2 1,475 You'll never know May 6, 2008 #1,660 get in the choppa! AzureNight13:knows all truth.