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It's not a matter of what you "like," it's the matter of the intention behind the depictions they gave, and in this case, they went off a more occidental ideal of demons being tied to horror.
I still think they should have made the enemies more stylised
But stylized demons were one of the signature elements of Devil may cry. If I want to kill grotesque enemies I would play resident evil or maybe even Bayonetta. One of the biggest reasons I play DMC is because of the cool character design, not because of compatibility of the enemies with the game's theme.
You're completely missing the point of this entire game was about making a western-themed contemporary game, all of the elements had to be consistent for the direction they were going. It's the same reason why Capcom told NT to make new, different designs - if they wanted to make another stylized DMC game, they would have done it themselves.

Like it or lump it :/
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They wanted to reboot the story and main characters
not the theme,
Everything else is still stylized: The characters, the artwork and also the combat, so why not the enemies?
They wanted to reboot the story and design with a CONTEMPORARY WESTERN THEME for this game, as if it was a Hollywood movie.

Seriously, dude, I can't make it anymore clear than that. Giving something a distinctly different style than the rest of the game would be really out of place, and really awkward. Like if a character in this game had freakin' Yu-Gi-OH! hair...
They wanted to reboot the story and design with a CONTEMPORARY WESTERN THEME for this game, as if it was a Hollywood movie.

Seriously, dude, I can't make it anymore clear than that. Giving something a distinctly different style than the rest of the game would be really out of place, and really awkward. Like if a character in this game had freakin' Yu-Gi-OH! hair...
Western style doesnt mean baby faces on giant twisted demonic bodies
They could have used enemies like those in the vergil DLC
Western style doesnt mean baby faces on giant twisted demonic bodies
They could have used enemies like those in the vergil DLC

Cherubs are a popular design in a lot of Western European sculpting, and a baby face is pretty goddamn applicable since Killing Face is a f*cking demon fetus, and grotesque features are a large part of the concept of "evil monsters" in the West. This game isn't trying to make enemies that simply "look cool," they're making enemies that reach a deeper level of actual grotesquery and what makes things unnerving and disturbing. Twitchy movements, ear-shattering screams, things that just make you go "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" instead of "Man, that thing looks cool."

Seriously, dude, just're arguing the justification in a product that you can't change. Your opinion is moot in the face of the exact reasoning of why the game was designed with this particular art direction...
They wanted to reboot the story and design with a CONTEMPORARY WESTERN THEME for this game, as if it was a Hollywood movie.

Seriously, dude, I can't make it anymore clear than that. Giving something a distinctly different style than the rest of the game would be really out of place, and really awkward. Like if a character in this game had freakin' Yu-Gi-OH! hair...


A scene from Yu-gi-oh.
Trans:"But this school has rules! How about this long hair! Absolutely unforgivable!"

BTW the main character...looks like this.

Screw the rules.
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Y'know, as I get older, I'm noticing how silly a lot of designs in the anime I liked watching were...sometimes things really just don't fit with the style that's been set forth. Like...watching Advent Children Complete - I love the hell out of that movie, but anyone who isn't a main character dresses like a drab schmo with no style, while everyone else has all these extravagant leather coats and silver accessories.
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Y'know, as I get older, I'm noticing how silly a lot of designs in the anime I liked watching were...sometimes things really just don't fit with the style that's been set forth. Like...watching Advent Children Complete - I love the hell out of that movie, but anyone who isn't a main character dresses like a drab schmo with no style, while everyone else has all these extravagant leather coats and silver accessories.

As you know absurd clothing is one degree of coolness.
If all of the mobs in FF7AC wore "Cool" attire, it would be one wierd world though...I can't bear even to think about it. lol
It's also one of the key elements to give a anime character a wierd spiky hairstyle so we could distinguish him.
(I am still waiting a main character to appear in shonen-Jump which looks like a 80's heavy metal artist.)

Well back to the conversation...DmC's bosses are "Hazards" in lthe real world.
You can't make them cool, they are the most loathable elements in life that persistantly sticks to us no matter how! I personally think that NT did a good job at that.
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It looks awesome, anyway. They're clearly stylized enough, whether it's Western or Anime or not. I think the enemy designs are fairly original, especially if you consider how cut and dry the depictions of demons tended to be in the previous games. The Blade and Mephisto enemies may have been some of the most original designs from before.

It may not be as exaggerated as your tastes, but it's still adding some interest to the world and making things perhaps a bit less absurd for the sake of presentability. Still, demons with chainsaws are awesome.
Western style doesnt mean baby faces on giant twisted demonic bodies
They could have used enemies like those in the vergil DLC
So you like the demons in the Virgil dlc?
What makes u think there wont be similar enemy designs in Dantes game?
To be fair, Mr. Hassan (hope I'm using the right name), stylized monsters are cool, and fit well into the older canon as well as many other games like Final Fantasy. I'd say the enemy designs from DmC are leaning slightly more towards the Silent Hill side than the Final Fantasy side. At least, I feel that's an accurate way to measure the influence.

And well, I've seen things like broken doll faces quite often in western horror (Chucky?), so I wouldn't say it's alien to the horror genre in the west. I feel that if they pumped up the color schemes and themes any more with the enemies, they'd have to be very careful in doing so as to avoid offsetting the environments and Dante himself.