Reuben and Dan just tweeted and retweeted this, just in case you didn't see it in my other post.

Nice, was hoping they would after seeing the first DMC4 Pachinko OST on Itunes. Anyone know if its possible it buy this on the US side?
OST got released at the beginning on the month
While I'd certainly rather be playing DMC5 than a pachinko game, in Japan pachinko games are just as much actual games as any other game played in arcade, and just as much popular. Thinking about it with clear mind, one can't really blame Capcom for trying to recapture home market after international one started to look more and more like a pain in the ass.Maybe we're just the weird ones for not being interested in a DMC Pachinko machine instead of an actual game. At least, that seems to be the logic Capcom is using.
While I'd certainly rather be playing DMC5 than a pachinko game, in Japan pachinko games are just as much actual games as any other game played in arcade, and just as much popular. Thinking about it with clear mind, one can't really blame Capcom for trying to recapture home market after international one started to look more and more like a pain in the ass.
Oh nothing wrong with sharing disappointment from time to time, I just like to sometimes point people to calmer way of thinking. :thumbsup:Fair enough. I suppose I just had to share my dissatisfaction with the lack of new DMC games lately. This is a DMC forum after all :wink:
one can't really blame Capcom for trying to recapture home market after international one started to look more and more like a pain in the ass.
So Capcom is run by business people that don't really know their market, that's for sure.Yes but on the other hand, they kinda dug their own grave when it comes to that, through bad decision after bad decision. An unwanted reboot, two rereleases, one of which pretty much nobody cared about and missed an entire market - PC - that was the most likely to sell well (btw, I would have bought it on PC) and the other ended up disappointing a lot of fans, and then utter silence about the series, accompanied by the usual rumors, hints and whatnot.
And this whole mess, they started building it back in 2010. 6 years time to sink themselves are a lot, and they surely didn't hesitate to shoot themselves in the foot, the knees, the balls all the way up to the chest. When it comes to this franchise, only one more headshot is needed.
So in the end, I think yeah, Capcom is definitely to blame in my opinion.
When you screw up real bad, partly cause of your lack of knowledge on what people want and partly cause the audience has turned into a really tough one, do you keep trying to swim with the sharks out there or do you attempt to rebuild yourself in a familiar pool at home first?
Gel said:It will be complicated.
To be honest, they will have their heads guillotined no matter the road they choose: there will be always someone to ask their heads as prize, so it's part of their job.No, it will be Capcomplicated.
Artbook confirms this:Anyway...I remember a similar discussion before where someone said they started to run out of ideas when they were working on 4. So I think the problems were already starting around that time (2008), and the reboot - as unnecessary as it was - was just an attempt to rectify those problems. But due to them still not getting their crap together about the original series and the reboot not doing as well as they'd hoped, they're stuck for what to do now. That's a problem they unfortunately created for themselves.
To be honest, they will have their heads guillotined no matter the road they choose: there will be always someone to ask their heads as prize, so it's part of their job.
The irony is that Capcom still aim their efforts to Japan, where DMC were never popular to begin with.I see this almost as a masochist wish the series to be dead for good.
IF there will be a DMC5, I imagine it will not bring nothing good or interesting to the series: only more weird plotholes and HEAVY cheap fanservice. ( which was very balanced in DMC1/DMC3).
Japanese audience generally see characters as " persons", they are imitations of life, while western audience see them as their avatars, which implies their headcanon is more important than whatever the series creator has in mind.If there is one thing that Bleach ending taught me, is that Japanese audience is more forgiving than the western one. Japanese fans were congratulating Kubo on ending his series and wishing him a nice future. Western fandom was mostly marked by shippers raging about pairings, raging about the plot, burning Bleach merchandise, in general you'd see more posts about the series and its creator being a total failure. According to those that were hanging around 2ch, where Japanese Bleach fandom is located, this behavior was noticed and people were pretty much shaking their heads at it.
Hmm, since this case is about a pachinko, I wonder if they really had DMC fanbase in mind when they launched it.I know little about it, but most people play pachinko for the sake of it, not so much for the franchise in question. Safer route yes, but weird when we think Capcom is driven by money and DMC biggest sales is in West.DMC fandom was no different, with their biggest raging moment being when DmC came out, and no real recovery happening after it.
When one looks at what can pass in Japan and what their audience is like, I can't really blame any Japanese company anymore for going the safer route.
Which is a shame, indeed! I'm been falling out of love with the franchise, when I was totally nuts about it. DMC4SE didn't help too much, but what it was written in the artbook was a nail in the coffin for me.And THAT'S the biggest problem. With those thoughts in mind they really don't have anything to motivate them to do a DMC 5. Since I've also feared for a long time that it will probably end up being a letdown anyway due to more plot-holes and lackluster explanations to things.
We have two fanbases. DMC and DmC. Few people are fan of the two universes. It's a scar that it will never be healed, but whatever.You're right, they lost direction when challenged with developing DMC 4. And their trouble now is how do you make the original DMC series as relevant today as it was back then? How do you bring back Dante and the other characters and make them feel exciting again? How do you move on from the reboot and try to get people's attentions again after you've divided the fanbase? There's a lot of areas to consider and problems to work out before they go about working on DMC 5. And unless they address those points beforehand then I feel like it'll end up being something that we really don't want.
I don't want to agree but I have to, specially looking at those videos of the new pachinko machine. Dante and Nero flying around with bright rainbow colors in the background? DMC in the hands of Capcom has become a parody of itself. There was a time where the line between light hardheartedness and downright silliness was clear and defined and DMC never crossed it; it knew when to be serious and when to tell a joke. God, I hope this is just a Pachinko thing and it's not reflective of what Capcom thinks DMC should be....IF there will be a DMC5, I imagine it will not bring nothing good or interesting to the series: only more weird plotholes and HEAVY cheap fanservice. ( which was very balanced in DMC1/DMC3).