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Nero origins and facts

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Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Before I start this thread,I need earnest Nero fans[read fans as in fans not fanboys or fangirls/fujoshi(with the insultive meaning)] and people willing to hear abut facts.And you too DT as you are[I hope] my primary focus on the Nero staff.Just to avoid further clashing and more discussions about Nero.If possible just offer your opinion to the facts.When you gather and wish to start.I'll start too.If there also any questions about the models and ideas used for Nero you can ask them.

PS : If you want to flame Kobacross and Bingo for his trolling go ahead but please don't reach 4chan level.[Because I suspect things will go out hand due to rage towards them.]And when I say "origins" I mean how he was brought to light,where did they drew inspiration to make him and these things.


Well-known Member
very good tread, Devil Bane! Just last night I was thinking about how every thread in this forum turns into a Nero vs. Dante flame fest. We me always caught in the middle. :( I personally have no idea where Nero came from, so I'm looking forward to other people's responses.

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
I'm glad at least one is interested.If you want,you can start with small things as I'm still making certain of some things concerning Nero[double crossing refernces and origins,DESPITE Capcom saying that their character is "purely original"].

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
^Ah...ok then.Thanks for the opinion but :

*whispering voice*

I wrote I didn't want to start a war,just inform the Nero fans and tell them the "origins" of Nero.Sorry but if you got nothing on the subject please don't post.

*Normal voice*

Moving on...where's DT?


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I would love to, but this thread will probably turn into another Nero is Vergil's son debacle... I don't have the heart to discuss that.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
i don't want that to happeno_O

i'll just say nero was born by a random woman and....well i don't know

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
And that's the start of NERO FACTS AND ORIGINS : [Claps etc/jk]

If anyone has any questions I forgot to answer,you can always ask me[on this matter].

First the easy matters : Nero's visual model is taken from the twins and their father[obviously].As to why,nothing is clear yet.The closest thing we currently have is that random Capcom guy's false and inaccurate info and Bingo's book about DMC 4,which has a very questionable seat in the continuity.Until Capcom reveals it we will be in the dark...

Moving on to Nero or rather Nero's special feature : The Devil Bringer.Such a wicked and crazy idea.Not to mention cool.The man who thought about the hand,the power it holds,it's immense abilities and the speculation from the fans that would follow,even the gossip between fans that Nero would turn into full demon witha proper Devil Trigger,struck gold.SO let's all give a big thank you to mr Takeshi Okano and Makura Sho,creatores of Hell Teacher Nube[Jigoku Sensei Nube],where the main Character,Nueno Meisuke aka Nube goes throught all this,complete strangers to Capcom.Complete starngers I said?Allow to correct :

Capcom[in Japan] is notorious for "borrowing" ideas in the most profane way and while the inventors of these ideas don't mind that much,sometimes fans urge them to give credits.The three most famous cases are all from Street fighter : Rolento "based on" The General in the Hokuto no Ken[Fist of the North star] story,Rose and Guile[Both "based on" Lisa-Lisa and the Nazi general Stroheim respectively,both appearing in "Battle Tendency",the second "chapter" from Hirohiko "Vampire" Araki's best selling manga Jojo's Bizzare Adventure.].

Now you have Nero's Devil Bringer source of inspiration but is that all?Oh,no.Unfortunately Capcom didn't stop there.They started melding in aspects of Araki's manga JoJo,from the third "chapter" and onwards,where the characters develop an ability called "Stand".In a layman's terms,"Stands" are the physical and spiritual manifestation of one's power and soul,resulting into many types of Stands.One such Stand is Kujo Jotaro's "Star Platinum",a close range Stand that is always behind the user,attacking wth swift attacks whenever the user wishes,even when the user himself attacks but that's not all.Star Platinum has many more tricks such as grabbing the enemy and start strangling him,throwing him around use him against others.Pretty familiar doesn't it sound?Also he did a trick where it used it's own energy to explode and take the enemy with it,taking no damage at all.Sounds even more familiar doesn't it?It's the source of Nero's Devil Trigger.Shocking?Maybe.But despite that fans of the series[in japan where these are far more obvious than in the west]accepted it and found it amusing.

His character doesn't need explanation.We all understand it.

Now for some interesting facts : Originally Devil May Cry would feature Dante as a main and with an appearence that matched DMC2.While he was to do some of the things he were to do in the final version,instead at the last minute[before the "offcial" announcement of Devil May Cry 4,completely overwritting the "leaks" or "leak" to be more precise,from magazines] and decided to go with the plan that is known to use Devil May Cry 4.

Did you also know that ideas about a mysterious character appearing in the end of DMC4[the same way as Omega in Mega Man Zero 2] with no known past or background and he was to have a connection to Sparda,ally or enemy to Dante?Was this Nero?Was this always Nero?Kobayashi didn't even brought the subject,but it was already forgotten either way.Again that was during the "leak",before the final plans that Capcom announced.

Did you know that Nero was and still is right-handed?In the initial plan he was to have the hands reversed.[Kobayashi Hiroyuki].It is still evident in the movies where he uses Yamato with his right hand instead of his left.[His right hand is over the left hand when he grips Yamato.That indicates that Nero is a right-handed person.]

That's it for the time being.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I really have nothing to add to that...

Nero is awesomeness personified. While he could use some refining, I'm pretty sure the mysteriousness factor is there on purpose. We don't know anything because we aren't supposed to know anything.... yet. People need to give Nero time, and I'm sure he'll grow on them. I mean, not every character can be as badass as a Dante clone.

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
demon genral;215633 said:
oh did u well i couldn't be bothered to read any posts

...I really, really, really don't like you. At all. Next time I see you make a self-centered, bitchy, vain post, I will not hold back from tearing you to shreds. Oh, and by the by: It's general, not genral. Learn to spell and learn proper grammar.

@Devil Bane: I noticed Nero's right handedness, too. So, uh...there goes my theory of Vergil's soul being stuck in Nero's arm. Since he's, you know, left handed.


Dante enthusiast!
I don't mind Nero, but I just don't have any time for him. Like everyone is saying most threads just turn stupid when people try to find explanations and who is the daddy. However I enjoyed reading this - go DB!

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
Thanks for the comments.Thanks very much.

@Incomplete Dani : I think I'm a bit lost...who's left handed?The only one I've noticed to left handed in the series is Berial.[Maybe one of the two demon brothers from the anime is also left handed but I don't remember.]

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
Vergil's left handed, if I remember correctly. Or I could be just making crap up since I haven't played any DMC in a few months. >.<

Devil Bane

God Slaying Blades
^Ah.No he is right handed.Must be because you remeber him holding th sheathed Yamato with his left hand.

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
i just think nero is a normal child but grows and finds out that he has a tie to demons

oh and dan stop with the meaningless threats it wont get u anywhere

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
demon genral;215732 said:
i just think nero is a normal child but grows and finds out that he has a tie to demons

oh and dan stop with the meaningless threats it wont get u anywhere
It's DANI! D-A-N-I! Get. It. Right, dammit! And meaningless threats? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha-no. Seriously, don't mess with me.

@DB: He is? Oh, lulz, goes to show how smart I am. >.<
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