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Neo VS Vergil

Who Is The One?!

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New Member
First, read this info for Neo...

Neo has carried since his inception the Matrix's source code, known as the Prime Program. This gives him the ability to freely manipulate the simulated reality of the Matrix, similar to the authority a system administrator has over a given system. However, he mainly manifests these abilities as various superhuman powers.

The power Neo exhibits most often is telekinesis - he seems capable of manipulating any object in the Matrix through will alone. By focusing this ability upon himself he can fly at amazing speeds and jump great distances. Whilst his speed is never specified, he flies from The Merovingian's mountain manor to the highway "500 miles due south" in fewer than 15 minutes (2,000 miles per hour), implying that his "cruising speed" is in excess of three times the speed of sound. His speed of flight is further exemplified by his ability to "outfly" explosions and the fact that as he flies, objects around him tend to twist, catch fire, or smash; the sonic boom left in his wake has the power to overturn rows of heavy vehicles.

Further, Neo possesses superhuman strength and agility, and is able to brush off attacks that would kill or disable a normal human being with relative ease. His reflexes are great enough to dodge bullets in a manner similar to the Agents (though he usually stops them outright with his telekinesis). However, his strength and endurance have limits. Even though he could block a sword with the edge of his hand, he received a small cut, indicating (as the Merovingian pointed out) that he was still human despite his powers. His endurance is also finite: when confronted by masses of Smith clones in the second film, Neo was forced to escape rather than continue fighting, and upon exiting the Matrix, he appeared visibly tired and out of breath.

Neo has displayed the ability to heal people within the Matrix, even to the point of resurrecting the recently deceased (though the extent and limits of this ability are not known).

A more subtle application of Neo's ability is a heightened awareness of the simulated nature of the Matrix, enabling him to easily detect Agents, Exiles, and other anomalous phenomena (such as the presence of explosives). He is even capable of a limited form of precognition. The ability to see the Matrix's inner workings has been referred to as "Code Vision." This has been described as "seeing the world without time", or visualizing possible futures like a chess player looking several moves ahead.

In addition, Neo (like most Red Pills) utilizes the Resistance's combat programs, which grant combat abilities equivalent to a martial artist with decades of experience. However, Neo is able to run an unprecedented number of these programs simultaneously; he is therefore a master of every known martial art and fighting style, including Kung Fu, Jujitsu, Karate, Eskrima, Drunken Boxing, and Taekwondo (the Nebuchadnezzar ship operator Tank uploads each of these martial arts programs (and more) to Neo's brain during his training in the first movie) (However, in training for the series, Keanu Reeve's fighting arsenal, as well as the entire cast's, emphasizes Wushu.)

In the real world, Neo has some degree of wireless connectivity with the Matrix system: he eventually learns to sense the presence of the Machines, and even interfere with their function. This capability actually overwhelms him at first, causing him to involuntarily jack into Mobil Avenue Station without the equipment normally used by the Resistance. According to the Oracle, "The power of the One extends beyond this world [the Matrix]. It reaches from here all the way back to where it came from." Apparently because of his status as The One; he has a direct connection to the Source, and can therefore affect everything connected to it. Additionally, after he is blinded in the fight against Smith/Bane, Neo begins to perceive everything connected to the Source, including the Machine City itself, as silhouettes of golden light.

Vote...WISELY! :lol:


damn.... :D sounds to me they [while dueling] can easily flatten the whole planet, if not complete shattering it. ;)


New Member
Personally, this is way easy. This thread was done on purpose to see whom you guys would vote. Neo has similar abilities jacked in the Matrix and in the real world.

It's safe to say Vergil, Dante, Nero and Sparda would be easily crushed by him.;)


Dodge this!!!
I'm not sure, so i've said equal. I'm taking it though that this fight would be happening in the Matrix right? Coz I think Vergil might a slight advantage in the real world.


The Dark Avenger © †
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Xen-Omni 2020
RICK ROLL;137891 said:
neo is dead(go watch matrix revolution z0mg),he have only powers in matrix :eek:,so i voted vergil (y)

It's not actually confirmed that he is dead. We see him laying down. And the same can be said for Vergil also, that he too is "dead" rendering your comment as pointless...No offence, your opinion is Vergil. But I'm siding with Neo on this "One" <Pun intended :p


Anti - Little D
i voted for neo...... as he would kick ass as he can fly while vergil can double jump..........


New Member
RICK ROLL;137891 said:
neo is dead(go watch matrix revolution z0mg),he have only powers in matrix :eek:,so i voted vergil (y)


The One's powers extend from the Matrix and right to the Source from where It came from.

It means Neo has abilities in the Matrix and in the real world.

Talking about the last film, since you are so smart, go watch It again, as with his telekinesis only, keeping his hand in front of him in that ship, he destroyed thousands and thousands of Sentinels...


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
I saw all three, and trust me he would win if he was jacked into the matrix, but in the human world his powers are great, but not enough to take down Vergil.

Three times the speed of sound?
Surely he would be crushed; just as we would all can be easily banned by the administrator, because they have a huge advantage.

Neo being the admin.

Vergil being the member.
If the admin loses control over administrative abilities, they are no more powerful than us.

In the matrix, Neo.

Out of it, Vergil.

But since I can see that Dante is clearly riding Neo's dick and will stop at nothing to prove me wrong, I will leave...^_^


New Member
^ You don't even have the slightest idea of the whole plot of the Matrix, so yeah, I forgive your ignorance.^_^


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
And since there is no way for you to prove that, I can now ignore you blatant fanboying.

Face it; not everyone will agree with you.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Then lets agree to disagree like always.

p.s. My ass doesn't feel threatened, although it would like to fart.


New Member
Keep your satiric quotes to yourself.

You clearly don't know about the Matrix trilogy, and I was raising useful and valid points, not defending Neo because I'm a fanboy.


TimeLord Detective
The One. From the list, Homer seems to be the one.

As for your little argument Bringer & DA for the 9876543th time, stop it or you get banned as I said the last time. The last time was months before but I still remember it, so keep it clean.

PS: I don't care who's at fault since it's the 987654 time you talked like that to each other so bear in mind that you won't persuade me to act otherwise if you say stuff like "This time it wasn't me" etc etc.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Dante Aseroth;137976 said:
Keep your satiric quotes to yourself.

You clearly don't know about the Matrix trilogy, and I was raising useful and valid points, not defending Neo because I'm a fanboy.
As did I.

His abilities in the matrix would utterly destroy Vergil, but outside of it he would stand no chance.

And the only reason he succeeded in destroying the sentinels is because the are machines. Oh, and yeah, me thinks you are fanboying, Mr. I have a matching neo signature and avatar.

P.S. C.C. does win. Epic win.


Is not rat, is hamster
One glaring issue with Vergil and Neo is they both die when you pull the plug out ;)
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