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Nelo Angelo's Sword


Well-known Member
I've been thinking...what sword did Nelo Angelo use after his corruption?...

It probably couldn't be Yamato because we see it in DMC4, after Vergil's defeat in DMC1.

Maybe when Vergil became corrupt he couldn't control Yamato because the sword could have simply rejected him for succumbing to Mundus' influence.

Or maybe the sword did in fact get corrupted then after Vergil's defeat at Mallet island it simply restored it's former shape and the Order found it somewhere broken in two(maybe it got broke because it's owner,Vergil, was dead)


Well-known Member
would love to hear more opinions on this... if anyone has any ideas and speculation please reply ^_^

Here's another possibility:

When Sparda handed Rebellion and Yamato to the twins, maybe he transfered part of his heart and love for his sons and for humanity into the swords thus creating a spiritual bond between them.When Vergil got corrupted he lost all traces of compassion and humanity, so there was nothing more that connected him to his family other than the blood running through his veins...and the spiritual bond may have dissapeared and Yamato left broken because Vergil's soul was now lost.

When Yamato saw that Nero was willing to do anything, even sacrifice himself, to save Kyrie and those he cared about, it sensed the love and compassion that originally made that spiritual bond between it and it's master...And thus Yamato restored itself and found a new owner,Nero.

True power comes from passion and determination.
As Dante said to Agnus when he asked why he is inferior:"...you surrendered your humanity."
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Well-known Member
Maybe yes, but we can't exclude the other possibilities...I mean we do see Yamato in DMC4 and as I remember, when Nelo died in DMC1 he didn't leave his sword behind. So supposedly the sword vanished with him, but we see Yamato in DMC4.


Nelo Angelo's Armor and Sword were created by using Vergil's "soul". Now idk if his soul was bound to the armor or if it was manifested from it.Also notice that the golden ribbon is missing from the sheath of the Yamato. May hint to him steal being alive.


New Member
slapsus;95543 said:
Maybe yes, but we can't exclude the other possibilities...I mean we do see Yamato in DMC4 and as I remember, when Nelo died in DMC1 he didn't leave his sword behind. So supposedly the sword vanished with him, but we see Yamato in DMC4.

It has been cleared already that Nelo Angelo's sword is the corrupted version of the Yamato. There are no other possibilities.


Well-known Member
Dante Aseroth;95617 said:
It has been cleared already that Nelo Angelo's sword is the corrupted version of the Yamato. There are no other possibilities.

where exactly has it been cleared?


New Member
Since the release of Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition, to be exact, and Nelo Angelo's sword has been called by fans as the Zanbato.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
In Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition, the Yamato transforms into Nelo Angelo's zweihänder when in Devil Trigger for Vergil's "Corrupt Vergil" or "Super Corrupt Vergil" costumes.

This reskin in Devil Trigger gives plenty evidence to prove that when Vergil was turned by Mundus, Yamato was corrupted along with Vergil.


Well-known Member
Dante Aseroth;95626 said:
Here's a fan site all about Vergil.

Vergil Information

Fan sites have alot of speculation... only Capcom knows for sure.

Good point on the DMC3SE Vergil DT Angelo Credo...put I think it's maybe just an animation... I haven't seen evidence in the official DMC story or quotes that the sword in indeed Yamato.


New Member
For sure, you can continue to rise your own possibilities and speculation about what you want, really. Capcom proved It in DMC3:SE. If you don't think so, you can go on your way.


Well-known Member
You don't have to get upset Dante Aseroth... as you see in my first post on this thread I added more possibilities.. one of them being that Yamato simply restored it's former self after Vergil's defeat.

It's just an idea that came to mind... chill:p


New Member
Did I seem mad?!<_<....Cause I wasn't. It's just that the Yamato was retrieved by Agnus, broken. It is not explained how It was retrieved or where did he retrieve It.

Possibly after Nelo's defeat, the sword was broken due to the mass corruption and such.


Well-known Member
Dante Aseroth;95641 said:
Did I seem mad?!<_<....Cause I wasn't. It's just that the Yamato was retrieved by Agnus, broken. It is not explained how It was retrieved or where did he retrieve It.

Possibly after Nelo's defeat, the sword was broken due to the mass corruption and such.

then it might have restored it's katana form after vergil's defeat and it makes the 3rd possibility i added plausible:D

pfff... when will Capcom make it clear?


New Member
Um, no. Agnus mentions the name Yamato, thus making us clear he had retrieved the sword as its normal form, the O-Katana. Plus, It is mentioned that the Bianco Angelo, were made from pieces of armor of the Dark Angel, Nelo Angelo.

The Order of the Sword hunted down demons and captured different Devil Arms. They stumbled upon the blade, Yamato, which Sparda sealed the 'true hell gate' 2000 years ago in Fortuna.

From this, we come to a conclusion, that Yamato is the blade Nelo Angelo carries.
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