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Neill Blomkamp Aliens Movie?


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Being an Alien & Aliens super ultra extreme mega fan, this is something I'd really like to see happen.​



Now I'm really really hopeful this does happen, but at the same time I don't want Ripley back, maybe as a flashback or something, that would be fine, but we've seen enough of her and we've had a great game with her daughter, but there's one thing I really really want to see happen and that's the one thing Aliens: Colonial Marines did right.

This guy:

Bring back Michael Biehn as an aged Cpl Hicks in the story, make it something interesting like even maybe merging with Prometheus with Hicks hunting Xenos and he stumbles across some Engineers or something. F**k I don't know what the story should be just bring him back and think of something because I've wanted to see Hicks back in a movie for so long and now that he's canonically alive, it can happen.

Anyway what do you all think? Would Neill Blomkamp make a good Aliens 5 or no?



Fake Geek Girl.
You'd rather see the Alien Resurection direction continue with Xeno-Ripley?

A story with an aged Hicks has a lot of potential now that he's officially not dead.
To be honest, I think the Alien franchise is one of the few that could actually benefit from a reboot. Everything after Alien 3, has been just practically a waste of time. Or just a new perspective within that universe. More importantly, I'd like to see it go back to its horror roots.

I want to see these things become great horror films once more. There's a reason Alien is still my favorite and why I loved Isolation so much.

The Colonial Marines retcon was pretty silly and Michael completely phoned that stuff in basically.

I don't need Hicks, I don't need Ripley either. I just want a great Alien movie with more of an emphasis on the horror I miss.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Good decision. Alien 4 was more entertainment than anything else and Alien 3 was just poor man's Alien 1 imo


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Was reading an article this morning that said they would be ignoring Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection.
That means Hicks is likely ALIVE! F**K YEAH!!!

Damn I really really hope Michael Biehn comes back, I've wanted to see him return as Hicks as much as I've wanted to see him return as Kyle Reese in a Terminator movie about "The War".


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
I really adore the first two Alien movies (and mercifully saved myself from viewing either Alien 3 or Resurrection, purely out of horror of what I would find in the plot, rather than the xenomorph scares). And, unlike a lot of people, I was actually intrigued by Prometheus. Were the character bland and forgettable, without the slightest chance of having the charm or relatable qualities of literally EVERYONE who was in the past two films? Oh, totally. But it was still worth a watch...and that Deacon thing at the end gave me chills.

At the prospect of a new Alien, all I can really say at this stage is an eager-but-cautious "please, sir, can I have it sooner?" Whether it be Alien-style horror, or Aliens-style suspense-action sci-fi thriller, I'm totally down. All you need for a cocktail of cinematic success is the presence of Xenomorphs, and a cast of relatable characters. That's what made the first two great, and that's what could make this one great.

Although, if I'm being perfectly honest, the hype I have reserved for this new Alien is absolutely trumped by the mountainous heights of raging hype I'm currently restraining for Terminator: Genisys.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
If they did ignore Alien 3 and Resurrection. Then there is a chance that we see Newt.
I'd like to see an older Newt given the protagonist role, the same way Amanda Ripley was in Alien: Isolation. That might be cool.
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