Better gameplay in Resident Evil 6? That game should have been called Hammer Buttons and Wiggle Sticks: The Game. When I traded it in I actually wrote that on the cover and the gamestop guys got a kick out of it and said it was true. The old fixed cameras were sh!tty and doesn't add to the atmosphere if it just becomes annoying on multiple occasions. I've seen games with better camera angles that still pull off survival horror. You don't need that to be scary. No game has ever scared me anyway because I don't scare easy but I have a fancy for the horror genre.
Resident Evil started going to sh!t after 4 but you can't blame 4, you blame Capcom for just not knowing how to keep it great. Resident Evil 4 still was very aware of its survival horror roots even if it did take a shift in the gameplay department but it still played excellent. I don't know anyone who wasn't at least nervous in 4 when you heard the chainsaw rev up and that guy was nowhere in sight. It still knew how to lay on the pressure and tension of being in a bad situation for examples when you're surrounded in that house and the crazy villagers are trying to get in through both floors and you know you don't have ammo for everyone. 4 was a step in the right direction for the series with a dated formula but it's just f*cking Capcom who don't know how to make a good Resident Evil anymore.
Hey you,this guy disagrees with you. go shove your opinio---I mean facts down his throat and tell him you're a better player with no proof at all.