I think the same way... If DmC fails in sales, which it sadly currenty does, than it will be nail in the coffin for whole franchsie for a long long time...
Seriously people. CAPCOM decided to reboot it, cuz they for reasons weren't happy with DMC4... If this fails in their eyes as well... be sure it is more likel that the franchise will go on a long hiatus and not that Capcom suddenly change their mind and do DMC5.
Sad thing is... NT will be blamed for this and I doubt, that they will survive an other "failure"... I really don't understand why all their games are failing, even if for example Enslaved was a good eyes in my opinion...
But they will be used for it as explanation by Capcom, evne if they weren't the ones who decided the reboot and change.
Seriously people. CAPCOM decided to reboot it, cuz they for reasons weren't happy with DMC4... If this fails in their eyes as well... be sure it is more likel that the franchise will go on a long hiatus and not that Capcom suddenly change their mind and do DMC5.
Sad thing is... NT will be blamed for this and I doubt, that they will survive an other "failure"... I really don't understand why all their games are failing, even if for example Enslaved was a good eyes in my opinion...
But they will be used for it as explanation by Capcom, evne if they weren't the ones who decided the reboot and change.