My opinion; either a DmC2 or no more DMC games!

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I think the same way... If DmC fails in sales, which it sadly currenty does, than it will be nail in the coffin for whole franchsie for a long long time...

Seriously people. CAPCOM decided to reboot it, cuz they for reasons weren't happy with DMC4... If this fails in their eyes as well... be sure it is more likel that the franchise will go on a long hiatus and not that Capcom suddenly change their mind and do DMC5.

Sad thing is... NT will be blamed for this and I doubt, that they will survive an other "failure"... I really don't understand why all their games are failing, even if for example Enslaved was a good eyes in my opinion...

But they will be used for it as explanation by Capcom, evne if they weren't the ones who decided the reboot and change.
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I think the same way... If DmC fails in sales, which it sadly currenty does, than it will be nail in the coffin for whole franchsie for a long long time...

Seriously people. CAPCOM decided to reboot it, cuz they for reasons weren't happy with DMC4... If this fails in their eyes as well... be sure it is more likel that the franchise will go on a long hiatus and not that Capcom suddenly change their mind and do DMC5.

Sad thing is... NT will be blamed for this and I doubt, that they will survive an other "failure"... I really don't understand why all their games are failing, even if for example Enslaved was a good eyes in my opinion...

But they will be used for it as explanation by Capcom, evne if they weren't the ones who decided the reboot and change.
NT keeps failing because they keep trying to avoid the winning game formula. Macho, ultra buff, douchebag marine+ Big dick guns+ aliens/terrorist/ foreigners+lots of girls who know how to not speak and look hot with big boobs= money in the game industry.
I am exaggerating, but not by much sadly. That seems to be what sells the most now. Maybe they should try doing smaller games instead of AAA big budget titles made for small markets like Enslaved
NT keeps failing because they keep trying to avoid the winning game formula. Macho, ultra buff, douchebag marine+ Big **** guns+ aliens/terrorist/ foreigners+lots of girls who know how to not speak and look hot with big boobs= money in the game industry.
I am exaggerating, but not by much sadly. That seems to be what sells the most now. Maybe they should try doing smaller games instead of AAA big budget titles made for small markets like Enslaved

I considered Enslaved to be one of the most underrated games ever, despite the fact that Spencer made it in MvC3. DmC isn't really like that by looking at the first week sales now though it could be lower by the next few weeks.

And that's good that NT doesn't have to put over-the-top stylish stuff like in the original games cuz like I said again, games nowadays need to have a balance. It can't just be 1000% about the gameplay all the time.
And that's good that NT doesn't have to put over-the-top stylish stuff like in the original games cuz like I said again, games nowadays need to have a balance. It can't just be 1000% about the gameplay all the time.

You say that as if the old DMCs had a bad story. Granted the narrative in them left a bit to be desired but the story, characters and overall plot were quite good and had a nice amount of subtlety to them if you can read between the lines. Not to mention the series had a lot of sentimentality and heart to it that you don't often find especially now-a-days where things have to be "realistic" and "gritty" in order to be believable and decent.
You say that as if the old DMCs had a bad story. Granted the narrative in them left a bit to be desired but the story, characters and overall plot were quite good and had a nice amount of subtlety to them if you can read between the lines. Not to mention the series had a lot of sentimentality and heart to it that you don't often find especially now-a-days where things have to be "realistic" and "gritty" in order to be believable and decent.

That's what I liked about the DMC story, matter in fact I liked DMC1's story the best out of all the all the originals. It's just the fact that MOST the old fans just want a DMC5 just to show off sylish combos, nothing else, just for the combat.

Of course the story is one of the reasons I don't want a DMC5 but that's not the main reason.
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That's what I liked about the DMC story, matter in fact I liked DMC1's story the best out of all the all the games. It's just the fact that MOST the old fans just want a DMC5 just to show off sylish combos, nothing else, just for the combat.

Of course the story is one of the reasons I don't want a DMC5 but that's not the main reason.

I personally want it for both, I really liked a lot of the subtle elements in DMC4 for example that most may have missed, like there are several moments where Sanctus emulates Vergils attitude from DMC3 even to the point of having almost identical lines at points among a few other things.

Ironically story is one of the main reasons I DO want a DMC5, I just love the characters and their interactions too much!
You say that as if the old DMCs had a bad story. Granted the narrative in them left a bit to be desired but the story, characters and overall plot were quite good and had a nice amount of subtlety to them if you can read between the lines. Not to mention the series had a lot of sentimentality and heart to it that you don't often find especially now-a-days where things have to be "realistic" and "gritty" in order to be believable and decent.
I think the only one with a cohesive plot that was actually enjoyable was dmc3, dc1 barely even ha a story to it at all, dmc2 was just bleh, I can barely even remember the point of that game storywise. Dmc4 was just bad, not as forgettable as 2 but really bad with all the pointless mysteries to drum up enthusiasm for Nero and the awful characterization in that game.

I jst get the feeling that Capcom never cared about the actual plot or developing Dante's character outside of dmc3, they mainly just wanted a cool guy. For me personally that sort of character lost his luster when I actually grew up and became an adult.
I think the only one with a cohesive plot that was actually enjoyable was dmc3, dc1 barely even ha a story to it at all, dmc2 was just bleh, I can barely even remember the point of that game storywise. Dmc4 was just bad, not as forgettable as 2 but really bad with all the pointless mysteries to drum up enthusiasm for Nero and the awful characterization in that game.

I jst get the feeling that Capcom never cared about the actual plot or developing Dante's character outside of dmc3, they mainly just wanted a cool guy. For me personally that sort of character lost his luster when I actually grew up and became an adult.

DMC1 set up the universe, lore and main characters history. It established a major villain who had relevant history with the protagonists family and went on to be a revenge story whilst presenting the series stable of how race does not have to play a part in an individuals character. It also showed character development from Dante continuing to evolve and learn that not all demons are bad from his future DMC3 persona which would also come into play when he saw Nero defend a loved one in DMC4 which resulted in him not killing them.

The game had an odd narrative and bad voice acting, but was far, far away from a bad story.

Dante was incredibly important in DMC4 as he was there as a role model for Nero morally, he kept an eye out for him making sure the "power" didn't go to his head whilst showing genuine emotions at the death of Credo sacrificing himself for a sibling. Something that would strike a chord with this character.

What mysteries are there in DMC4, apart from Neros origin?
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I personally want it for both, I really liked a lot of the subtle elements in DMC4 for example that most may have missed, like there are several moments where Sanctus emulates Vergils attitude from DMC3 even to the point of having almost identical lines at points among a few other things.

Ironically story is one of the main reasons I DO want a DMC5, I just love the characters and their interactions too much! least that's understandable.

I think the only one with a cohesive plot that was actually enjoyable was dmc3, dc1 barely even ha a story to it at all, dmc2 was just bleh, I can barely even remember the point of that game storywise. Dmc4 was just bad, not as forgettable as 2 but really bad with all the pointless mysteries to drum up enthusiasm for Nero and the awful characterization in that game.

I jst get the feeling that Capcom never cared about the actual plot or developing Dante's character outside of dmc3, they mainly just wanted a cool guy. For me personally that sort of character lost his luster when I actually grew up and became an adult.

Thank you Thank you THANK YOU!!

Seriously the last Dante that had feelings and development was the DMC1 Dante. I liked the DMC2 Dante's attitude though. I know people are gonna tell that they are tired of seeing serious and gritty characters, but DMC4 Dante jumped the shark for me. Would you rather see the Dante who is just there for the cameras, or would you rather see Dante act like what a secondary protagonist should do. People just don't understand.

And now people are STILL comparing the DmC Dante to the DMC4 Dante which is unfair. They should AT LEAST compare the DMC3 Dante to the other one!
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That's what I liked about the DMC story, matter in fact I liked DMC1's story the best out of all the all the originals. It's just the fact that MOST the old fans just want a DMC5 just to show off sylish combos, nothing else, just for the combat.

Of course the story is one of the reasons I don't want a DMC5 but that's not the main reason.

I don't even remember DMC 1's story. Does it have any context of occurring before or after DMC3?

I think DmC works great as a prequel to DMC3. I'm actually hoping the next step is to go forward with Dante's progression into cocky badass demon killer while Virgil continues to try to take over the world. Of course, I don't recall if he were permanently defeated in DMC3, it's been so long.
DMC1 does remain to be my favourite Devil May Cry game but I also think that continuing the original series would be a (pardon my french) whoring of the franchise and fanbase. I'd still buy a DMC5 but I would view it as Capcom capitalizing off of the hate for DmC as both old and new fans would buy it regardless of opinions on DmC and if this were to happen I could guarantee that it would be hastily thrown together in all but the story.

I think DmC has fertile ground as it contains all the right elements but just needs to expand on them. Some miss the old characters and that is reasonable, however, I will never understand the extreme attachment some people have to characters. The DmC universe, I believe would be better to expand on and making a DMC5 would be ridiculous imo as it would just be very difficult to solve plotholes - I am not criticizing the story of DMC's but 4 started to show that not much effort was really put in after Vergil was killed off.
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DMC1 set up the universe, lore and main characters history. It established a major villain who had relevant history with the protagonists family and went on to be a revenge story whilst presenting the series stable of how race does not have to play a part in an individuals character. It also showed character development from Dante continuing to evolve and learn that not all demons are bad from his future DMC3 persona which would also come into play when he saw Nero defend a loved one in DMC4 which resulted in him not killing them.

The game had an odd narrative and bad voice acting, but was far, far away from a bad story.

Dante was incredibly important in DMC4 as he was there as a role model for Nero morally, he kept an eye out for him making sure the "power" didn't go to his head whilst showing genuine emotions at the death of Credo sacrificing himself for a sibling. Something that would strike a chord with this character.

What mysteries are there in DMC4, apart from Neros origin?
Well in my opinion, Nero's whole mystery and that was the one I was referring to, seems less about telling an interesting story and more about Capcom using his whole sort of connection to Vergil to anchor him in the DMC series without ****ing fan's off too much. It to me seems like a tactic to sell the character to us. While not the worst thing ever, it was handled poorly in the story. I can see what you mean about Dante being the mentor in that story and that is an important role to play, but would have been better if it was more prevalent and if he was not a playable character and the game focused entirely on Nero. Making the mentor character playable and giving him a big chunk of the game sort of steals the spotlight from Nero and damages his entire character arch in away. Making Dante an ncp would also have fixed a LOT of that game's problems and would likely negate the existence of DmC as the series would not have been as poorly received by people as it was.

There is also the fact that in a way Nero did not need to exist because he was pretty much Dante with a different color scheme. If they wanted to make us play with a new hero, Capcom could have at least given us one who was not a clone. DMC3 Dante could have taken the place of Nero just as easily without much of a difference. I won't go too much into that can of worms but to me, I see DMC4 as one giant missed opportunity on almost every level except for gameplay, which while great, is not the only thing a game needs to excel these days.
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I can see what you mean about Dante being the mentor in that story and that is an important role to play, but would have been better if it was more prevalent and if he was not a playable character and the game focused entirely on Nero. .

I completely agree with you. While I enjoyed playing Dante in DMC4, making him a non-playable character would at least have given them enough time to add some new levels to the game, which in turn could have featured an interesting plot twist, while giving Nero some sort of additional demon weapons.

Personally, I was never able to understand most people's outright hatred for DMC4. Of course, running through the same areas twice in a game is stupid and the story was mediocre but in my opinion they did a tremendous job with the boss battles, the enemy design and the combat system in general.

Back to topic: DmC's sales figures really trouble me to be honest. I certainly hope the game sells better than we could expect at this point of time, DMC/DmC dying altogether would be a terrible thing to happen.
I think it's safe to say that NT made a few mistakes in DmC but all in all they made an amazingly fun game and should be granted to chance to create a sequel.
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I completely agree with you. While I enjoyed playing Dante in DMC4, making him a non-playable character would at least have given them enough time to add some new levels to the game, which in turn could have featured an interesting plot twist, while giving Nero some sort of additional demon weapons.

Personally, I was never able to understand most people's outright hatred for DMC4. Of course, running through the same areas twice in a game is stupid and the story was mediocre but in my opinion they did a tremendous job with the boss battles, the enemy design and the combat system in general.

Back to topic: DmC's sales figures really trouble me to be honest. I certainly hope the game sells better than we could expect at this point of time, DMC/DmC dying altogether would be a terrible thing to happen.
I think it's safe to say that NT made a few mistakes in DmC but all in all they made an amazingly fun game and should be granted to chance to create a sequel.
Yeah I don't outright hate DMC4, it just depresses me lol. It's such a great combat system that in many ways imporves upon the exellent one form DMC3, it's just all the other parts that go into making a good game that kills it. The lazy art direction seeing as how they have so many plain Gothic castle areas, generic elemental areas and the character design on most of the characters, Nero being the worst as he has nothing unique visually to offer as a character, Dante's attire irks me a lot but Nero being a color swap imitation irks me more.

The bosses that you mentioned are an exception for the most part, I could do without an earth, fire, ice and light enemy but they were fun to fight.....It's just that the board game on level 19 where I had to fight them so many times for being unlucky at that crap that ****es me off and makes me actually hate them. I know it's a capcom trademark to have you fight bosses all over again but DMC4 takes the cake on that. Of course playing the game in reverse is also just lazy and stupid and the plot is nothing to admire either. I wish I could truly appreciate all the good mechanics but they are just so offensive that I can not even play the game anymore.
I don't think DmC is a "fail", but it's not selling good. Why is it?

The lazy art direction seeing as how they have so many plain Gothic castle areas, generic elemental areas and the character design on most of the characters, Nero being the worst as he has nothing unique visually to offer as a character, Dante's attire irks me a lot but Nero being a color swap imitation irks me more.

I don't like DMC4 in the artwork because we aren't fighting devils. We are fighting electric charged reptiles and mechanic fishes and dogs with toads and dragons and whatsoever. it's a zoo.
This is a sole example of what they should do.


See? Pure evil badassery.
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Yeah I don't outright hate DMC4, it just depresses me lol. It's such a great combat system that in many ways imporves upon the exellent one form DMC3, it's just all the other parts that go into making a good game that kills it. The lazy art direction seeing as how they have so many plain Gothic castle areas, generic elemental areas and the character design on most of the characters, Nero being the worst as he has nothing unique visually to offer as a character, Dante's attire irks me a lot but Nero being a color swap imitation irks me more.

The bosses that you mentioned are an exception for the most part, I could do without an earth, fire, ice and light enemy but they were fun to fight.....It's just that the board game on level 19 where I had to fight them so many times for being unlucky at that crap that ****es me off and makes me actually hate them. I know it's a capcom trademark to have you fight bosses all over again but DMC4 takes the cake on that. Of course playing the game in reverse is also just lazy and stupid and the plot is nothing to admire either. I wish I could truly appreciate all the good mechanics but they are just so offensive that I can not even play the game anymore.
DMC 4 is the worst game in the series if you ask me. I really hated what that game represented.
I think the same way... If DmC fails in sales, which it sadly currenty does,

why is everyone saying its failing in sales. its sold over half a million copies world wide in its first week! ffs, that may be less than what DMC4 sold but that is solely because of DMC3s reputation. have some faith guys
I don't think DmC is a "fail", but it's not selling good. Why is it?

I don't like DMC4 in the artwork because we aren't fighting devils. We are fighting electric charged reptiles and mechanic fishes and dogs with toads and dragons and whatsoever. it's a zoo.
This is a sole example of what they should do.


See? Pure evil badassery.
I agree, none of the enemies looked really interesting or had a lot to off in the visual department. With the exception of Berial, and Credo. Everything else was just kinda meh, and did not really look too demonic. But I think the same thing can be said about most of the enemies in the other DMC games as few of them had baddies that evoked a truly demonic visual falir