currently low on ideas, any suggestions whould be helpful. i think i can manage a few more weapons for Ziz. but i need another one for virgil.
Devil May Cry ZERO 3
mission 7: task compleated
reclaim what is rightfuly yours
( they are in the boat approaching a beach. once they get there they get out of the boat and start walking forward, beryl pulls out a map)

looking at the map).... i should have expected this from Ziz.....
Vergil: what is it this time
B: this island
V: what about it
B: its fortuna. the home of the order of the sword. a orginazation that hunts demons
V: that dosn't sound intersting enough for Ziz
B: let me finish. the order is a religion. devoted entirely to their god, their Savior.... the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda.
V: .... ( while laughing) your not serious are you... ( laughs loudly)
???: ( very angry) whats so funny about our religion. ( a young knight of the order is standing on the path ahead of them)
V: .... well.... im. sort of .... the son of sparda.
?: do you expect me to beleave sutch blasphamy.
V: ( annoyed) it dosn't matter what you beleve im not here for anything related to your order.
?: you cannot just wander around here. come with me. you must speak with our leader if you want to get permission to do whatever it is you came here for
V: ( coldly): permission. none command me human. i will find what i seek and you and your order will not get in my way... if you want to still have an order at the end of the day.
B: ( shocked) vergil...what are you saying... lets just go with him. it will be easier if we get permission, and Ziz will probably be there. he's not the type to camp out when he can stay somewhere comfortable.
?: ..( to busy being annoyed at Ziz to think about what vergil said) your friends with him
B: whatever he did im sorry... my names beryl.
Credo: i am credo. ( looks at vergil) so who are you ( sarcasticly) " son of sparda"
V: vergil
mission start
objective walk towards the city. try not to get killed by the demons
enemys; scarecrow
there aren't very many and credo will particpate in the fight so this part is no trouble
( at the edge of the city. there are two young children whaiting for credo. ( kyrie and nero as kids)
kyrie: ( excited) credo your back.
C: ( picks her up and hugs her) i wasn't gone that long
K: i'm glad
nero: who are the people you brought with you
K: why are you trying to act all grown up... ( looks at credo, curiously) so... who are those two
B: im beryl and this is vergil
V: ok now that the introductions are done we have buisness to attend to can we hurry up.
B: chill out verge
K: oh and ziz said to tell you he went exploring.
C: where did he go..and you shouldn't be lisiening to what that person says
K: ( acting like she didn't here the second part of what he said) he didn't say were he was going
V: well if he's not here i don't have any reason to stick around
C: hey, you can;t just wander around here
V: im not going to wander i know exactly how to find him
C: how
V: this sword ( guestures towards dominance) can find what im looking for and what im looking for is with him.
C: what if he dosn't have it any more
V: then his location dosn't matter to me
vergil and beryl leave credo behind for this part
objective; find ziz
enemys scarecrow
after you go through a few areas
( a blitz appears in dramatic fashion )
objective defeat the blitz
( two more blitz appear in an equaly dramatic fashion along with several assauts)
V: heh this is starting to get fun
Ziz: don't get arrogant my demonic friend
( ziz appears out of nowhere (now whearing his new black jacket) he lands ontop of one of the assaults balancing on the point of the bayonette of DH-13 on the demons head. he fires off several shots from the gun. flips and lands in front of another assaut. he ducks under it knocks it into the air and holds the trigger of his gun firing so many shots that the demon falls apart. he draws yamato and starts to slash at demons. vergil draws yami and fights the demons with him. when they get next to each other they switch swords. and continue fighting. when they get to the blitz they each slash at one of the bilitz cutting both in half at the same time.)
Z: we are going to have to swich sheaths to ( they switch sheaths and both sheath their swords) crap my hair got messed up. ( ziz spikes up his hair with one dramatic movement. vergil copys the movement exactly and simutaniously. ziz looks at vergil amused) well now you have the hair all you need is a decent coat to compleate the look. i just happen to have a spare.
vergil now looks exactly as he dose in dmc3.
vergil now has yamato. he no longer has yami.