Annnnnd before this goes any further!
Let's not complain about how terrible the DMC fanbase is on a DMC fan forum, please. Only ever ends in nonsense and thread closures. Thank you. :thumbsup:
Actually, that's not the direction I was taking this in. It's more of a "we need to be better" and "do more" for our community like stopping those people who take it too far, rather than sitting by watching it all unfold and adding fuel to the fire.
I've read up on a lot of folks here and their opinions, but a lot don't seem to know when they are taking things too far. Especially when someone new is like "I like DmC" and they just bombard that person with negativity and calling them noobs.
Just recently I commented on a Youtube video by Yo Videogames' Simmons. I told him what actually went down rather than what he thought went down. He started claiming I was apart of the problem. I wasn't even confrontational with him, I just let him know the story and thanked him for making the video. The guy goes off the rails about how Ninja Theory was saying F you to fans because of the mophead joke and how they showed OG Dante in a cowboy movie and said that he was dumb.
Now that the smoke has cleared, you'd think people like this wouldn't be around, but they still are and they still believe that the internet told them right. I explained what happened to him and even other fans started chiming in stating that I was right and trying to get him to understand that he was wrong and nope. Just saying, it's not right to let these folks run around spreading rumors that affect our community's reputation.