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Movies that are pants and should be banned from viewing!!!


Anti - Little D
hi. i was just watching the happening and thought " what a pile of **** " and thought what other movies should be banned .

Please say what movies are pants and should be banned and never of been made !
please dont give away storylines !


Anti - Little D
can u please be more clear in your post please . like shrek or finding nemo.

do u know about whats happening with david tennant in the christmas specail ?


The Oncoming Storm
I was specific. ANY film made by Dreamworks or Pixar. Any film past, present or future.

I haven't seen anything about Tennant in the Christmas special. He will be in it though.


Anti - Little D
he will be in it for a bit then he regenerates and becomes someone new !!!! dont know who. the cybermen are back


The Oncoming Storm
I'm pretty sure Tennant has signed up for some specials past this Christmas one. There's not a series next year because he has a commitment to the RSC. The Doctor won't be regenerating this Christmas

Let's get back on topic though.

Bad Wolf

32 flavors and then some
Personally, I don't really think any movies should be banned. Censorship is never a good thing.

However, there are some movies I simply can't stand. For example: Sideways. Pretentious people pretentiously drinking pretentious wine. XP I watched it for about half an hour and then went to do something else. My sister said I didn't really miss much.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Borat for a start, I despised that film with a passion, worst film I've ever had the displeasure to watch.

Oh and, in relation to the Doctor Who bit, David Tennant is signed on as the Doctor until 2010, he's dedicated to Hamlet through the rest of 2008, will be doing 4 specials over the course of 2009 and will be making his final appearence as the Doctor in a series in 2010.

2 years for a new series...*Sigh*


Anti - Little D
Angelo Credo;104093 said:
Borat for a start, I despised that film with a passion, worst film I've ever had the displeasure to watch.

Oh and, in relation to the Doctor Who bit, David Tennant is signed on as the Doctor until 2010, he's dedicated to Hamlet through the rest of 2008, will be doing 4 specials over the course of 2009 and will be making his final appearence as the Doctor in a series in 2010.

2 years for a new series...*Sigh*

thank god for that !!!! tennant is the best doctor yet


Anti - Little D
like teeth. never see that film in the cinema as its a waste of money . i saw it and omg it made me laugh so much when its a " horror " film . get it on copy or something


Is not rat, is hamster
Any film where kids "save the day" or when women "save the day" or when there's a vomit-inducing love story. So pretty much any chick flick.

If it doesn't blow up, I don't want to watch...


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Movies that I think were a bit poo (no particular order):

  • Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
  • Superman Returns
  • Over The Hedge
Hard to say, really! I've seen plenty of great films recently but not so many crappy ones. I try and do my homework on a film before I rent it to make sure I'm not wasting my cash. ^_^


Is not rat, is hamster
Blair Witch Project = pile of crap

Open water = pile of crap

ALL teen slasher movies from the 90's onwards = predictable piles of crap

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?

That's it! I watched that film with my dad years ago and I couldn't for the life of me remember it's name, my god that film was terrible.

It's like...There was barely even a story worth following, that film should be damn well burned.


Is not rat, is hamster
I picked it up to rent because it said is was meant to be a cross between the blair witch and jaws. Having not seen BW at that stage (and therefore unable to know how crap it really was) and loving the Jaws film, I thought - this ought to be two shades short of AWESOME.

As it was, it was 20 shades of ****. Just two people arguing about NOTHING in the sea and occasionally getting nosed by sharks.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I picked up the film with the pretence of there being violence in it, because I'm a sucker for that sort of thing, yet like you say, it was little more than two people arguing in the ocean and getting the occasional nibbling at from a shark.

The only violence in it was a tiny bit where the guy got his leg chewed on by a shark, and that was probably a pea drop as blood as it goes anyway, then he gets pulled under and presumably dies, hardly worth the 15 certificate it actually got.

Open Water: Worlds worst film...Although possibly in contest with Blair Witch Project.


Is not rat, is hamster
My annoyance with Blar Witch comes from not seeing it for years and then finally sitting down to watch what is one of the most overhyped pieces of trash ever. It was just....a shambles. Not scary, just annoying. Half the time I couldn't hear what they could and they just rowed incessantly over nothing in particular...

My head started hurting with all the shaky camera crap which has become something of a staple in TV and films now...can't focus on anything when that happens. It's not realistic, it's epilepsy-inducing. When I look at things through my own eyes they aren't shaking about uncontrollably, so why put that in a film and make out like it's "being there for real".

Give me a break...preferably the DVD in little pieces...


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
I argee Blair witch project was total crap. I prefer not to have an eplictic epsoide when watching a movie.
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