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Metal Gear Solid 4

The dark knight

Well-known Member
It comes out June 12. Finally. Come here to talk aout news about the game and give some speculations. And snake is like 47. He looks old because
Dr Hunter from MGS1 injected him with the foxdie virus. Making him age a bit faster.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
The dark knight;93735 said:
It comes out June 12. Finally. Come here to talk aout news about the game and give some speculations. And snake is like 47. He looks old because *SPOILER from old game* Dr Hunter from MGS1 injected him with the foxdie virus. Making him age a bit faster.

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Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
I am a massive fan of the MGS series and have been dreaming about a sequel to MGS2 ever since I first completed it all those years ago.

Without a doubt for me this will be the biggest game I will ever play I have been totally obsessed with it ever since it was announced and cant wait to see Snake tie up all the ends in his final mission. In a way it will be kind of sad when we finally get to play it. Feels like we have been waiting forever.


The dark knight

Well-known Member
SNAAAKKKE! It's not over! Not yet! I got that quote Liquid Ocelot from the MGS4 trailers stuck in my head. I have had many dreams of playing MGS4.

The dark knight

Well-known Member
The PS3 is awesome. You will love it.If not....then that is your opinion. And me saying the PS3 is awesome is my opinion.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Man, I can't wait for Metal Gear Solid 4! It's just a shame that it wasn't being released multi-platform. I would have loved to have gotten it for my Xbox 360. When the PS3 comes down in price, I'll be rushing out to get one (perhaps a 40GB model) and a copy of MGS4 - maybe some nice Blu-ray movies, too. ;)

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
I read that Even with it pushing the PS3 to its limits Kojima was still dissapointed with how MGS4 turned out.


Give Me More...
darth_angelo45;94106 said:
I read that Even with it pushing the PS3 to its limits Kojima was still dissapointed with how MGS4 turned out.

Yeah, he had to cut the game down a bit for it to fit in the 50gb capacity of Blu Ray.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Meh, I was excited about MGS4, but after all the delays and then the fact that it's not Multi platform, I just lost interest, good for all the people who went and bought a PS3, they can still get it, but unfortunatly Metal Gear was the only game that made me want a PS3.

Whereas the Xbox has Ninja Gaiden 2 going for it, along with other awesome exclusives, I got over my MGS fan phase a while ago, and I don't regret it.

I'm surprised that they've finally announced a release date for it though, it almost seemed like a blip on the horizon that we wouldn't see released until our Grandchildren were born.


Aya Brea
It's not just the foxdie that's making him age faster. Because he is a clone of Big Boss, Naomi also put in some sort of nanomachine to help him live longer than he normaly would as a clone (since clones to age faster.). The nanomachines screwed up over time, thus making him age rapidly now.

The dark knight

Well-known Member
True Rainbow I knew that bfore but I was in a hurry and couldn't post all I knew about it. And he was dissapointed because he is picky. He wants everything perfect. He cant get that.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
devilmaycry;94091 said:
Man, I can't wait for Metal Gear Solid 4! It's just a shame that it wasn't being released multi-platform. I would have loved to have gotten it for my Xbox 360. When the PS3 comes down in price, I'll be rushing out to get one (perhaps a 40GB model) and a copy of MGS4 - maybe some nice Blu-ray movies, too. ;)

It is the single only game that has made me think 'Maybe i should get a PS3' but then i think why bother right now. If Konami want to make their money back they will have no choice but to make another format version and as the Wii isnt capable of it the 360 is the best choice. I think i will get a PS3 at some point but not enough games i want yet for it.

The dark knight;94145 said:
True Rainbow I knew that bfore but I was in a hurry and couldn't post all I knew about it. And he was dissapointed because he is picky. He wants everything perfect. He cant get that.

Hideo kojima tried the best he could and did what he could to tie off the series as he retired. He couldnt please everyone so just went with what he thought right. He is a gaming genius that deserves a lot of respect for sure. The MGS series will continue without him and also without Solid Snake too, just makes me wonder how it will end up without the 2 main people.


Anti - Little D
Snake is not 47 he is about 60. Not all of your hair goes Grey/Gray(American way) at 47.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
omenminator;94552 said:
Snake is not 47 he is about 60. Not all of your hair goes Grey/Gray(American way) at 47.

Depends if it runs in the family, i think my mum was grey at the age of about 17. :lol:

The dark knight

Well-known Member
Hideo said he is 47. He ws born in the 1970s. and It is like 2014 in the new game. And he is a clone. They age faster.
omenminator;94552 said:
Snake is not 47 he is about 60. Not all of your hair goes Grey/Gray(American way) at 47.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
The dark knight;94565 said:
Hideo said he is 47. He ws born in the 1970s. and It is like 2014 in the new game. And he is a clone. They age faster.

Yeah id just read that same thing on Gamespot id heard 42 but that doesnt really make a difference. :lol:

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Check this out

If they do make another one I think that it should be a remake of one of the old MSX Metal Gear games. Its not like remaking MGS1 where there is a lot of lines and scenes to try and top in the old MG games there is very little substance compared to the games nowdays they can just keep the old basic story and create around it.

I think that they are more likley to pull something like that off than bringing in another Raiden and starting again.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
I didnt mind Raiden in MGS2 after the initial shock. He certainly did his job of making Snake look cooler.
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