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Mass Effect Pander-omeda


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
Were you born Caucasian?
Congratulations! Mass Effect: Andromeda's Senior Designer hates you.


It disgusts me that this prick is not being punished for this behavior while other people who even criticize women or people of other race are fired on the spot and/or even arrested.

The sad part is that this prick isn't the only scumbag employed at Bioware who has an extremist mindset.
And the worst part is due to this prick being a huge member of MEA's development, the game is likely to be full of SJW garbage.

Well the only thing more closed than Bioware's forums, is my wallet!

If any of you have a shred of sense in your brains you'll do the same cause this s*** can not stand!

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I Saw the Devil
Yeah, no, I'm not buying their s*** ever again, even if they retract their statements or fire those reprehensible tools.

Some of my best friends are white, they're like family, my best friend is white, but even if that weren't the case I refuse to help out or endorse a company that promotes hate, I don't care if it's a muslim hating whites, a black person hating white people, or black people, for that matter, or even a mexican hating on whoever (and believe me, Latinos can get pretty god damn racist), keep your opinions to yourself. Internet s*** talking is getting pretty damn bad and if any of you remember history acceptable hatred toward whoever never leads to anything good. This is not equality, it's a demand for supremacy and they can kiss it because as long as there is even one group of people others say is OK to hate it's not going to be equal.

I hate that I have to look at the logos on the back of the box now before I buy a damn game, now. I miss the simple times. This is what happens when what was once a very specific market blows in popularity, you let the tool bags in because the larger the group of people in the consumer side the more people you need to make them and it brings in quite the diversity of a**holes who want to make them. It doesn't help that we are in the era of streamlining games where there are developers who don't just want a specific kind of game, they want games to be a specific kind of thing, like that dude who made Heavy Rain (Apparently the worst part about video games is the gameplay). Now every god damn video game forum or game related form of communication, like printed media, journalism, or blog has to include some counter progressive person or group who hides under the flag of progression. It's BS like this that makes me want to quit game communications and just keep it to going to the store and buying games, leaving the talking about it or exchange of ideas online completely out of the equation.

It took me a long time before I started watching Mel Gibson movies and that was after years of good behaviour, because I also don't believe in punishing someone for the rest of their lives, but as it stands these jackasses are racists and clearly proud of it.


Well-known Member
What the? :eek:

Well I wasn't planning on buying ME:A anyway. So this isn't much of a loss for me.

But if people don't buy the game because of this guy, they are also punishing the hundreds of other people who are working on it. And that's not cool.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
The hundreds of other people working on this game have it coming too.

Them putting up with this guy and not doing anything about it tells us all we need to know about them.
Bioware is perfectly fine with having a racist son of a bitch publicly stating his hatred and desire to murder white people associated with them so they deserve every bit of backlash they have coming.

Also the video explains well that this racist prick is not the only scumbag at Bioware.

Sad fact is the mainstream media isn't covering this cause it doesn't suit their "Gamers are racists and sexists" narrative.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Thats freaking hilarious. In ever other line of work, accusation of racism would lead to being fired. But if its big VG developer its ok to employ nazi swine like this guy.


Well-known Member
@xMobilemux And you know for a fact that out of the hundred+ people working on this game that not one of them is talking with HR or desperately trying to find another job or any other action that could correct this problem or at least get them away from it? You know this how exactly?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
You don't even know if Bioware is aware of how much of a crazy bigot this guy is. I know the saying is "one bad egg spoils the rest" but they might not have any clue that he's delusional. To say that they all deserve to be fired for "housing" him is rather harsh. The best you can do is not buy the game. The people who made it will still get paid for having completed it.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
It's just a sad truth that racism, sexism, or any other form of hatred is all around us, no matter what it might be related to.

I don't think every single person working on the game is going to agree with this guy. Not like we can say they're just as bad and deserve to be punished too.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Honestly its pretty impossible not to know about this guy's attitude when he makes it public on tweeter or interviews and doesnt hide his connection to bioware. What ****es me off that his co-workers are dead silent on this fact and it probably wouldnt be known to public if not for those who make youtube videos / posts about it.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I wasn't getting at them not knowing. You can still be aware of his attitude. Doesn't mean you have to agree with it. They're there to make a game and be paid, not question everything that goes on. That said, you shouldn't hold everyone accountable for the actions of one person.


the horror was for love
We don't know for certain that his co-workers haven't tried to do anything about it. It's very possible they've taken it up with HR and it's just taking it's time going through. We also don't know that he isn't worse to the people he works with and that he's not threatening them or something to keep them from acting against him. We don't know any specifics here other than this guy is a complete and utter d**k.

And, for those of you saying that his coworkers need to be held accountable, think about this: are you held accountable for every single one of your coworkers' deeds? Are they held accountable for yours?
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I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
@xMobilemux And you know for a fact that out of the hundred+ people working on this game that not one of them is talking with HR or desperately trying to find another job or any other action that could correct this problem or at least get them away from it? You know this how exactly?
Cause this guy has been spreading his racist crap since 2014 and nothing has been done.
Bioware is a hive of scum and every one of them deserves all the backlash.


Elite Hunter
Dude, don't be such a close minded extremist. WTF. Shadow and LOD are right, put yourself in their stead and think of the various possible scenarios. Easy to put blames left and right from the outside and not knowing a thing about what actually happens behind the curtain. Besides, you ever thought that it may be that his coworkers just don't find his ****posting all that credible to begin with?

Cause to me it just seems like a childish attempt to try and reverse the stereotypical status quo of the white man discriminating the black man, doing the same thing, which however remains confined within his little virtual Twitter world. I think I'd find a guy offering me a 30 euros banknote more believable than this waste of oxygen of a man.

But aside from that, I second this:

And, for those of you saying that his coworkers need to be held accountable, think about this: are you held accountable for every single one of your coworkers' deeds? Are they held accountable for yours?


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Sorry, but if somebody at your work will stand and insult other person because of their skin colour on numerous occasion, will you just stand there and ignore it, because you're there only to do your job? I know one thing. If whole collective would have been against him, there would have been enough to subscribe petition against him with everybody giving their signature. Hell even if creative directors brought it to their chiefs that his personal opinion interferes or poisons line of work that would have been enough as well. But even if there are few individuals against him, majority seems to agree with his racist slurs.


Elite Hunter
majority seems to agree with his racist slurs.

What in the... Lemme get this straight. You want to accuse the entire company of being idle? Fine, do it. There's a basis to it. But idleness doesn't imply AGREEING with what he says. Get your foot off the acceleration pedal, man. Careful with accusations now.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
What in the... Lemme get this straight. You want to accuse the entire company of being idle? Fine, do it. There's a basis to it. But idleness doesn't imply AGREEING with what he says. Get your foot off the acceleration pedal, man. Careful with accusations now.
As pathos like it is, truth is still lies within quote "The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing". Its not like its impossible to deal with one racist a-hole like this guy. But apparently people prefer to do nothing about it and in that case being idle is not better than agree with somebody. His higher ups support him. His colleagues keep silent about it. So how are they better than him in the end?


Elite Hunter
Yes that still falls under the accusations of idleness. But you said that they AGREE with his stuff. Now that you explained better I can see what you meant, but be careful with how you express yourself with words cause you literally made it sound like keeping silent = agreeing, which is not true at all, they're not the same thing.
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For Sanguinius!
Like a few people have said: don't blame the whole for ONE guy. I've worked in a corporate setting and I know about some of the BS corporate politics this guy might be playing. If he has been s grade a douchenozzle for a while then he knows who to butter up and how to make others stay "quiet" and look the other way. So, his colleagues my be going to HR, but all of their complaint may fall on deaf ears.

Hopefully Bioware gets a clue and gets rid of that a-hole.


Earthbound Immortal
Hmm, from his comments he does sound like an unpleasant individual to work with. I feel sorry for his co-workers.

Regarding boycotting the game, I suppose a better solution would be if people banded together and said they wouldn't purchase the game until Bioware did something about the situation. That way, the rest of the company don't get punished unless they really are complacent of this man's unsavoury actions.

I don't know, I'm not much of an activist, so feel free to ignore me.
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