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The devoted
Is the game worth getting, and is it available on its own or do u have to get an attackment?

discuss your views

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Well, you have the obvious Mario Kart Syndrome, which has been a problem with all of thise games, and I'm assuming you mean the one for the Wii, in which you don't acutally need the Wii Wheel to play it, you can just use the regular Wii Remote alone, tilted on it's side.


Is not rat, is hamster
Only got it for the DS so can't help you here I'm afraid ^_^


The devoted
i got it on ds, gc and i would like it on N64 and wii, but i cant find them yet, as i just want the game, no extras

and credo is right, i would like it for the wii lol

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Vauxchen;88879 said:
i got it on ds, gc and i would like it on N64 and wii, but i cant find them yet, as i just want the game, no extras

and credo is right, i would like it for the wii lol

I have played the Snes and N64 one (still have the N64 one somewhere). I think the wheel comes with every copy, however it costs no more than a regular game from what ive seen on some websites.


The devoted
yeah i have found that it costs no more, but if you get a special grip for it, then it costs more, but im gona have a look around to see if i can get it on amazon, or game


Don't trust people
i had mario kart 64 on nintendo 64... dunno where it is anymore -.- it sure is fun... when you fix all trophies on all levels : 50C 100C 150C (i think) you get the maps in a opposite way... instead of left it is right and so on XD it is AWESOME!


The devoted
Yeah its called mirror mode, all the maps are mirrored and ts at 150cc

I am really annoyed, no game shops near me have it in stock, the net doesnt have them, i gotta wait a few more weeks =[


Well-known Member
Wii version is great and well worth getting :D

If your worried about the wheel, you should...its really annoying (personal pref), but you can use the Wii-Mote and Nunchuck, The Retro Controller or a GCN Controller instead :D (damn, Ninty thinks of everything) ^____^

P.S. Mirror Mode rocks and the competitve online element is one of the best ^__^

Let me know if you get it and I will send you my FC =p
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