Life... And deep **** like that

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You give me rep... I give you rep .lol. It's how the world goes around :lol:
*rushes back to topic*

You heard what I said about you Bringer? About how "Don't tell yourself you're crap at somethng... That's for others to decide"...
You shouldn't be too harsh on yourself bro :) I bet there's nothing you're aren't good at :) And if there is, I'm sure it wouldn't take you long to be good at it :)

For one my art, I draw and when it is not good enough I destroy it and won't except that it sucked and start over.
I refuse to be second to anyone at anything I love...
And when I am above average, even great, it's still not good enough. I try harder and harder...
I see what you mean... Does it bother you that you are like this? Because, if it doesn't, then there;s no problem...
H'mm... That must be hard for you I guess :)

I suppose that I am not one to offer advice, because I don't feel the same way as you do :) But I think you're an awesome person Bringer, who's got a bright future ahead of you :)
Why thank you :)

I just try to help... And when I know that I can't, I just offer encouragement and compliments :) It helps... I feel.

Anyways, I'll catch u later bro :)
OMG I LOVE WEIRD AL! he is a great singer that has been around for 30+ years lol