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Life... And deep **** like that


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Okay... I want to know about anything to do with your life. You can share experiences *keep them mild, please* Basically, discuss any issue you please, within this thread. Please don't argue, just listen to each others views. if this gets out of hand, then I"ll ask for it to be closed...

You can talk about things that may've happened to you recently, or in the past. It can be "anything" that poses as a conversation point...


Well-known Member
I have lots of intrests and things I would love to do...but I have no idea which to pursue.

+rep LoD, I thought this was a 'cheesy sayings' thread, judging by the title...gj :)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
*smokes pipe* Wow, interesting stuff people...

*bows* Thanks for the rep K-man :)

Okay... Keaton... Why do you think it is that you can't make up your mind?

And Bringer... Why is it that you feel this way? Are you trying to prove something?


Well-known Member
LordOfDarkness;97540 said:
*smokes pipe* Wow, interesting stuff people...

*bows* Thanks for the rep K-man :)

Okay... Keaton... Why do you think it is that you can't make up your mind?

And Bringer... Why is it that you feel this way? Are you trying to prove something?

FroidODarkness =p

I'm not sure...I guess I have such little time spare that atm I just want to relax...I would love to try Sega again...get more of my reviews on websites...finish my stories and attempt to get published....I don't know...atm i need £$£ to sort itself out...then I can pursue what I need to because I will have the financial backing.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I understand what you mean... You want to make sure you take your time in what you do... Make sure everything is okay before you proceed in life... I agree, that's the best thing to do. No point rushing into things... Those stories of yours will get published in time. I know that you have awesome writing skills :) So it's only a matter of time before things start going awesome for you. Like you said... Relax, kick back...

As for me... At the moment I am having difficulties at understanding where I am in life...

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Well...I seem to assume that everyone and everything is full of **** until proven otherwise.

I also have a general dislike for a lot of people. (People in these forums not included. ^_^)


Is not rat, is hamster
I'm most definitely not a people person :lol:

LoD, at 17 there aren't many who know precisely where they are at in life. I'm nearly 26 now and I still don't have a clue. You have plenty of potential and opportunities will come up which you can take advantage of...

@Keaton: How about some form of grant or sponsorhip? If you want to branch out into something on your own there are plenty of organisations willing to accept submissions for financial help...

With regards to reviews, why not write some and post them in the general gaming sections of forums such as here (for a start!) or on any of our other ones. As we know you, we won't mind one little bit, plus if you can get reviews across as many of the boards as possible, you'll be seen by literally thousands of people as well as search engines gobbling it up - as well as an extensive portfolio to show prospective employers/people who'll pay you for freelance work :D

With that kind of background you can then approach bigger places and submit reviews for them to critique...


Well-known Member
@LoD: You are right here - and you always will be, you don't need to be somewhere else, doing something different to be at a different place :)

@AC: Many people are full of doodie, being cautious and aware of it is nothing to worry about ^__^ waiting for someone to offer a reason why they should be trusted is wise, since it prevents casualties :)

@Angel: Humongous Rep and Hugs for the appiffiny! =p


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Angelo Credo;97549 said:
Well...I seem to assume that everyone and everything is full of **** until proven otherwise.

I also have a general dislike for a lot of people. (People in these forums not included. ^_^)

Nice stuff man... I agree with you in some points... I believe that things have to prove themselves to be good, before I can accept them as being good * I think that's what you were trying to say right?*

EDIT: Thanks K-man, +rep ;)

EDIT... again: Thanks Angel, +rep... I guess you are right... I'm in no hurry... I think I'll take my time, and see what happens :)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Both you and Keaton pretty much got it in one.

I have to be shown a reason to consider someone or something to be good, I'm a very cautious person as Keaton implied, people do need to prove a lot to me before they can be considered to be good and trustworthy.

And as you said LoD, pretty much every existing thing needs proof before I can consider it to be good, basically I start off considering everything to be awful until proven otherwise, then when it has proven itself, it gets what I like to call the "Certificate of Acceptability."


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
^ Ah, nice *thinks* I sure would like one of those certificates, please :)

Yeah, I understand what you mean... I think in life you have to be cautious, because you never know what might happen, right?


Is not rat, is hamster
But on the other hand, being overly cautious can limit you so much...I think it's best to enter into something new with eyes and mind wide open so that you are more likely to be able to tell if something just isn't right and deal with it accordingly rather than presume the worst (or even the best) all the time.

Negativity will breed and multiply until you aren't even sure of why you feel the way you do...sure, not everyone/everything is good but if you wait for definitive proof of some things you may find you are waiting for a very long time only to realise that now it's too late to jump on board...

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
*Hands LoD and Keaton a certificate*

That's basically it, either way, I suppose I'm happy with life, I've got more friends than you can shake a stick at, but I'm cautious, if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. :lol:

Angel, you make a good point, it's a habit I need to break out of, although I've never been one to assume the best all the time, there is the occassion where I'll give things a fighting chance, it's all sort of dependant on the situation, sometimes I'll be willing to give things that chance, other times I won't, call it "Waking up on the wrong side of the bed" if you will. *Hands Angel a cetificate*

I'm surprised, this has actually been really helpful, thanks guys and girls. ^_^


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Not a problem man... I'm glad I started this thread, it can help peeps loads :)

*Checks authenticity of the certificate* Yup, it's good... :) Hands you a cookie in return.

By the way, I don't want to shake a stick at your friends... I might accidentally poke one in the eye :lol:

To me, I think it best if we are always positive. I don't get along with negative people... But those who are willing to change are people I can get along with. I don't like those who think everything is terrible, and do nothing to help themselves.


Is not rat, is hamster
I'm horrendously negative - always have been - so I have to make a real conscious effort to look on the bright side sometimes. It's a good idea to see the lighter side of life in all situations but at the same time, not to dismiss the reality. When someone dies, for example, that person is dead - no amount of positive thinking will change that. However, it is not wrong to look for a positive in that situation such as the good things you can remember about that person...combining a brighter side with a dark reality


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Some new light has been brought to my eyes... I didn't know you were a negative person Angel? Even so, I get along with you fine *I'd like to think .lol.*

You are right about the death part... But we all have to accept loss as a part of life. It is sad to lose something, such as loved ones. But we should not grieve over them forever, or it will end up eating away at our emotions.


Is not rat, is hamster
Oh, I'm negative alright! :lol:

I just try very very hard not to be a miserable git...probably why it ends up coming out in other ways instead such as my unreasonable impatience with other people at times...


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Patience seems to be quite a lott of people's weakness... But I find nothing wrong with impatient people :)


Is not rat, is hamster
I think over recent years I have become far more harsher than I used to be - if someone is bemoaning their troubles with no intention of doing anything about it other than complain, I get very fed up with it and usually say so, thus alienating the person in the process, usually...

I'm certainly a lot tougher than I used to be, say, 8/9 years ago - and not necessarily in a good way. I think I come across as rather cold at times when really I'm just sick of people grabbing for attention when they are more than capable of doing something about their "terrible" situation...it's a case of "I did it, so why the hell can't you at least try?" - which is wholly unreasonable of me as other people may not be able to handle things the same way as me...
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