Storm Silves;285837 said:
I don't think abductions/UFO sightings are anything significant. Honestly, I think it's just people trying to get publicity.
Not significant? Have you read the literature? There are hundreds if not thousands of sightings each year, by groups of people who wish they had never encountered them, and there have been physical artifacts left behind, like metal shards inside flesh, etc. I think it is disingenuous to dismiss them all in one fell swoop.
Meg;285891 said:
As far as UFOs go I think that the government does a lot of sh*t they don't tell us cause we don't need to know or whatever. And abductions? I've yet to see any strong evidence that abductions happen.
Some UFOs could be government craft, but surely not all of them. Many of them are encountered by the government who don't know what they are. I don't think any government is competent enough to stage such a massive coverup. And as for the abductions, have you investigated the evidence? Granted you can't prove an alien abduction anymore than you can prove a human abduction, but it would be very weird for thousands of people to just be imagining they have been taking against their will and experimented upon, with most of the details shared among them without any prior contact.
I thought the naysayers would go for the whole "mass hypnosis" thing, but you can't just say they are all fake, because there are too many and they match up too well. That said, I doubt they are space aliens.
Ghosts: I believe that they can exist in principle, but I don't think they are like dead people really. I don't think all haunted locations are populated by ghosts either, as a good deal of it is just poltergeist phenomena caused by latent psychic turbulence. I think that there is a whole order of intelligent beings beyond the perception of humans--aliens, demons, monsters, ghosts--but I am cautious about using certain singular phenomena as proof that they exist.
So yeah, I see no reason why a phenomenon called a ghost could exist, but I don't think it proves life after death nor do I find it notable or something to seek after.
I'm taking a course on these very subject right now, in fact, and I have studied them on my own a little. I even have a field guide that tells you how to set up investigations for these type of entities.