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Entertain me.
Angelo Credo;282934 said:
I've always taken tremendous issue with America's gung-ho attitude towards just about everything, war in particular.
The country as a whole considers itself to be the "big dog" of the world, when really it's just the youngest brat with the biggest toys.
no country is flawless, though. england least of all, i don't think america will ever be able to top the british track record for invasion and slaughter. though dammit, we are trying.

Angelo Credo;282934 said:
Hiroshima always sickened me, I wanted to believe for the longest time that it was a last resort counter-measure to some inevitable stalemate, but the more I talk about it, the more I see it as America just using Japan as a convenient testing ground for their new weapon.
this i can't really comment on, as it happened long before i was born. it was different times, different approaches to patriotism, and i don't think that all information has been declassified by the american government from any era post 1900. period. it's hard to comment or have an opinion on something that is so hard to relate to. let's say for the sake of discussion that it was a necessary measure. sure, hiroshima and nagasaki were innocent country villages. they were quiet and not war zones. would it have been better to bomb a major city and cause even greater casualties? if the nukes were necessary (that is, the casualties of a continued war outweighed the casualties of those two places) i won't question it.

Angelo Credo;282934 said:
To be fair, America's in a pretty sad state at the moment, they haven't won a real war against a proper enemy since WWII and ever since then, their government has been sending it into pointless, greed fueled wars in order to re-establish the sense of heroism that came with the victory in WWII. (Even though we did most of the work, they came in at the last minute.)
it's true, but i see it as a good thing. all the stupid people who are overly patriotic need to have a bigger focus on the state of our country and not the world. if these past several decades have taught us anything it's that the idiots who both vote and administrate can't handle international affairs. we should just focus on being a good place to live, as we aren't even really as affected by international affairs... being so far away and all. our greatest direct threat is venezuela, if that tells you anything. :lol:

Angelo Credo;282934 said:
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't hate Americans, I hate America. The country as an entity, the government, not the citizens.
you should hate some of the citizens. we have an enormous working class, that is largely ignorant pro military action film addicts. they vote for people like them, and before you know it we have the political equivalent to duke nukem (the bush's, need i say more?) decided where to send our thousands of young soldiers who mostly only want to go to college.

Angelo Credo;282934 said:
I've always been loathe of the fact that they believe they can just waltz into any country and start a war with no consequences, it was funny to watch the country dig itself a deeper and deeper hole at first, now it's just kinda sad and pathetic.
believe me, those of us with a double digit IQ, that is >10% of the population agree with you. the problem is our public education is garbage and our higher education is ridiculously expensive. it's no wonder so many people here are close minded idiots who believe anything their religious mentors and political party candidates tell them. it's literally like they are on remote controls sometimes.

Angelo Credo;282934 said:
Oi, Canadians, go burn down the White House again, yeah?
exactly why our largest direct threat is venezuela :lol:


Forever For Dante
I don't care about all the problems that US is already in so i'll simply react about the mosque in NY...I think that the Muslims are free to built the mosque...they are not constructing a nuclear weapon,they are building a place to pray God...Why some narrow minded Americans just can't go to visit a psycho instead of attacking innocents who just wants to pray...we all have the right to pray God...I fully support those who wants to build a place of prayer in NY!!


Nein, not ze puppies!
It's true...we shouldn't point the finger just at America, there are other countries that have a bloody past as well.
As for the NY mosque Dante'sgirl...it's because they are 'Muslims', it's because they were the one who caused the 9/11 catastrophe apparently. They "attacked" America and now they want to build a holy place in NY. It goes deeper than we can even fathom due to their Muslim religion and the Pride of America so on and so forth.

I have nothing against them, they are people to me with their own views and opinons to life. Not everyone is as open minded such as myself, you or others that share the same reason...not everyone is so accepting and willing to put the past behind them.


Enma Katana no Kami
one thing people need to remember is that the actions of terrorist groups are not supported by the majority of muslims. the people involved in events like 9/11 are extremists who use their religion as an excuse to justify killing people they are afraid of. breaking God's ( in this case Allah) laws "in the name of God". ( not a new concept).

oh and here is a fun fact not only does islam include a rule against killing it also has a rule against forcing others to convert.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
cheezMcNASTY;283563 said:
no country is flawless, though. england least of all, i don't think america will ever be able to top the british track record for invasion and slaughter. though dammit, we are trying.

The British Empire alone stands as a testament to that. While I joke about taking over the country and pooling all our money into retaking the empire, I honestly think that as a nation, we have committed some of the greatest atrocities and crimes out there, and we're only a tiny little island.

I mean, technically, the queen can still wave her hand over any piece of land she sees fit, give the order to claim it and our armed forces will invade at a whim.
I'm not patriotic to my country, I hate Britain with the same passion that I do America, but I do heavily support our armed forces, largely due to the fact that my entire family is of a military background, thus I have a lot of emotional connections to the armed forces.

Also, just for the record, I don't like every American, there are a fair number of pig headed idiots that I utterly despise, particularly the die-hard religious flock, I'm just saying that the people are not the primary reason I hate America.

On another note, I like you. xD

aka958;283636 said:
Let's talk about US conspiracy theories! XD

Huh? No one?

Sorry. ._.

Go for it, I'm willing to give my take on things.


Well-known Member
Hmm, just to answer quickly. Yes it was wrong, and it was morally reprehensible, and it was "evil." But I think it was more an evil of disregarding the welfare of others than a positive evil, i.e. they weren't thinking that t they wanted to punish the Japanese people, they were just testing their new weapon.

If you read about the mulitary weapons industry, you will find that it is full of a sterile, distancing culture where the weapons are developed pretty much with only logistics in mind. What is important is how efficiently something can deliver a payload, what the fuel to distance ratio is, how big it makes America's national penis, not how will these effect the lives of people they are used on. So, it is not a personal evil, but a systemic evil that is encouraged and cultivate under the guise of national defense. It is in some ways less evil than murder, but in some ways far more insidious.

With that said, I'm not sure exactly what can be done about it. Changing and entire nation is difficult, especially if that nation sees no reason to change. If you're on top, why care about the little guys, right? That's the state of the world and of humanity, because it is how our collective Shadow manifests itself, and it probably always will be that way. Alas.

Edit: I'd like to point out that WWII wasn't really a high point in America's moral life. Look up Unit 731 and note who granted them immunity and who actually prosecuted them.

As for the Mosque, the whole reaction to it is ridiculous. I'm just reminded of the Crusades and people being whipped up into an anti-Christian frenzy for no apparent reason, full of ignorance and ire. They had Pope Urban, we have Fox News and the Tea Party. I think what they, the "haves," are doing is irresponsibly nurturing the fear and xenophobia of uneducated, over-privileged mostly white Americans, for their own gain. It really sickens me, the apathy they have for other people; you would have thought they had learned to share their toys when they were younger (reproductive regulation? Yes, please), so sharing something as big as a nation wouldn't be so difficult. The doubletalk that is going on is insane, with probably a significant number of Americans believing something like the idea that Jesus himself established America as a haven for white people and Christians and that he said only rich people and wives who are doormats to their husbands can get into Heaven.

The fact of the matter is that the mosque is legal, it is in keeping with the true spirit of America, and people need to STFU and take a religion class. I swear, every time I turn on the news, I feel like I'm in bizarro world.


On a different topic. Aliens? Are they out there? UFOs, are they real? What about that Earth-like planet they found? Have they visited us before in ancient times? Why or why not?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I bet there is SOME form of intelligent life out there. There's no way we're the only form of sentient beings in the entire frigging universe.


Well-known Member
I don't believe in aliens.

If I'm wrong and there are then I hope they are smarter than we are. XD


Don't trust people
I'd say that my opinion is:
Alien's have to exist.

The planet Earth can't be just 1 in an infinity, that's impossible. There are surely millions of planets just like this one, and planets like Earth are bound to contain forms of life someday.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
aka958;284880 said:
I'd say that my opinion is:
Alien's have to exist.

The planet Earth can't be just 1 in an infinity, that's impossible. There are surely millions of planets just like this one, and planets like Earth are bound to contain forms of life someday.

Exactly my reasoning as well. Glad we can agree on something. XD

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Aliens? Sure, I'd like to believe they're out there, I'm not entirely sure that out of the infinity of the universe that we could be the only intelligent (and I use that word very loosely) lifeforms out there...You know, unless we're the last race.

I'll be fine with aliens, providing they don't look anything like this:


The crazy demon

Metal Gear Vindicare.

In our solar system not only the planet Earth is able to contain life.

The moons of Jupiter all three can sustain life, even one of them has water(the planet is a ball of frozen water).

It also has volcans of ice, which means that below there is heat.

Water+Heat= % of life

These are my two cents =]


Nein, not ze puppies!
I agree, if life was able to form on there, they would be well adopted to the climate. But they wouldn't be able to survive other climates without having something to allow them to live on another planet...Someday we might find other life. Scientists already found another Earth-like planet a few (million I think?) light years away. XD


Enma Katana no Kami
there are probably aliens on many planets. life always finds a way and there is alot of room in the universe. some of them are probably around as intellgent as humans ( some a bit dumber some a bit smarter). i doubt any of them would bother to visit earth ( abduct random people, randomly mutilate cows, fly around our sky for no real reason etc.) but they are out there somewhere.
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