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Kingdom Hearts? Final Fantasy?


New Member
Who here thinks that KH or FF games are pretty kool
please tell me which one you got and well just talk about it
how much do you rate each of the games you have


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I have Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Final Fantasy 7 & 10 & 10-2 & 12, Crisis Core and War of the Lions. I love all games by Square Enix, they are just amazing, the stories are absolutely gripping and always leave you with emotion after each segment.


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If you have heard the opening music to even one of them, you can't help not be a fan.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I've got Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 11, 12 and Crisis Core. ^_^

Admitedly 11 hasn't seen much game time at all, the rest though I've completed a good few times, aside from CC, I've yet to complete that because I've yet to find my PSP charger...


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Square also do Valkyrie Profile and Dragon Quest, both RPG's. Square makes the top 3 (I think 3 but definitely 2)RPG's in Japan. Oh, I also found 8 and 9.

^Crisis Core was relly bad....
No it wasn't. Its the best game out for the PSP so far and the best entry in the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7. How could you think it was bad?

Bad Wolf

32 flavors and then some
As for Kingdom Hearts, I only have the second one (I used to have the first one, but ran into financial trouble and had to sell a bunch of games. KH2 survived the culling because I was loaning it to a friend at the time.) As for Final Fantasy, I own Origins (1 and 2 remade), VII, VIII, X, X-2, XII, and FF Tactics: The War of the Lions.


Cursed Girl
the first time when i played kingdom hearts i was like "WTF?! DISNEY WITH MY FAVE FF CHARS?!" but after a year i realised that it wasn't disney what mattered and played that damn game... it was amusing ^^

ad for ff my fave one is 8!
i own ff 1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10, x-2, 12.
i enjoyed all of them! tho i must say that ff x-2 isnt worth atention unless ff 10 ment a lot to you :]
ff 12 doesn't have that FF touch >_> + the story line is boring and this is the first final fantasy where side quests mattered to me more then the main story <_< hm, but can you blame em? in the middle of the game they changed directors and stuff so i'm not surprised the sotry wasn't as good as the others X_x

i could rly keep on typing about all of the games, but i doubt you guys would read it :lol:


The Oncoming Storm
For the Playstation I've got Origins (1 and 2), Chronicles (4 and 5) VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII and Dirge of Cerberus. For PSP I've got Tactics and FFI, II and Crisis Core. For DS I've got Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates and FFIII and I'll be getting Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift when I can be bothered going into town. For the GBA I've got Tactics Advance and the FFI and II collection and FFIV.

For me FF is the best game series ever. :D

I also have Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. Those are good too.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Final Fantasy VII - 9/10
Final Fantasy VIII - 8/10
Final Fantasy IX - 8/10
Final Fantasy X - 8/10
Final Fantasy X - International - 9/10
Final Fantasy x-2 - 7/10
Final Fantasy XII - 7/10
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - 8/10
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII - 6/10

That's all for the Final Fantasy series.When Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII released,both of the games earned 10/10.:)

As for Kingdom Hearts series...

Kingdom Hearts - 9/10
Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix - 8/10
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories - 6/10
Kingdom Hearts II - 8/10
Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ - 9/10

When Kingdom Hearts: Birth of Sleep and Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days are released,both of the games receive 9/10 from me.:)


New Member
I never had a clue whether people here liked FF or KH. Im glad to see people that play the series. Imagine DMC + FF world, man would that be weird and would Dante be able to beat Sephiroth?


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No chance, Sephiroth is too crazy for him, and he can destroy the world in one move. The materia would play a big part, as would Jenova and the summons.


Aya Brea
Final Fantasy 9 is the bee's knees. 6, 9, and 10 are my absolute favs. I can play them over and over without getting bored. Kefka will always be my all time fav villian. He actually screwed the planet over and succeeded. Not much life was left except for children, a few adults and elderly. Plus he wasn't some super being or a monster/alien from some other universe. He was just a man. A man crazy for power. Plus going through a battle of towering demons just to get to him was pretty epic. Dancing Mad is my fav. Uematsu score.

As for Kingdom Hearts, I can only tolerate so little of it. Ever since the invetion of Axel and Roxas (who really are good characters), it's like I can't go anywhere without seeing them over used like characters from Naruto. I actually like the 1st KH over the 2nd. The only real thing I liked about 2 was the music, and that we all knew what happend to Riku.
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